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单词 nuance
释义  nu·ance /ˈnjuːɑːns $ ˈnuː-/ noun [countable]  DETAILa very slight, hardly noticeable difference in manner, colour, meaning etc 〔方式、颜色、意义等的〕细微差别 → subtlety He was aware of every nuance in her voice. 他听得出她声音中的每一个细微变化。nuance of the painting’s delicate nuances of color, tone, and texture 那幅画在色彩、色调及质感上的细微变化 subtle nuances of meaning 含义的细微差别 —nuanced adjective a skilful and nuanced performance 高超细腻的表演Examples from the Corpusnuance• In a developing country, however, a number of additional nuances may exacerbate these issues.• They now rely less on naff novelties and more on structure and nuance, while still retaining an Alec Gilroy-sense of showbiz.• Television has no time for nuance or subtlety.• The vivisystems I examine in this book are nearly bottomless complications, vast in range, and gigantic in nuance.• We shall see how much or how little of local nuances it succeeded in conveying to the top authorities.• There are layers of nuance and humor in her writing.• Beauty was communication, each mote of light shaded with one nuance of meaning and each meaning had a colour.• Yet the rich nuances of the voice clearly convey the message none the less.• His voice is measured, but I invent my own tones, the nuances of criticism.subtle nuances• But there are more subtle nuances in that story.• Scientists now understand the subtle nuances of its genetic machinery.• These additional flavor layers offer greater opportunities to marry the dish with the subtle nuances of a fine Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot.Origin nuance (1700-1800) French Old French nuer “to make shades of color”, from nue “cloud”nu·ance nounChineseSyllable   Corpus manner, noticeable difference very in a colour, slight, hardly




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