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单词 novelist
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Literaturenov·el·ist /ˈnɒvəlɪst $ ˈnɑː-/ ●●○ noun [countable]  BOALsomeone who writes novels 小说家 → authorExamples from the Corpusnovelist• The novels which followed this decision are the fulfilment of Hardy's career as a novelist.• He was an actor, director, artist, singer, composer and novelist.• Charles Dickens was one of the greatest 19th century novelists.• He's the missing working-class novelist, the link between Lawrence and Sillitoe.• Budding gay novelist Larry Kramer is enjoying success at last.• Jason Purvis, the starving beachcomber and would-be great novelist who at last did achieve a kind of fame.• Japanese novelists deal with the question of old age in a way few other writers can aspire to.• The book quotes from the diaries of novelist Evelyn Waugh.• They are leaving us novelists without any subjects.nov·el·ist nounChineseSyllable   Corpus who novels writes someone




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