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单词 noticeboard
释义  Related topics: Daily lifeno·tice·board /ˈnəʊtəsˌbɔːd $ ˈnoʊtəsˌbɔːrd/ ●●○ noun [countable] British English  DBa special board on a wall which notices can be fastened to 布告牌,布告栏 SYN American English bulletin boardExamples from the Corpusnoticeboard• Cuttings that should come to everybody's attention quickly can be pinned to the library noticeboard or contained in a monthly newsletter.• This oversight resulted in this cartoon appearing on mill noticeboards.• Details of these sessions will be published on noticeboards.• Various dazibao were put on the Xidan wall, which became a public noticeboard.• Official invitations to all les Girls would be pinned up on the stage doorkeeper's noticeboard.• Ruth Smith and Lyn Saunders check the noticeboard to see when they are scheduled to take up their positions on checkouts.• Was that the reason she hadn't said to watch for the noticeboard?• The material for printing usually goes off to the printer on the Tuesday, when the noticeboards are changed.From Longman Business Dictionarynoticeboardno‧tice‧board /ˈnəʊtəsˌbɔːdˈnoʊtəsˌbɔːrd/ noun [countable] British English a large board fixed to a wall where people can put notes and messages for other people to readSYN AmE bulletin boardThe names, telephone numbers and locations of trained staff are shown on the company’s·tice·board nounChineseSyllable  can board which a special a notices Corpus on Business wall




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