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单词 non-scientific
释义  ˌnon-scienˈtific adjective  not using scientific methods to collect information and form opinions 非科学的;不使用科学方法的 The report is based on non-scientific data. 那篇报道所依据的并非科学数据。Examples from the Corpusnon-scientific• In every subject, scientific and non-scientific alike, there are two possible approaches, the practical and the theoretical.• To place something else at the center may arouse fears that superstition and non-scientific ideas will attack an undefended citadel of science.• The anthropological evidence, then, suggests that there is scientific and non-scientific thought in all societies and within all individuals.ˌnon-scienˈtific adjectiveChineseSyllable  and to information not collect Corpus scientific opinions using form methods




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