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单词 no-confidence
释义  ˌno-ˈconfidence noun [uncountable]  vote of no-confidence/no-confidence vote/motion of no-confidence etc an official vote where people can say if they no longer think someone or something is good enough 不信任投票/不信任动议等 fears that he may lose a vote of no-confidence in parliament 对他可能在议会不信任投票中失败的担心 The chairman has survived four no-confidence motions. 主席已在四次不信任动议表决中侥幸过关。Examples from the Corpusno-confidence• Parliament's action was more akin to a non-binding no-confidence vote, and should carry no greater weight.ˌno-ˈconfidence nounChineseSyllable  if people no official say an longer vote they Corpus where can




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