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单词 normalize
释义 Word family  noun normality/normalcy ≠ abnormality normal normalization adjective normal ≠ abnormal verb normalize adverb normally ≠ abnormally  nor·mal·ize (also normalise British English) /ˈnɔːməlaɪz $ ˈnɔːr-/ AWL verb [intransitive, transitive]  1  NORMALif you normalize a situation, or if it normalizes, it becomes normal again (使)变得正常,(使)正常化 Journalists are reporting that the situation has now normalized. 新闻记者报道说,局势现已恢复正常。2  if two countries normalize relations, or if relations normalize, the two countries behave in a normal way towards each other again (使)〔国家关系〕正常化,(使)邦交正常化 Relations between the countries were formally normalized in 1997. 两国关系于1997年正式恢复正常。 —normalization /ˌnɔːməlaɪˈzeɪʃən $ ˌnɔːrmələ-/ noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusnormalize• Relations with the Soviet Union were normalized.• My feelings had been normalized, and I relaxed, knowing that I need not be alarmed.• Moisture regulating - Multi-Active Day Cream allows the skin to continuously normalize its hydration level.• Those who coped better, I have decided, were the ones who tried to normalize their family life.• The way the Steputis family coped by normalizing their life surely went a long way toward helping Hank maintain his personal integrity.• It also helped her to learn about, give a name to, and normalize this postpartum condition.nor·mal·ize verbChineseSyllable  if situation, if normalize you or it a Corpus normalizes,




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