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单词 mace
释义  Related topics: Food, Weaponsmace /meɪs/ noun  1. [uncountable]DF a spice made from the dried shell of a nutmeg 〔调味用的〕肉豆蔻干皮(粉)2. [countable]PMW a heavy ball with sharp points on a short metal stick, used in the past as a weapon 〔旧时用作武器的〕狼牙棒,钉头锤3. [countable]PGOTRADITION a decorated stick that is carried by an official in some ceremonies as a sign of power 〔作为权力象征的〕权杖 → sceptreExamples from the Corpusmace• Fresh Thuringer is similarly composed but is seasoned with caraway, celery seed, coriander, ginger, and mace.• His field kits have been known to contain chemical mace and an electric stun gun.• I combine mace with bay, especially for seasoning pork or oily fish, such as herrings.• The commonly used spices include pepper, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, mustard, coriander, sage, and garlic.• Season both with salt, freshly milled pepper, mace or nutmeg, cayenne, lemon juice.• Sprinkle mace, cinnamon, dash salt, citron, orange peel, apricots, dates and sugar over yams.• Then the rest were amongst them, slashing with short-sword, mace and club.• The injury was caused by fighting with maces whilst not wearing a gauntlet.Mace noun [uncountable] trademark  a chemical which makes your eyes and skin sting painfully. Police officers sometimes carry Mace in cans to defend themselves. 梅斯催泪毒气〔警察有时用来自卫〕Examples from the CorpusMace• Another was knocked down and, while half conscious and thoroughly subdued, was sprayed in the face with Mace.• Best filed a complaint saying the officers sprayed him with Mace, urinated near his car and flattened his tires.Origin mace 1. (1200-1300) French macis, from Latin macir, from Greek2. (1200-1300) Old French Vulgar Latin mattiamace nounMace nounChinese   a Corpus spice dried made from the




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