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单词 newsgroup
释义  news·group /ˈnjuːzɡruːp $ ˈnuːz-/ noun [countable]  a discussion group on the Internet, with a place where people with a shared interest can exchange messages 〔网上兴趣相投的人互换信息的〕新闻组,专题讨论组Examples from the Corpusnewsgroup• In cyberspace, newsgroups are the public bulletin-board areas where people talk about whatever interests them.• Many of the most useful people in the Linux community can be found in newsgroups and mailing lists.• Finally, several newsgroups are aimed at helping new users get acquainted with Usenet.• The newsgroups also are struggling to absorb tens of thousand of new users who have discovered the Internet in recent years.• Some people remember being able to read all new messages posted to Usenet newsgroups every day.From Longman Business Dictionarynewsgroupnews‧group /ˈnjuːzˌgruːpˈnuːz-/ noun [countable]COMPUTING a place on the Internet where people with a shared interest can exchange messagesSYN USENETnews·group nounChineseSyllable  Internet, a Corpus on Business a place with the discussion group




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