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单词 indiscipline
释义  in·dis·ci·pline /ɪnˈdɪsɪplɪn/ noun [uncountable] formal  DISOBEYa lack of control in the behaviour of a group of people, with the result that they behave badly 缺乏约束,无纪律 OPP discipline Indiscipline among the troops eventually led to a riot. 军纪不严最终导致了骚乱。Examples from the Corpusindiscipline• The central committee ideology department accused Kharchev of unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of churches and of financial indiscipline.• But after experiencing this period of fiscal indiscipline, I believe the atmosphere in Washington has changed.• They also demanded the right to form a union and insisted on the reinstatement of policemen sacked earlier for indiscipline.• A freedom is generated which has its phases of indiscipline, licence, chaos.• Just as important, it was a piece of indiscipline that illustrated the almost casual way Labour is conducting this campaign.• For this they could blame their own indiscipline as much as Llanelli's eagerness to take advantage of it.• Clinton's past indiscipline helped to elect·dis·ci·pline nounChineseSyllable  of of group in behaviour a lack a control Corpus the




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