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单词 bare
释义  Related topics: Naturebare1 /beə $ ber/ ●●○ adjective  1  without clothes 未穿衣服DCCNAKED not covered by clothes 赤裸的,裸露的 SYN naked a ragged child with bare feet 一个衣衫褴褛、光着脚的小孩 She felt the warm sun on her bare arms. 她感觉到阳光照在她裸露双臂上的暖意。bare-headed/bare-chested/bare-legged etc 光着头的/裸着胸的/光着腿的等2  land/trees 土地/树木DN not covered by trees or grass, or not having any leaves 〔土地〕草木不生的;〔树木〕光秃秃的 The trees soon gave way to bare rock. 不久,树也没有了,只剩下一片光秃秃的岩石。3  not covered/empty 没有覆盖的/空的DHH empty, not covered by anything, or not having any decorations 空的;无覆盖物的;无装饰的 She looked round her tiny bare room. 她环顾她那空荡荡的小房间。 a bare wood staircase 未铺地毯的木楼梯► see thesaurus at empty4  the bare facts TRUEa statement that tells someone only what they need to know, with no additional details 最基本的事实 The newspaper had simply published the bare facts. 报上只刊登了最基本的事实。5  smallest amount necessary 最少必需量 [only before noun]LITTLE/NOT MUCH the very least amount of something that you need to do something 最低限度的,仅有的,勉强的 He got 40% – a bare pass. 他得了40分,勉强及格。 The room had the bare minimum (=the smallest amount possible) of furniture. 房间里只有最基本的一些家具。the bare essentials/necessities Her bag was light, packed with only the bare essentials. 她的包很轻,只装了一些最基本的生活必需品。 If you ask her about herself, she gives only the barest (=the smallest amount possible) of details. 如果你问关于她的事,她只会告诉你只言片语。6  the bare bones MAINthe most important parts or facts of something without any detail 梗概,基本要点 We have outlined only the bare bones of the method. 我们只粗略地介绍了这个方法的基本要点。7  lay something bare a) COVERto uncover something that was previously hidden 显示出某事物,使某事物暴露 When the river is low, vast stretches of sand are laid bare. 河水水位低的时候,就会露出大片的沙地来。 b) TELL A SECRETto make known something that was secret 揭露,揭发 historical writing which seeks to lay bare the true nature of an event 力求揭示事件真相的历史著作8  with your bare hands PMWPERSONALLY/YOURSELFwithout using a weapon or a tool 赤手空拳,徒手 He had killed a man with his bare hands. 他徒手杀死了一名男子。9. bare infinitive technical the basic form of a verb, for example ‘go’ or ‘eat’ 〔动词〕不带to的不定式 —bareness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbare• The dress tied around her neck, leaving her shoulders bare.• In winter, rice fields were bare and brown, but there was the anticipation of spring planting just around the corner.• bare and treeless hills• The strength of this book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.• bare-chested men• The room was completely bare except for a bed against the wall.• Rostov felt as if there was a bare exposed place between his shoulder blades.• He skipped into sight in his bare feet.• bare feet• He placed the towel on the bed under her bare foot.• Using her bare hands, she smears paint on the canvas.• a bare-looking room• Opponents argued that Prop. 140 was passed in an off-year election by a bare majority-52 percent-of the voters.• The measure passed by a bare majority of votes.• We spent a long time walking through the bare rooms, remembering the games we used to play there.• Paint the bare wood with a primer.bare minimum• Try to keep administrative costs to a bare minimum.• But the ruling says they can only pay the bare minimum.• Challenge it and challenge it again until it's at a bare minimum.• It is generally sensible to limit the additional capabilities that the new desktop publishing product will give you to the bare minimum.• Or Sally Jessy, bare minimum.• The role of government in macroeconomic management had to be pruned to a bare minimum.• The men possessed only the barest minimum necessary for survival.• Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.• The bare minimum required to keep the account open.bare2 verb [transitive]  1  COVERto remove something that was covering or hiding something 使暴露,使赤裸,露出 The dog bared its teeth. 狗露出了牙齿。 He bared his back to the hot sun. 他露出脊背在炎热的太阳下暴晒。2. bare your soul TELL A SECRETto reveal your most secret feelings 敞开心扉,诉说衷肠→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbare• As if she stood naked before him, her very soul bared.• He promised to bare all before a committee of experts chosen by the board.• But after he bares his fangs, she wobbles as if the blood had been sucked from her veins.• He bared his teeth in the kiss and he nipped at her mouth.• The dog bared its teeth.• They stare back defiantly at the crowds, menacingly baring their teeth, and grabbing candy trays with nimble speed.bared ... teeth• He bared his teeth and licked his lips, as Blackberry had done before the dead hedgehog on the road.• With his bared teeth and long, drawn face, Gao Ma looked just like his namesake, ma, the horse.• He bared his teeth and snarled.• She backed against the wall like an animal at bay, and bared her teeth at him.• I offered them drinks and they just bared their teeth, being civil.• Spread throughout the pond, seven pale piles of limbs, bared teeth, faces curtained off by their hair.• He bared his teeth in the kiss and he nipped at her mouth.• Chutra hooted, bared his teeth, scratched his ribs.bare3 /beə $ ber/ adverb British English spoken informal  very, or a lot of – used by young people 非常;许多〔年轻人用语〕 Check out this new game – it’s bare hard. 试试这种新游戏——很难的。 His dad’s got bare money. 他爸爸很有钱。From Longman Business Dictionarybarebare /beəber/ adjective go bareINSURANCE if a business goes bare, it decides not to buy insurance to protect it against claims for damage or harm done by its productsSome firms choose to go bare, preferring possible bankruptcy to the certainty of huge insurance premiums.Origin bare1 Old English bærbare1 adjectivebare2 verbbare3 adverbChinese  clothes by covered Corpus not Business




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