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单词 neurotic
释义  Related topics: Psychology, psychiatry, Illness & disabilityneu·rot·ic /njʊˈrɒtɪk $ nʊˈrɑː-/ adjective  1  WORRIEDunreasonably anxious or afraid 神经质的,神经过敏的;极度害怕的 He seemed a neurotic, self-obsessed man. 他似乎是个神经过敏又自恋的人。► see thesaurus at nervous2  MP technical relating to or affected by neurosis 神经症的 neurotic disorders 神经症 —neurotic noun [countable] She accused him of being a neurotic. 她指责他神经质。 —neurotically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusneurotic• As an intellectual, I feel neurotic.• He played Holmes as deeply neurotic.• I just got really neurotic about not wanting to spend any money.• The best producers are cutthroat, competitive, and often neurotic and paranoid.• Burnout often results from a neurotic compulsion to give it all away.• He was a shy, neurotic man who found it difficult to make friends.• Before dinner, John, who was so laid-back he made the trees seem neurotic, offered us a yoga lesson.• In many respects, Mozart had a typically neurotic personality.• You think you can damage my reputation by repeating the fantasies of some neurotic schoolteacher?• Moreover, her individual sense of fun and fantasy made her an enchanting companion, though a neurotic strain was also apparent.• However, a much stronger negative association was found between neurotic symptoms and the perceived adequacy of social relationships.neu·rot·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  or unreasonably anxious afraid Corpus




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