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单词 toehold
释义  Related topics: Other sportstoe·hold /ˈtəʊhəʊld $ ˈtoʊhoʊld/ noun  1  [singular]START DOING something your first involvement in a particular activity, from which you can develop and become stronger 〔事业发展壮大的〕初步的立脚点toehold in The company has gained a toehold in the competitive computer market. 该公司在竞争激烈的电脑市场初步站稳了脚跟。2. [countable]DSO a place on a rock where you can put your foot when you are climbing 〔攀岩时可落脚的〕立足点,踏足点Examples from the Corpustoehold• It will thus earn a toehold in the moral company of animals; something that Singer could not accept.• And there are also foreign firms, Netto and Aldi, who are trying to get a toehold here.• And of course the fact that luck is always involved somewhere gives the sceptic a toehold too.• Minorities say they've gotten a small toehold in broadcasting.From Longman Business Dictionarytoeholdtoe‧hold /ˈtəʊhəʊldˈtoʊhoʊld/ noun [singular] someone’s first involvement in a particular business activity from which they can develop and become strongerThe company has struggled for a toehold in the fiercely competitive PC market.toe·hold nounChineseSyllable  involvement particular a activity, first from in Business your Corpus




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