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单词 neologism
释义  Related topics: Linguisticsne·ol·o·gis·m /niːˈɒlədʒɪzəm $ -ˈɑːl-/ noun [countable] formal  SLa new word or expression, or a word used with a new meaning 新词;新表达方式;旧词新义 SYN coinageExamples from the Corpusneologism• The novel displayed Rolfe's fondness for neologism, verbal sumptuousness, and quirky spelling in its best light.• So the word is a relative neologism, and therefore lends itself easily to personal interpretations, for good or ill.Origin neologism (1800-1900) French néologisme, from Greek neo- ( → NEO-) + -logos “word”ne·ol·o·gis·m nounChineseSyllable  with Corpus a a or or word expression, used word a new




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