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单词 navigation
释义  Related topics: Transport, Geography, Water, Airnav·i·ga·tion /ˌnævəˈɡeɪʃən/ ●○○ noun [uncountable]  1  TTSGthe science or job of planning which way you need to go when you are travelling from one place to another 航行学;航海术;航空术 compasses and other instruments of navigation 罗盘及其他导航仪器2  TTWTTAwhen someone sails a ship along a river or other area of water 〔水上的〕航行 Navigation becomes more difficult further up the river. 越往河的上游,航行越困难。3. when you click on words, pictures etc in order to move between documents that are connected on the Internet 〔因特网上的〕浏览 —navigational adjective [only before noun]Examples from the Corpusnavigation• Frames can be useful for maintaining a navigation bar, but all permanent frames consume screen real estate.• There's a medical officer, a navigation officer, a communications officer.• an electronic navigation system• In Medieval times rivers were used for water supply and to power mills as well as for navigation.• But the Flicker is used by freighters with full-automatic Intelloid navigation.• Precision Products makes navigation and guidance systems for military and space purposes.• The voyage was an achievement of navigation and courage.• In the navigation room Colonel Bowers pored over his flight-plan and a sandwich lunch.• The fecundity of adult Jerichos must be legend, the navigation abilities of the larvae extraordinary.• The channel is now open to navigation.nav·i·ga·tion nounChineseSyllable  way need Corpus you the or science which of job planning




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