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单词 Baptism
1. The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act.
2. Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church.
3. That was my baptism into weather wisdom.
4. All the family attended the baptism of the first grandchild.
5. Baptism played a prominent role in Mithraic rites.
6. Also patron of baptism and farriers.
7. My baptism of fire had been with Leon Brittan who was Chief Secretary until the 1983 general election.
8. Montanism, the Easter controversy, and the debate about baptism were all complex issues which required consultation between bishops.
9. No baptism has been traced, though his marriage certificate records him as the son of John Crockford, schoolmaster.
10. Yet, in so far as it constituted his baptism as a politician, it is crucial to an understanding of his political career.
11. He prepares couples for marriage, and children for baptism and communion.
12. An as-yet-unproven system called J-STARS, getting its baptism of fire in the Gulf, illustrates the point.
13. She had also come through a baptism in front of Britain's most demanding audience.
14. The leaders accepted baptism for themselves and their people, and promised to hold their lands as vassals of the Frankish king.
15. She repeated the request about the baptism and reminded me of my promise to baptise her baby.
16. After his baptism, Martin advanced to the battle-field as a conscientious objector.
17. The waters of baptism represent the presence and power of that primeval deep for us.
18. Spirit baptism was not just an initiation rite, it was a mystical encounter.
19. He saved us through the baptism of new birth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
20. Her first day in the job was a real baptism of fire because she had to deal with a very difficult case immediately.
21. I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month - it was a real baptism of fire.
22. For the inexperienced in the team, the campaign has been a baptism of fire.
23. It was Mark's first introduction to royal duties and he came through his baptism of fire unscathed.
24. The Holy Spirit is there too brooding over the waters at every baptism.
25. The last three groups were a type of radical Protestant sometimes called Anabaptist, because they did not believe in infant baptism.
26. Although a passionate lover in his youth, after his baptism by Ambrose he became a champion of asceticism.
27. An eleventh-century manuscript's depiction of war between Christians and Moors, and its inevitable outcome - baptism or execution.
28. Not for him was the formal ceremony of admission, with its conditional baptism and its awesome recital of categorical promises.
29. He had to be born of water - that is, new life after the burial of baptism - and of the Spirit.
30. For a first Mass it had certainly been a tough baptism.
1. The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act.
2. Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church.
3. That was my baptism into weather wisdom.
4. All the family attended the baptism of the first grandchild.
31. Alter baptism, she cuts her hair short and dresses like a man.
32. Her belief gave her hope; her sweet warm voice rang out the thanks that follow the baptism.
33. It had been a baptism by fire, but she had come through.
34. Baptism is a mark of belonging, a ground of assurance, which the Spirit can take home to our hearts.
35. He listened through the window and prayed ardently for the new baptism of the Spirit and the gift of tongues.
36. This was our baptism of fire and we learned many lessons.
37. Diana admits that she wasn't easy to handle during that baptism of fire.
38. This ritual suggests the pagan belief in the baptism by blood rather than water as being more binding.
39. During the feed-back session, it was clear that the parishes approached the sacrament of baptism in many, different ways.
40. It is almost impossible to see where events will lead but you are going through a baptism of fire.
41. He felt the certainty of it. After baptism, the prisoner received the Eucharist.
42. Beige popsters take a vicarious pride in the slow baptism of fire that their chosen genre and its protagonists underwent.
43. He explained that the purpose of Confirmation was to confirm the promises made by our godparents at our baptism.
44. The video also shows McCovery, eyes tightly closed, singing hymns in church or dripping wet after her baptism last August.
45. The first time I ever spent any time with Jackie was also my baptism into driving around a circuit fast.
46. Then he offered his alternative: masters should insist on such huge indentures that Negroes would be in virtual slavery after baptism.
47. But churches had been burnt, priests killed,(/baptism.html) and proud Saxons had ritually washed off their enforced baptism.
48. We suggest that baptism for non-believers enables a family reunion to take place.
49. It is possible that he had secretly submitted to baptism, but also, Maryland may have winked.
50. The way is through the waters of Baptism were we are assured the forgiveness of our heavenly Father.
51. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
52. The baptism service and the fireside meeting times overlap.
53. I have never felt more reverent at a baptism.
54. Baptism is a figurative ceremony.
55. The job's my baptism of fire.
56. Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism.
57. Baptism does not unite every baptized person head for head to Christ.
58. Three weeks after I first met the missionaries, I accepted baptism and become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint.
59. 2A cross hewn for Epiphany in the ice of Maine's Kennebec River by parishioners of St. Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox Church commemorates the baptism of Christ.
60. South Africa's fast growing, indigenous, Pentecostal-influenced Zionist churches encourage baptism by full immersion as a form of healing and rebirth.
61. Under that baptism the plant lifts itself up; it drinks and rejoices.
62. Intoxicate in green mountain green water between, enjoy natural baptism.
63. Baptistery (or Baptistry ):Domed hall or chapel, adjacent to or part of a church, for the administration of Baptism.
64. The Chinese dairying after having experienced this baptism, is advantageous in the long - term development.
65. Jesus' baptism ended with a prayer. And his heavenly Father responded with words similar to those in Psalm 2—an enthronement psalm.
66. She was baptized as a Roman Catholic and even was an altar boy at the Parish of St. Mark's Church, a copy of the baptism certificate is enclosed.
67. In this process, some small foreign trade company, which will be demoted to industry is a pain, but also the baptism of the standard for exclusive export order.
68. Originally baptism was mainly for adults, so that the confessional element in the rite was evident.
69. Put on condole to take unlined upper garment and athletic pants to shop for instance, run ran, let ferial and very few bare and outer skin accepts the 30 sunshine that come 60 minutes " baptism " .
70. The baptism of John, was it from heaven , or of men?
71. Others concern the daily life and work of Kentuckians, such as a Sunday afternoon baptism on Jessamine Creek or friends sharing their thoughts on a warm February day in Sharpsburg, Bath County.
72. The Spanish family that has owned the oil-on-wood portable altarpiece , The Baptism of Christ, since the mid-19th Century, did not know what they had.
73. Dr. Luo was born in Fujian province, got baptism in 2000, finished his Ph. D. program in 2001 and earned his MDiv degree in 2006.
74. Third, it symbolizes your new life in Jesus Christ: "And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes" (Galatians 3:27 NLT).
75. Did the original Gospel of Luke have "today I have begotten you" said by the voice from heaven at the baptism of Jesus," or not?
76. Standing in the park, is still seen heaped-up mountains around the autumn leaves after bath is the lawn, baptism.
77. A friend of mine tells about a church that has a box of Kleenex at the front of the sanctuary. Alongside the baptism font and the Lord's table, there's a box of Kleenex .
78. There are seven sacraments : Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.
79. The first spring rain falling, the soul of our baptism.
80. It is said that baptism and the Lord's Supper are God's visible Word.
81. After his father's death he was sent to study rhetoric at Alexandria, being yet a catechumen , as it was the custom in Pisidia to delay baptism until a beard should appear.
82. The Irish people were deeply touched by his eloquent speech and accepted the grand baptism.
83. Ans : Water baptism is the first step toward the witness of water.
84. In this Scripture, Peter explains that baptism is not like taking a bath.
85. In 1585, Annibale completed an altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ for the church of San Gregorio in Bologna.
86. Baptism cannot be called a work because you cannot baptize yourself.
87. Today, many churches sprinkle infants on the head and call it Baptism.
88. The only divinely ordained sacraments are baptism and the Lord's Supper.
89. Will have the Christ bema the party for each Sunday, they share their their own story and make the story got baptism, the party finished to will there are still hereafter beverage and biscuit!
90. Was the baptism of John from heaven or from man? Answer me.
91. So, whether it is falls to the ground, or outgrew it for the entire toy industry, are a must pass through baptism.
92. After the fight baptism, Luke already became an outstanding freedom fighter.
93. Discipline is explicitly commanded by Jesus, like baptism and Lord's Supper are.
94. Leon received his baptism of fire in a naval battle when he was eighteen years old.
95. CANON XVII: Whoever has entered into two marriages after baptism, or has possessed himself of a concubine, cannot be a Bishop, or a Presbyter, or a Deacon, or anything else in the Sacefdotal List.
96. To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death.
97. Athanasius argues the characterization of the Son as a creature means that our initiation into divine life in baptism is actually into a hybrid mixture of Creator and creature.
98. They also stress faith, repentance, and acceptance of the ordinances of the church, including baptism by immersion and laying on of hands for the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
99. Domed hall or chapel, adjacent to or part of a church, for the administration of Baptism.
100. After experiencing baptism one round, the Internet enterprise that buckish almost uses up showed the one side of deal with concrete matters relating to work and devoir eventually.
101. Under the strength of that spiritual baptism, power is available for complete sanctification.
101. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
102. Was the baptism of John from heaven, or from men? Answer Me.
103. Most churches baptize infants but some insist on adult baptism.
104. The Assemblies of God's "Cardinal Doctrines" are salvation through Jesus Christ, baptism in the Holy Spirit, divine healing, and the Second Coming of Christ.




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