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单词 Ser
1. Va a ser un partido de ida y vuelta.
2. No. 5 strain: Ser →89→ Ala in ParE.
3. Science in China(Series Cife Sciences); Science in China(Ser.
4. O campeonato podia ser decidido aqui, na nossa pista.
5. Amapola lind í sima amapola Ser á siempre mi alma tuya sola.
6. It was only a jape, ser, she thought, but she sat on one of the pillows just the same./ser.html
7. In thermal state monitoring of generators, the temperature model parameters need to be determined firstly in order to obtain the standard temperature value of generator stator end region (SER).
8. No se puede pretender ser patriota, querer esta patria, sin ser antiimperialista, sin ser socialista.
9. The number of mitochondria (Mi) , smooth endoplasmic reticulum, (SER) , cortical granules all increased and all organelles moved to the cortical region with development of the oocytes.
10. Snow slid from Ser Hosteen's cloaks as he stalked toward the high table, his steps ringing against the floor.
11. The results showed that SER, many lipid droplets, mitochondrias with the tubular cristae were found in the cytoplasm of Leydig cell.
12. Como me gustar í a ser papa frita, para estar encima de ese lomo.
13. According to the complexity, symbol-error-rate(SER)and power allocation scheme, the comparison with DF using cyclic redundancy check(CRC), DF without CRC and AF is proposed in the paper.
14. The predicted human protein contains only one amino acid change at position 101, from Asn in rat to Ser in human.
15. Domain Name System ( DNS ) is the base for many ser - vices on Internet t oday.
16. The new King's Hand was seated on an oaken throne carved in the shape of a hand an absurd vanity his lordship had produced the day Ser Kevan agreed to grant him the office he coveted.
17. Conclusions: The ? ? 1 subunit 2 - 5 exons expression of SER has no significant difference between control rats.
18. Of these one changed from GGT ( Gly ) to AGT ( Ser ), the other changed from GGT ( Gly ) to TGT ( Cys ).
19. Is there any sea - food provided in the self - ser - vice hot pot?
20. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the IAF outperforms the AF method both in ergodic capacity and SER performance.
21. Master degree in Sustainable Engineering at RIT equips engineers with the tools they need to meet the challenges associated with delivering goods, energy and ser...
22. Effect of eight kinds of base materials on the cuttage rooting rate of Hydrangea ser.
23. I'm just calling to touch base to see if you need our ser vice.
24. Usted no es muy alto , pero bastante gordo . Su talla debe ser 34 . Pruebese esta, entonces.
25. If the prenup is signed too close to the wedding day, a divorce court judge will interpret that one of the parties was pressured into signing, Ms. Ser said.
26. It'started in 2005 as a fork of Fokus Fraunhofer SIP Express Router SER project.




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