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单词 narcissism
释义  nar·cis·sis·m /ˈnɑːsɪsɪzəm $ ˈnɑːr-/ noun [uncountable]  SELFISHwhen someone is too concerned about their appearance or abilities or spends too much time admiring them – used to show disapproval 自我陶醉,自恋〔含贬义〕 He went to the gym every day, driven purely by narcissism. 他每天都去健身房,纯粹出于自我欣赏。 —narcissist noun [countable] —narcissistic /ˌnɑːsəˈsɪstɪk◂ $ ˌnɑːr-/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusnarcissism• But no amount of bashful cuteness can disguise its humourless narcissism.• Clearly it involves a mass narcissism which is supported by the social structures within which they work and play.• It teaches wariness and points to the danger of narcissism.• The kiss of the prince breaks the spell of narcissism and awakens a womanhood which up to then has remained undeveloped.• Everything about the way Marx presented his ideas to the world conveyed his romantic narcissism.Origin narcissism (1800-1900) Narcissus, beautiful young man in an ancient Greek story who loved to look at his face reflected in water and was turned into a flower, from Greek Narkissosnar·cis·sis·m nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or abilities or is about appearance too their concerned someone when




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