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单词 Life-style
1) She had come to enjoy Roberto's luxurious life-style.
2) Their extravagant life-style plunged them into debt.
3) It would, however, mean a completely different life-style.
4) This entails matching your life-style to that of the new time zone as fully and rapidly as convenient.
5) Life-style refers to distinctive ways of living adopted by particular communities or sub-sections of society.
6) The primary reason for the adoption of this life-style is the attitude to the economic rewards of work.
7) Life-style is a controversial issue, and a full analysis of the arguments is beyond the scope of this book.
8) Think about your future life-style together; will there be a lot of formal or informal entertaining?
9) The family's life-style is comfortable, conventional, squarely middle class.
10) Your hair-style depends,too,on your life-style.
11) She also began moving toward a different life-style.
12) It was quite another to establish government policies ensuring blacks a chance at a life-style equivalent to whites.
13) The cottage development acquired a distinct demographic identity, as well as a life-style of its own.
14) You need to adapt to the demands of your own particular life-style.
15) And you are assaulting their self-image and threatening their whole life-style.
16) Upper-class Christians were indistinguishable from their pagan fellows in their life-style.
17) For example, during the daytime the internal clock as well as our life-style and environment raise body temperature and the urinary removal of water.
18) But can the numbers and purchasing power of those following the Yuppy life-style be quantified?
19) Religion is the arena within which much of this wrestling match between old values and new life-style is fought.
20) When the farm worker sees ex-workmates supporting a more grandiose life-style he becomes more aware of his own relatively lowly situation.
21) Adjusting your body clock Sometimes we want to change the timing of our life-style.
22) Traditionally the landowner need not cultivate the land intensively to provide sufficient to maintain prestige and a very good life-style.
23) The diary below is one way to establish how regular are the rhythms in your life-style and environment.
24) The contrast could not be more stark between Spiro's Hollywood life-style and the North London suburb he once called home.
25) In all cases, the effect of the body clock is being accentuated by our life-style, generally by means of the hormone adrenalin.
26) The ruling class was clearly visible in terms of its life-style, attitudes, accents and political and social dominance.
27) Treatment was not merely a matter of prescribing herbal medicines, but a whole regimen which controlled the diet and the life-style.
28) You need to find what is right with your current life-style, in terms of food and exercise,[http:///life-style.html] and what needs improvement.
29) There is a whole social structure associated with our life-style.
30) Is it a function of our body clock or our life-style, or due to some interaction between the two?
1) She had come to enjoy Roberto's luxurious life-style.
31) The current social and economic systems and life-style in Macao shall remain unchanged for 50 years.
32) The new information system will greatly change the life-style of people.
33) That is why, gradually, clothes and so on have changed in some countries because of the changes in the life-style.
34) For reasons that are still under study, cholesterol levels are influenced by a number of life-style factors.
35) We expect to have a more affluent life-style, we are driven by unrealistic ideas of what we need ("I need the latest ipod!!"), and we have unrealistic ideas about relationships and appearance.
36) Orwell's revulsion against imperialism led not only to his personal rejection of the bourgeois life-style but to a political reorientation as well.
37) The establishment project of Tajik Abat Town in Xinjiang is leading of the government. Tajik shepherds gradually become adapted to the new life-style, undergoing the changing course of culture.
38) well-regulated life-style can let you enter sleep state when going to bed rapidly.
39) "We thought we'd try to get the employees of our schools interested in changing their life-style,(http:///life-style.html)" explains Belanger.
40) No skill that requires time trading can replace the income to support the life-style that you once lived.
41) Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal life-style.
42) The condition, characterised by excess fat around the abdomen, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, can lead to more serious life-style related diseases such as diabetes and strokes.
43) Does it suit our life-style or what we want to do or not?
44) By feeling you have enough food, house, car and clothes, you can repel thoughts of more to break the never-ending cycle that enslaves you to trade time for more money to sustain your life-style.
45) Leeson and his wife Lisa never really seemed to fit into the affluent, neo-colonial life-style of Singapore or into the city's multiethnic society.
46) It is a unique life-style, a unique and distinctive place to live .
47) Eventually, however, his bizarre life-style and personal notoriety eclipsed his talent and his numerous achievements.
48) The two DSi games I'm allowed to play include Real Sports Soccer, a port of an iPhone game of the same name, and a life-style sim where you become a rock star that seems aimed at young girls.
49) The importance of these varies according to the nature of one's job and one's life-style.




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