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单词 musical
释义 Word family  noun music musical musician musicianship musicology musicologist adjective musical unmusical adverb musically  Related topics: Music, Colours & soundsmu·sic·al1 /ˈmjuːzɪkəl/ ●●● S3 W3 adjective  1  [only before noun]APM relating to music or consisting of music 音乐的;配乐的 a musical version of the fairy tale ‘Cinderella’ 童话故事《灰姑娘》的音乐剧版 When he began his musical career, King played only for black audiences. 金在音乐事业的开始阶段只为黑人观众演奏。2  APMgood at or interested in playing or singing music 擅长音乐的;对音乐感兴趣的;有音乐天赋的 She’s very musical and loves to sing. 她很有乐感,而且喜欢唱歌。3  CAPMhaving a pleasant sound like music 〔声音〕音乐般好听的,悦耳的 a sweet musical voice 甜美悦耳的嗓音 → musicallyExamples from the Corpusmusical• Her teachers told her she had no musical ability whatsoever.• All who have that responsibility need to be aware of their own musical and liturgical preferences.• Amanda is so talented - she's musical and she can dance.• Yodelling song based on more musical call-notes.• For better or worse, with sincerity or mercenary attachment, the hip musical climate was heavily involved.• There have been attempts to depict this extraordinary achievement as a form of musical consumerism.• The emotions have been likened to a musical instrument and it is a man's task to play upon its uttermost strings.• Do you play a musical instrument?• a musical performance• DiFranco's musical skills keep winning her new fans.• O'Connor uses a wide variety of musical styles in his performances.• By day, he studied musical theory at the fine but beleaguered music department.• But many organists have undertaken some years of an expensive musical training and still give many hours a week to practising.• Following the Big Game of 1921, Maestro Merola proposed one of the most ambitious musical undertakings of the era.• a musical voiceRelated topics: Music, Theatre, Filmmusical2 ●●○ noun [countable]  APMAPTa play or film that includes singing and dancing 音乐剧;音乐片 Webber had three musicals playing in London at one time. 韦伯有三部音乐剧同时在伦敦上演。Broadway/West End musical (=one that is performed in New York’s or London’s important theatres) 百老汇/伦敦西区音乐剧 Carroll appeared in a number of Broadway musicals. 卡罗尔出演过许多百老汇音乐剧。Examples from the Corpusmusical• a hit song from the 1940 musical "Pal Joey"• Merrick offered a revealing critique of Stephen Sondheim's high-concept Follies, a musical about ageing showgirls in midlife crisis.• No, it was because O Brother is a musical.• a Broadway musical• It also features serious drama festivals, touring shows, lively musicals and pantomime.• In addition, almost every major musical of the past twenty-five years appears somewhere in the lists.• His embrace of popular culture extended to the movie musicals of the time, which provided lucrative employment.• But its demise was further justification to the movie industry that musicals are the kiss of death.• Last year the musical had the audience dancing in the aisles so tickets are selling fast.• The musicals are a real horse race.Broadway/West End musical• Essentially Manchester's only outlet for West End musicals, the theatre didn't know what had hit·sic·al1 adjectivemusical2 nounChineseSyllable  relating music of or consisting to Corpus music




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