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单词 much-vaunted
释义  ˌmuch-ˈvaunted adjective [only before noun]  a much-vaunted plan, achievement etc is one that people say is very good or important, especially when this may not be true 备受吹捧的 the president’s much-vaunted health-care plan 总统备受吹捧的医疗保健计划Examples from the Corpusmuch-vaunted• The government's much-vaunted desire to consult operated only within those limits.• Christopher cut through her much-vaunted intelligence and she degenerated into passivity.• Viewed from the Winter palace the much-vaunted power of the monarchy seemed distinctly overrated.ˌmuch-ˈvaunted adjectiveChineseSyllable  plan, Corpus etc is one achievement a much-vaunted




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