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单词 Ill-conceived
1. The whole project was ill-conceived.
2. The whole ill-conceived scheme was finally abandoned.
3. The policy was ill-conceived and wrong-headed.
4. Someone had the ill-conceived idea of mixing the different age groups, with disastrous results.
5. When it's ill-conceived, ill-considered or based on incomplete information, the Profitboss won't criticize the critic.
6. His critical approach to ill-conceived treatment and ill-considered research may be one side of a coin.
7. Ellis bristles at accusations that Berkeley's experiment is ill-conceived.
8. An ill-conceived congressional bill to punish China for manipulating its currency is yet another sign that America has little to be proud of in terms of economic policy.
9. Indeed, after years of patchwork fixes and ill-conceived revisions, the legal immigration system is as broken as the borders.
10. DOJ is proposing "a narrowly focused and ill-conceived policy that ignores unique considerations affecting international aviation, " the carriers wrote.
11. But perhaps ill-conceived design, decoration, or negligence, some details of the imperfect, let me point total some regret.
12. President Bush and Congress did, with ill-conceived tax cuts for the wealthy and the war in Iraq.
13. Instead, he devoted himself to an ill-conceived series of blood transfusion experiments that would eventually result in his own death.
14. Under Ballmer's leadership, Microsoft missed the tablet and wasted money on "ill-conceived mergers and acquisitions."
15. That ill-conceived remake of the 1939 classic suffered from too few of the words of the original playwright Clare Booth Luce .
16. My judgement is that/In my judgement the plan is ill-conceived.
17. Many have argued that the economic policy put in place in 1981 was, from the beginning, ill-conceived and wrong headed.
18. Without the space, though, the rendering might be an ill-conceived pastiche.
19. But all-seaters don't mean all-safe so why should clubs risk bankruptcy and fans pay through the nose for an ill-conceived scheme?
20. But with rapid population growth, all the negative effects of poverty and ill-conceived government policies are magnified.
21. What matters above all is for the consultation to be a genuine exercise in communication and not an ill-conceived charade.
22. On the cusp of restructuring family life, we cling ever more ardently to this antiquated and ill-conceived provider-homemaker design.
23. A misunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an unrepaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation.
24. One such would be maintaining the government's support for Mr Kamei's ill-conceived reversal of the postal privatisation.
25. "This was his decision to go to war with an ill-conceived plan and an incompetently executed strategy," the Democratic senator from New York said in her initial presidential campaign in Iowa.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. Lihas done China's business community a greater service thanthelegions of businessmen who coddle ill-conceived practicestowin Beijing's favor.
27. As friends, however, we feel it is our obligation to warn that the content of this particular referendum is ill-conceived and potentially quite harmful.
28. Welcome to the next shop, please understanding of the ill-conceived !
29. Business leaders, the famous 1%, need to resist the urge to dismiss the whole movement based on the scattershot and at times ill-conceived nature of the arguments on the placards.
30. The risk is that they bring in bad policies. One such would be maintaining the government's support for Mr Kamei's ill-conceived reversal of the postal privatisation.
31. They were also conscious that the process of change should not be facile , permitting ill-conceived and hastily passed amendments.
32. "This is a shortsighted and ill-conceived power grab by some in the administration," said Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center.
33. A memorial to the Princess Diana has been condemned as " ill-conceived and ill- executed" by MPs.




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