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单词 morning
释义  Related topics: Chronologymorn·ing1 /ˈmɔːnɪŋ $ ˈmɔːr-/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable, uncountable]  1  TMCthe early part of the day, from when the sun rises until 12 o’clock in the middle of the day 早晨,上午 I hated those cold winter mornings. 我讨厌冬天里寒冷的早晨。 I’m not feeling very well this morning. 今天早上我觉得不大舒服。 He stayed in bed late on Sunday morning. 星期日早上他睡到很晚。 She took the early morning train. 她搭乘了一大早的火车。2  TMCthe part of the day from 12 o’clock at night until 12 o’clock in the middle of the day 半夜至中午的时间two/four o’clock in the morning 现在是早上四点。 The phone rang at three in the morning. 电话在凌晨三点响了起来。 It’s four o’clock in the morning. 现在是早上四点。3  in the morning FUTUREif something will happen in the morning, it will happen during the morning of the following day 明天早晨[上午] I’ll deal with that in the morning. 我明天上午会处理那件事。4  mornings DURINGduring the morning of each day 每天早晨[上午] She works mornings at the local school. 她每天上午在当地的学校工作。5  morning, noon, and nightnoon, and night morning CONTINUOUSLOT/VERY MUCHused to emphasize that something happens a lot or continuously 白天黑夜地,夜以继日地;持续不断地 I was on duty morning, noon, and night. 我一天到晚都在值班。 → coffee morningn GRAMMAR: Patterns with morningin the morning• You do something in the morning: What time do you get up in the morning? ✗Don’t say: What time do you get up on the morning?on Monday/Tuesday etc morning• You do something on Monday/Tuesday etc morning: I was late for work on Thursday morning.on the morning of something• Something happens on the morning of a particular date or event: On the morning of March 15,2008, he was involved in a car accident.Make sure you arrive in plenty of time on the morning of the exam.all morning• You use all morning to say that something happens during a whole morning, from beginning to end: I’ve been working hard all morning. ✗Don’t say: I’ve been working hard all the morning. COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + morningFriday/Monday/Saturday etc morning 星期五/星期一/星期六等早上I’ll see you on Monday morning. 我们星期一早上见。tomorrow morning 明天早上Can you have the report ready by tomorrow morning? 明天上午你能把报告准备好吗?yesterday morning 昨天上午I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning. 从昨天早上开始我就没见过她。this morning (=today in the morning) 今天上午What did you do this morning? 今天上午你做了什么?the next morning/the following morning 第二天早上His meeting was not until the next morning. 他的会要到第二天上午才开。late morning 上午的晚些时候By the time he woke, it was late morning. 他醒来时已临近中午。the early morning 清晨A light frost covered the fields in the early morning. 清晨,一层薄霜覆盖着田野。a beautiful/fine/sunny morning 美丽的/晴朗的/阳光明媚的早晨Outside it was a beautiful morning. 外边是美丽的早晨。a cold/frosty morning 寒冷的/严寒的早晨nPorridge tastes good on a cold morning.a summer/winter etc morning 夏天/冬天等的早晨nThey set off on a beautiful spring morning.morning + NOUNthe morning sun/light/mist 早晨的太阳/光线/雾霭the warmth of the morning sun 早晨温暖的阳光a morning coffee/run/swim (=that someone does, drinks etc in the morning) 早咖啡/晨跑/晨泳She read the paper while drinking her morning coffee. 她边看报边喝早咖啡。the morning paper/news (=that is published or broadcast in the morning) 早报/早间新闻nThe story was in all the morning papers.the morning train/flight (=that leaves in the morning) 早班火车/早上航班nShe took the morning flight back to London.phrasesearly in the morning 清晨,一大早He has to get up very early in the morning. 他一大早就得起床。first thing in the morning (=at the beginning of the morning) 早上(头一件事)She set off first thing in the morning. 她一大早就出发了。from morning till night (=all day – used for emphasis) 从早到晚〔用于强调整天〕He works from morning till night. 他从早到晚地工作。in the small hours of the morning (=very early, before dawn) 在凌晨nI was woken up in the small hours of the morning by a strange sound.Examples from the Corpusmorning• There was a time when she scanned the fields every morning and every evening for her boys.• Nancy will bring your book back Friday morning.• The next morning the train was, for once, on time.• Next morning found us deep in subterranean Rims.• Next morning it was taken to the bank.• It had been raining all night and in the stillness of morning the clouds and mist had not yet cleared.• Inter-school matches are played on Saturday mornings.• a sunny morning• Kramer liked to survey his face and his build in the mornings.• In the morning, she rose early and dressed in her plainest clothes, flounces and frills had no place in business.morning2 ●●● S2 interjection  HELLOused to greet someone in the morning 早上好,早〔早上见面时的问候语〕 Morning, everybody! 大家早上好!Origin morning1 (1200-1300) morn + -ing (as in evening)morn·ing1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1morning2 interjectionLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  from part the the Corpus day, when rises the of sun early




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