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单词 mop
释义  Related topics: Cleaningmop1 /mɒp $ mɑːp/ noun [countable]  1  DHCa thing used for washing floors, consisting of a long stick with threads of thick string or a piece of sponge fastened to one end 拖把,墩布 a mop and bucket 拖把和水桶 →4  See picture of 见图 mop2. DFUa thing used for cleaning dishes, consisting of a short stick with a piece of sponge fastened to one end 洗碗刷3  [usually singular] informalDCBHBH a large amount of thick, often untidy hair (蓬乱)浓密的头发mop of He ran a hand through his mop of fair hair. 他用手拢了拢他那浓密的金发。Examples from the Corpusmop• As he left his room, he noticed a mop and bucket sitting in a corner in the hallway.• He was still carrying his mop and broom and wearing his brown overalls.• As Robert watched, Aziz raised his mop and started a kind of semaphore in the direction of the Windmill.• I saw a guy with a head the size of a bucket-the kind you put mops in.• All the spawning mops were removed and I hoped to see a shoal of young Cardinal Tetras.• Daily inspections of the tank will indicate a few fry hanging on the tank sides and others hiding in the mops.Related topics: Cleaningmop2 verb (mopped, mopping)  1  [intransitive, transitive]DHC to wash a floor with a wet mop 用拖把拖(地板) She carried on mopping the floor. 她继续用拖把拖地。 →5 see picture at 见图 clean22  [transitive]DCB to dry your face by rubbing it with a cloth or something soft 擦干,揩干〔脸〕 SYN wipe It was so hot he had to keep stopping to mop his face. 天气太热,他只得不时停下来擦一擦脸。 The doctor mopped his brow (=removed sweat from his forehead) with a handkerchief. 医生用手帕擦去额头上的汗水。3  [transitive]WASH to remove liquid from a surface by rubbing it with a cloth or something soft 擦掉,抹掉〔液体〕mop something from something She gently mopped the blood from the wound. 她轻轻地揩去伤口上的血。 He mopped the sweat from his face. 他擦去脸上的汗水。mop something away She mopped the tears away with a lacy handkerchief. 她用一条花边手绢擦去了泪水。4  mop the floor with somebody American EnglishBEAT/DEFEAT to completely defeat someone, for example in a game or argument 〔在比赛、辩论等中〕彻底击败某人 SYN British English wipe the floor with somebody We mopped the floor with the team from Pomona High. 我们把波莫纳高中队打得落花流水。5 mop something/somebody ↔ up phrasal verb a) DHCto remove liquid with a mop, a cloth, or something soft, especially in order to clean a surface 〔尤指为清洁某一表面〕擦干,抹去〔液体〕 SYN wipe up Mop the sauce up with your bread. 用面包把酱汁抹干净。 He mopped up the spilt milk. 他擦去洒出来的牛奶。b) PMAto remove or deal with something which you think is undesirable or dangerous, so that it is no longer a problem 消灭〔讨厌或危险的事物〕;肃清 The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition. 通常的解决办法就是派步兵去肃清残余抵抗。 The rebellion has been crushed, but mopping-up operations may take several weeks. 叛军已被粉碎,但肃清行动可能还要几个星期。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmop• He mopped at his chin, his attention turned inward.• She sat on the bed, mopping his brow.• A trainer mopped Norwood's face with a towel.• The every so often it was mopped, the every so often sprayed.• Dan has to mop the floor of the café every night.• Barnabas sat down at once and gazed at him, mopping the garage floor with his tail.• I just mopped the kitchen floor.• Unfortunately, the weapon mopping up after the Cold War is very lethal, costs a few hundred bucks and is everywhere.• A second equally good story describes mopping up an oil spill at sea.• Run For Free led the charge in the £35,000 stamina test, and the Pipe supporting cast mopped up the minor prizes.• Staff were mopping up today as Mr Alton held his usual surgery.Origin mop1 (1400-1500) Perhaps from Latin mappa “cloth (for cleaning)”mop1 nounmop2 verbChinese  for thing of used Corpus floors, washing a a consisting




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