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单词 Waning
1. My enthusiasm for the project was waning.
2. Her popularity was waning somewhat.
3. Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.
4. Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning rapidly.
5. The moon was waning, and each day it rose later.
6. The hybrid of commonwealth, long ascendant, is waning.
7. By the late Thirties, eugenics was waning.
8. Price-sensitivity is waxing and brand-loyalty waning.
9. But in the waning hours Saturday night, Cox came up big.
10. Public support for the system was waning steadily as accusations of sleaze in high places reached fever pitch.
11. Abingdon's trade had been waning for some time, with its fulling mills lying in ruins and unemployment rife by 1538.
12. In the waning light of the spring evening, play commences in the second-grade Fathers / Students League.
13. Expectations for waning inflation coincide with the anticipation of slower economic growth.
14. But with his popularity waning and the economy temporarily faltering, Park was in trouble even in his own entourage.
15. But Takeshita, in waning health and power in recent years, died in June.
16. The morning is waning fast amidst my garrulity.
17. Her popularity clearly shows no sign of waning.
18. The day is waning and the road is ending.
19. And his marvelous sun was waning apparently to a black eclipse.
20. A shake-up in key leadership posts and waning popular support could prevent Mr. Putin's administration from carrying out overdue economic reforms or exercising fiscal discipline, some observers said.
21. Subsequently, the pharmaceutic mechanisms and clinic effects of waning lung to descend the adverse also expounded.
22. The waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight.
23. Don't make oaths lightly to the moon, for it is always waxing and waning.
24. It is hoped too, that 30% to 40% growth in personal computer sales seen for 1993 will offset waning mainframe business.
25. Historical Romances continued to appear throughout the century(http://), waxing and waning in numbers and popularity as public taste dictated.
26. Dragonflies dip and buzz, their prismatic wings turning the waning sunlight to diamonds.
27. Even in the final years of the Soviet Union, the managers were stepping into the void created by waning party power.
28. The gasman had told us it would blow up and had stuck on a waning sign to remind us.
29. Within large companies the need for in-house, highly specialized computer expertise is waning.
30. Meanwhile, Mexico's Health Secretary Jose Cordova says most economic activity in his country will resume Wednesday, and said the outbreak there is waning.
1. My enthusiasm for the project was waning.
2. Her popularity was waning somewhat.
3. Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.
31. In a sport where 40% of runners are first-time participants, most won't make a lifestyle out of running marathons, because of waning interest, a busy schedule or vulnerability to injury.
32. Unfortunately waning gibbous moon is up between midnight and dawn – the best hours for meteor - watching.
33. Demand for these loans has waning, especially for the longer - term credit.
34. Yet there are signs the belief in US invincibility is waning.
35. But the US consumer's influence is waning – or being balanced.
36. Left alone, the Marschallin, appalled by the thought of the rude Ochs marrying the innocent young girl, muses on her own waning youth.
37. Inflation is expected to fall further, reflecting waning contributions from retail energy and food prices and the direct impact of the temporary reduction in Value Added Tax.
38. That may still happen, although many Egyptians believe that Gamal Mubarak's chances are waning.
39. Old growth as the age, the heart beats, hemal sclerosis waning strength to the brain, heart loses elasticity blood was very hard.
40. However, if we think of the waxing and waning of tonus as being either above or below some arbitrary level, we can simplify the situation considerably.
41. Our chart today shows you the east-northeast sky for about three hours after sunset. The big and bright waning gibbous moon is in front of Gemini the Twins.
42. Tonight , the waning gibbous moon is 2 days past full.
43. It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls like a benediction upon the waning day.
44. Wish upon waning moon, do not look for the missing star.
45. The shaggy-haired serpentine Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis sat on the Jedi Council during the waning years of that august order.
46. TWST: What were the reasons for the snapback, and why is the momentum waning?
47. Social anxiety disorder typically persists for life, often waxing and waning.
48. With the waning of the sovereign immunity and the movement for civil rights, the liability for compensation for judicial torts was accepted by many countries in the last years of 19th century.
49. Ms Kolloen's team discovered a huge archive of unknown papers and the notes of the psychiatrist Hamsun consulted when he felt his creative powers were waning.
50. The evidence comes from the leg bone of a three-year-old child buried in a cemetery 70 miles north of Rome in the empire's waning days, circa A. D. 450.
51. An additional variable is that the moon can have varying degrees of intensity, depending where it is during its 29.5 day cycle of waxing and waning.
52. By the waning days of the Republic, only a few million Theelin pure - bloods and half - breeds survived.
53. That is certainly true of America today as it struggles to cope with economic stagnation, enervating foreign wars and waning self-confidence.
54. The power of the stoplight to control traffic seems to be waning everywhere.
55. Tonight, the tiny constellation Aries the Ram can be found ascending in the east around 9 to 10 p. m. tonight, just above the waning gibbous moon.
56. Jedi Master Adi Gallia was a member of the order's High Council during the waning days of the Republic.
57. The two novelists, Xiaoxiaosheng and David Herbert Lawrence, both negated the dominating culture of their own times, and hinted that it was a waning one.
58. The waning gibbous moon and Saturn above your eastern horizon by around 8:00 p.m. tonight.
59. His strength is waning.
60. The deep observations have also traced the waxing and waning of star formation in the universe at large over cosmic time.
61. " I see fading flowers and I weep . The waning moon hurts my heart.
62. Passel Argente is a male humanoid Senator serving the Galactic Republic during that august government's waning years.
63. By using the waning curve method, an adjustment method of the single circuit control system adjuster parameters is obtained.
64. The full - looking waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight.
65. For the night is waning away ; and there flows a ruddier light throught the blood - colored panes.




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