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单词 ozone layer
释义  Related topics: Earth sciencesˈozone ˌlayer noun [singular]  SCPHEa layer of gases in the sky that prevents harmful radiation from the sun from reaching the Earth 臭氧层 the hole in the ozone layer 臭氧层空洞Examples from the Corpusozone layer• Suppose pollution beyond a certain critical level would have disastrous social consequences, for example irreversibly damaging the ozone layer above the earth.• But because of their longevity they are expected to go on damaging the ozone layer for decades.• Since 1989 I have measured the ozone layer, solar ultraviolet and the clarity of the air over South-Central Texas.• The remainder have escaped into the atmosphere to cause further depletion of the ozone layer.• This was seen as essential if such countries were to co-operate in efforts to protect the ozone layer.• There will be displays on acid rain, the ozone layer and global warming.ˈozone ˌlayer nounChineseSyllable  gases in that the sky harmful Corpus layer prevents of a




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