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单词 moonless
释义  Related topics: Naturemoon·less /ˈmuːnləs/ adjective  DNDARKa moonless sky or night is dark because the moon cannot be seen 没有月亮的,没有月光的 a cloudy, moonless night 一个云层笼罩、没有月亮的夜晚Examples from the Corpusmoonless• Lydia woke suddenly in the tangible blackness that was moonless country night.• I stepped outside into the moonless night and waited for another cry.• It was a dark, moonless night outside.• a cloudy, moonless night• From my window, I could see a raw streak of red hissing its way against the moonless night.• It made me think of looking up at the stars on a moonless night.• The thing that saved us was the moonless night.• Catches are better on windy, moonless nights.• The moonless sky was overcast, and gliding into an opaque blackness we might have been in outer space.moon·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  or because sky dark Corpus the moonless night is a




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