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单词 Respectable
1, He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.
2, She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.
3, Go and make yourself look respectable.
4, An upright man is respectable.
5, It was an eminently respectable boarding school.
6, He was adopted into a respectable family.
7, She looked perfectly respectable in her bathrobe at breakfast.
8, He depicted the town's respectable families in an unflattering light.
9, This part of the city has become quite respectable in the last ten years.
10, Her exam results were respectable enough.
11, Tony comes from an eminently respectable family.
12, She earns a respectable salary.
13, I wore my boring, respectable suit to the interview.
14, The final score was a respectable 2:1.
15, 20000 is a very respectable salary.
16, He gets a respectable income.
17, a respectable gentleman of mature years .
18, He was respectable and no one questioned.
19, She came from a respectable bourgeois family.
20, He came from a respectable if impecunious family.
21, I have to prove myself as a respectable, balanced,[http:///respectable.html] person.
22, Isolationism has a long and respectable pedigree in American history.
23, We'll be content with a respectable result in tomorrow's match.
24, There was quite a respectable crowd at the match on Saturday.
25, The more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is. George Bernard Shaw 
26, It was contemptible of him to speak like that about a respectable teacher!
27, Put a tie on - it'll make you look more respectable.
28, His savings were just enough to pay for a respectable funeral.
29, The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man.
30, He let out a torrent of abuse, none of it printable in a respectable daily newspaper.
1, He came from a perfectly respectable middle-class family.
2, She wrote dull, respectable articles for the local newspaper.
3, Go and make yourself look respectable.
4, It was an eminently respectable boarding school.
5, It was contemptible of him to speak like that about a respectable teacher!
6, Put a tie on - it'll make you look more respectable.
7, He depicted the town's respectable families in an unflattering light.
8, His savings were just enough to pay for a respectable funeral.
9, This part of the city has become quite respectable in the last ten years.
31, Could you wait for a few minutes while I make myself respectable?
32, Hunt jumped a respectable round although his horse was unfit.
33, He was a rebel in his teens but he's a respectable citizen these days.
34, She seems respectable enough.
35, I must go and put on a clean shirt and make myself look respectable.
36, Economic growth has averaged at a respectable 2.5 per cent.
37, He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community.
38, He got into trouble for seducing the daughter of a respectable tradesman.
39, He was, to all appearances , a respectable, successful businessman.
40, After all, suburbs have a very respectable antiquity.
41, He's a perfectly respectable young man.
42, The latter is the respectable man's introduction to idolatry.
43, Arthur was, in fact, a highly respectable dresser.
44, It looked so respectable on the outside.
45, Meanwhile, the birth control movement was becoming more respectable.
46, He came from a respectable family.
47, He looked almost respectable - and very, very sexy.
48, His nomenclature has a very respectable literary history.
49, There are some perfectly respectable actors involved.
50, Local resorts wanted the respectable if unrestrained reveller.
51, They would suffice for a respectable blaze.
52, It's the same at any respectable Chasidic wedding.
53, And this is a respectable girl, Harvey.
54, A "B" is a perfectly respectable grade.
55, This was insider trading at its most respectable.
56, In short, though not yet fully attained, political democracy had become respectable, and Socialism had become arguable.
57, Outwardly he was the respectable accountant advising people how best to invest their life savings.
58, I knew that poor people often save their best clothes, sometimes their only respectable apparel, for churchgoing.
59, It was a hard act to follow, but the poor did what they could to provide respectable funerals for their dead.
60, Students were to be taken in as boarders, having been recommended by a respectable person who knew them or their families.
61, A member of the picturesque Aberfoyle Golf Club, with a respectable 15 handicap, Roy remembers his inauspicious beginnings.
62, It threw too many respectable people on to the Poor Law and caused the loss of many working days.
63, Well, maybe not soaring, but up far enough to look respectable for a while.
64, He would go to his evening reading in his most respectable suit and brazen it out.
65, J.B. Yes, but yes it was a deliberate act on my part to be respectable.
66, As the Wesleyan Methodists became increasingly respectable they too built grandiose chapels in the suburbs.
67, Human beings would be better and more respectable if drug addicts had not been born. Dr T.P.Chia 
68, For many years, most respectable doctors shunned the use of diet pills.
69, But on the other hand, this respectable ideology was deeply rooted in the general experience of working-class life.
70, Of the elements composing the rainbow coalition, Marxism is the most prominent and intellectually respectable.
71, Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. George Orwell 
72, Chandler worried that the scandal would destroy his chances for a respectable career.
73, The perpetrators of the hoax managed to dupe respectable journalists into printing their story.
74, She received warm applause, and during the interval respectable queues formed before her table of books, as before N'dosi's.
75, Singing was fun, but realistically, I knew I had to choose something more respectable.
76, The libertarian view is still barely acknowledged by Soviet historians and is treated by most western historians as not wholly academically respectable.
77, The case is a chilling reminder of how ordinary, seemingly respectable citizens still have racist and deeply intolerant views.
78, They are only made possible by enzymes - biological catalysts that speed up their chemical reactions to a respectable level.
79, This was the most respectable strain of Unionist opposition to the coalition.
80, The Governor Eyre controversy dragged on for a number of years(), creating deep divisions within respectable society.
81, Review by Simon Caulkin As a genre, the business documentary has a respectable literary parentage.
82, But the fact remains that Wolf and the tendency Wolf represented made an inward-looking discipline possible and, ultimately, respectable.
83, Reynolds newspaper declared it surprising that any respectable paper should advertise such wares.
84, By the nineteenth century it was a highly respectable area lived in by bankers amongst others.
85, She smiled at the thought while she changed again into something very respectable and went out for provisions.
86, In each ward, two workers canvassed some 2,000 voters and polled a respectable vote.
87, Unconsciously perhaps Jeanne was seeking to free herself from her narrow and oppressively respectable bourgeois family.
88, It was very nearly respectable, reaching over half way down her thighs.
89, The voter knows that an affirmative answer would be considered more respectable than the truth.
90, The barge-dwellers, creatures neither of firm land nor water, would have liked to be more respectable than they were.
91, I remember one feller that came in - a respectable buck, a docker.
92, She hadn't been the only one to be quietly expelled from the eminently respectable boarding school after being caught smoking cannabis.
93, An otherwise respectable middle-aged woman pressed the thing to her bosom and trotted back to her seat, aglow.
94, He is however, a very respectable young Gentleman, and deserves the honor which his Country has bestowed on him.
95, A clever girl, though, Miss Morgan, an Exhibitioner like Francesca and a respectable second-class degree.
96, Her dark green dress with a flounced skirt was of a pleasant and conventional kind, such as respectable young women wore.
97, Steyne Street was a narrow street in a shabby but respectable part of town.
98, Sir Patrick Duffy Is the Minister aware that a respectable reason for high interest rates is the control of inflation?
99, I got the job on the magazine and then the advertising one then. Very respectable and good money.
100, We were respectable Home Counties middle class, but nothing special, nothing to brag about.
101, She bought a long lease on the apartment in quiet and respectable Hahnwald, a leafy and staid suburb of Cologne.
102, Indeed, on a smaller scale, a portfolio of small caps could turn in a very respectable performance.
103, This respectable sum is called the Reward for mutual cooperation.
104, We were a very respectable family and I was the second child.
105, Still[Sentencedict], the region holds a respectable position in the information-heavy world.
106, It won converts to socialism by making it respectable, exciting and desirable.
107, With the money he saved, he bought a respectable set of secondhand clothes on Chatham Square.
108, Lebed is a more respectable type of nationalist than Zhirinovsky, but his belief in democracy is hazy.
109, If I could have seen a respectable way to dismiss this appeal I should have been happy to do so.
110, The Massachusetts standing order had learned that it could best keep its official establishment by smuggling in some respectable dissenters.
111, It was dark, and silent, from the outside no different from the respectable family mansions that flanked it.
112, Economic growth is slowing, but should still be a respectable 5 percent this year.
113, Arguments such as this are in principle more respectable than the argument based on sheer, naked incredulity.
114, Tony was always in trouble with the police when he was young, but now he's a respectable married man.
115, If you desire to be happy, you must first ask if you deserve to be happy. If you desire to be respected, you must first make yourself respectable. Dr T.P.Chia 
116, We have been left with the ruins of this word after it was applied to grog shops to make them seem respectable.
117, Ashbee, born in 1834, became a successful City businessman, travel writer and respectable family man.
118, The movie theatres were showing well-made and respectable films to a large public that included many of their erstwhile critics.
119, I say my daughter keeps the place respectable by those great iron spectacles she wears.
120, Alongside some respectable advisers, he seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.
121, They wanted him to marry a virtuous young woman from a respectable family.
122, He was a university lecturer now, a family man, respectable, boring, even.
123, Do not cover up aspects of your lifestyle, such as heavy drinking, which you think may make you look less respectable.
124, She ran off with breakfast for her respectable middle-class family.
125, How the quite respectable people who lived under these conditions managed to bring up families, I shall never know.
126, Her family, like mine, was a respectable working-class one, her father being the groundsman at a private preparatory school.
127, Twenty parties are registered to fight the election and some of the smaller ones are making a respectable showing.
128, Crucially, however, incorporation into the upper reaches of strategy-making is offered only to representatives of the respectable citizenry.
129, And borrowing for house purchase has always been accepted as very respectable.
130, There had been eight of them, a jolly, rowdy party in the respectable Southsea restaurant.
131, To confront violence in an otherwise respectable family reflects poorly on the mission and ideals of a church.
132, Alison had shown enough respectable horror on discovering that he was married to prove she was a nice girl.
133, Chiang was using his only respectable troops against Mao, who in turn deployed a force of up to 2 million men.
134, Of respectable working-class background with some pretentions to gentility, without formal education, she nevertheless possessed an instinctive refinement of manner.
134, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
135, The authors conclude that the improving image of the game drew a wider and more respectable public, including more women.
136, What had to be done was that motion pictures had to be made respectable.
137, This inexpensive and popular format effectively challenged the older, more respectable Wall Street newspapers in the battle for readers.
138, It may be a debatable approach, but it is perfectly respectable and coherent.
139, It is a sign that I am good. 60. Clean clothes made us respectable. 61.
140, Rugby, whose spectators are a fairly respectable lot, turns a blind eye to fighting on the field.
141, Thankfully their absent-minded forwards kept the score to a respectable 3-1.
142, Even the poor old bicycle was dragged into the act, amidst a blizzard of respectable fears.
143, The respectable residents have long since fled to the suburbs to escape the inner city pathologies.
144, Once a shoal of respectable dace are attracted in by your feeding, the sprats and minnows will be shouldered out.
145, He describes lodging in the beautifully furnished house of a respectable widow with artistic tastes, who had been impoverished by inflation.
146, Blonde, 21-year-old Elizabeth Dugan, who comes from a respectable family, went on trial yesterday for attempted murder.
147, As we were looking reasonably respectable we eventually managed to leave Parliament Square at about 4.30.
148, You wish to think all the world respectable, and are hurt if I speak ill of any body.
149, Bragg says that universities urgently need to convince academics that popularising research is respectable.
150, But the Lower East Side was merely squalid-an intolerable affront to respectable folk.
151, For a philosophical Idealist, this is a perfectly respectable approach, whatever one thinks of it.
152, She forgot it was midnight and this was a respectable couple.
153, Respectable working class, that's the phrase they use about families like mine.
154, Similarly, a respectable suburban life may well be suppressed by an individual who wants to retain credibility amongst the gang.
155, His avowed purpose was to tweak the noses of the respectable scientific establishment.
156, Lamar Alexander and commentator Patrick Buchanan are all within striking distance of a respectable finish in either state.
157, It is extraordinary that their image of being hardworking, respectable and down-to-earth has lasted for so many years.
158, After the furore over the schoolgirl rape victim, he risks having a controversial but respectable viewpoint mistaken for insensitivity.
159, Ultimately it was only by becoming respectable that the movie industry would continue to survive as a free entrepreneurial enterprise.
160, Last week in New York, he stopped respectable light heavyweight Merqui Sosa in only two rounds.
161, I got to the chemist five minutes before closing time and the place was jam-packed with the elderly and respectable.
162, She shocked her neighbours by ignoring every convention of respectable society.
163, We have swallowed our anger, presented a respectable front, in our bid to gain public support.
164, Yet in even the most respectable and credible sources, arithmetical mistakes can, and occasionally do, creep in.
165, There was Captain Show, a seemingly respectable ex-army man, who plied his trade around the Sunningdale area of the moor.
166, Such flouting of values, such wanton disregard for respectable priority, had often been remarked upon.
167, And they already seem to have found some highly respectable regulars.
168, That is a perfectly respectable point of view-as long as you have the courage to spell it out.
169, Leinster will be hard pushed to keep the score within the respectable margins of defeat set by their predecessors.
170, Thanks to deft chairmanship and bluntness, he drew from it a respectable report that won praise for its forthrightness.
171, I made Joanna respectable by putting up my anchor lantern, made myself a mug of cocoa, and turned in.
172, To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable. Oscar Wilde 
173, But more recent material has presented lesbians and gay men as nice respectable citizens - just like anyone else.
174, Suzanne, forty-something, looking respectable in baggy pants and a blouse, used to work here.
175, His family was eminently respectable.
176, She is a respectable married woman.
177, Respectable teachers fear the students under arms.
178, So should a respectable bourse be offering the stock?
179, He says he is a most respectable, creditable woman.
180, It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk.
181, What on earth are you doing in a nasty place like Shantytown, you, a respectable darky?
182, My third's cups of tupperware be all one aleak, result on pack and trousers all wet. Tuesday; s member day, Respectable persons of group organise movement.
183, Hereat , to have no to respect adore to dedicate still to highest highly respectable of you!
184, He escape from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one.
185, Many developing countries experienced respectable rates of GNP growth during the 1960 s and 1970 s.
186, We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from.
187, The maids don't think it respectable to dance at "The Flower-de-Luce", ' he explained.
188, His smoking tea went hissing over the " hot coppers " of that respectable veteran.
189, Ultimately, this was a respectful and respectable debut from a man who, lest we forget, has never designed womenswear before.
190, S. team is a respectable opponent and we must spare no effort go.
191, Born into a wealthy family in 1928, he studied to be a doctor, but chose instead the infinitely more rackety and less respectable life of a manga cartoonist.
192, During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sycophants, but he particularly phony gentlemen who appeared respectable.
193, But subterranean suburbia, Dutch - style, is about to become respectable and chic.
194, After the disreputable Hanoverian kings, it was high time the monarchy became more respectable. That was the opinion of Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
194, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
195, "Politicians, ugly buildings and whores, " growled John Huston in Chinatown. "They all get respectable if they last long enough."
196, The awful and respectable, in that degree of self-command which astonishes by its amazing superiority over the most ungovernable passions of human nature.
197, Can struggle for these great causes, and gained arrogant person success, can make a brethren feel la-di-da , should get respectable.
198, As a genre it has become quire respectable in recent years.
199, Capt. Talcott: A civic - minded, very respectable rock and roll star.
200, No one imagined that the apparently respectable business man was really a criminal.
201, Allowing to ghostwrite his tweets "was painful at first, but easier and easier because the products and services are respectable."
202, He went "respectable, " in smuggler parlance, and entered into a risky business venture on Kessel.
203, His father, a trucking company manager, raised Brad and his younger brother and sister to be respectable, church-going folk.
204, The first sex offender I worked with was around 60, well - groomed and respectable - looking. I was 24.
205, Reports of respectable drops in bear metabolic rates during hibernation cheer Eric Hellgren of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, who admits to "a biased viewpoint as a bear biologist."
206, The attractive price and a respectable technical content are well-combined for pleasant picture taking.
207, There exists a very respectable liberal school which does not hate Waterloo.
208, If, on the other hand, our transaction is I/O bound (or perhaps offloads work onto some other server), then we may need to push the concurrency very high to achieve a respectable throughput.
209, Because both puller and rickshaw are quite smart - looking they can still demand a respectable price.
210, The awful and respectable, in that degree of self-command which astonishes by its amazing superiority over the most ungovernable passions of human nature. I. I. 45 Chanper V, Volumn I.
211, A such beautiful pitiable but respectable woman who thanks Alexandre Fils Dumas having molded aux Camellia.
212, Of course you also need others' understanding, conciliation and support. But even at this moment, you're so silent, so peaceful, so stouthearted and so respectable!
213, I was surprised and gratified to find the respectable number of Wikipedia articles in Igbo, my father tongue.
214, My ideal is to become a well-beloved tutor just like you all, and a respectable doctor as well.
215, Yet geography has just as often thwarted such desires: in urbanised, crowded England, the respectable have long lived cheek-by-jowl with those who alarm them.
216, Her uncle, Hashem al-Sada, recalled telling Amal al-Sada that he knew bin Laden was from a "devout and respectable family" in Saudi Arabia but didn't know them personally.
217, Year by year a few of these slang terms prove so useful that they graduate into respectable society.
218, Take for an equilateral Triangle -- who represents with us a Tradesman of the respectable class.
219, I disinterred my eightpence and took the road with Nobby, a respectable, downhearted tramp who carried a spare pair of boots and visited all the Labour Exchanges.
220, They think of nothing but money, money, money. And so goddamned respectable, so bourgeois!
221, For my part, I abominate all honorable respectable toils , trials, and tribulations of every kind whatsoever.
222, Arrogance will not make you be respected by others; humbleness however makes you respectable.
223, At the level of fantasy, Gates is a small-time, subversive hooligan who has taken over and dressed himself up as the respectable chairman.
224, Every respectable galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center -- all except the one galaxy that has now been caught in the act of ejecting its insatiable mass-muncher.
225, It is one thing to give your all to a race if the winning post is within sight and you know that you are in with a chance of crossing it in a respectable time.
226, The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.
227, Although I maintained a respectable weight throughout high school[Sentencedict], there was always a fat person inside of me just waiting to burst onto the scene.
228, You will escape from a disorderly, comfortless home into a wealthy, respectable one.
229, This landlord didn't say anything about being respectable. He was much nicer and more honest.
230, Hurry had a respectable reputation for prowess among his associates.
231, It's a little bit of naughty Chinese eroto-comedy supported by some respectable period sets (both films were based on classic novel The Carnal Prayer Mat).
232, Ms Chen admits that being the descendant of a top communist official has helped, " butin the sense that people knew you came from a respectable family."
233, Babbitt is the upholder of everything that is conservative, conventional and respectable.
234, At present, Russia's GDP per capita measured in purchasing power parities, that is, standard of living, is a respectable one-third of that of the European Union.
235, It never occurred to me that such a respectable politician could be a paedophile.
236, At the same time, Arthur knew that he was the bastard of his respectable Padre Montanelli.
237, They go the rounds of all the respectable houses, and receive contributions every Christmas, and we esteemed it a first-rate treat to hear them.
238, a highly respectable neighbourhood.
239, 'so the river - boat gambler and the speculator is going to be respectable!
240, The attractive price and a respectable technical content are well combined for a pleasant picture taking.
241, Freedom House, a Washington-based research foundation, gives South Africa a respectable rating of 2 in its "freedom in the world" index, where 1 is completely free and 7 totally unfree.
242, Their habitation was not merely respectable and commodious, but even dignified and imposing.
243, Mother and daughter or no, respectable or no, the need for money was merciless.
244, His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely more respectable.
245, Today's carer gives Phil a good wash and freshen up and, just before she leaves, we ease her into a dressing gown so that she is more respectable for her journey to hospital.
246, Doing the indignant: a girl of good family like me, respectable character.
247, So thought every harassed , hampered, respectable boy in St. Petersburg.
248, They work legally, and are respectable, those who reap where one has not sown are the rubbish.
249, After some difficulty I was fortunate in hiring a most respectable round - faced young man.
250, It's incumbent on the trade union organization to give the respectable labor for the laborers.
251, Her to carry forward and continue the painstaking art of Cantonese opera is really respectable.
252, After all,[http:///respectable.html] its assertion by the authority of respectable teachers is sufficient evidence to begin with.
253, This play was performed for several years bya touring repertory company, and had a respectable run in London, but did not earn very much money for James.
254, The young general Bonaparte's pounding of the Paris mob to pieces in 1795 called in playful approval by our respectable classes "the whiff of grapeshot ".




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