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单词 ballroom dancing
释义  Related topics: Dance, Leisureˌballroom ˈdancing noun [uncountable]  APDDLa type of dancing that is done with a partner and has different steps for particular types of music, such as the waltz 交际舞,交谊舞〔如华尔兹舞等〕Examples from the Corpusballroom dancing• One early distinction suggests itself: ballet is performed for an audience; ballroom dancing is where we can all join in.• Voice over They've been ballroom dancing in Cheltenham Town Hall for 50 years now.• But ballroom dancing is an activity that screams out for a band.• Rugby supporters, who are as much licence-payers as are aficionados of ballroom dancing, have, I think, been short-changed.• But what would then be the case with an exhibition or competition of ballroom dancing?• I was very fond of ballroom dancing, and of other things associated with the tripping of the light-fantastic.ˌballroom ˈdancing nounChineseSyllable  dancing is that type with of a done a Corpus




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