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单词 monastic
释义  Related topics: Religionmo·nas·tic /məˈnæstɪk/ adjective  1  RRrelating to monks or life in a monastery 僧侣的;修道院的 the monastic life 僧侣生活 a monastic community 僧侣团体 Roman Catholic monastic orders (=groups of monks) 天主教修道会2  similar to a monk’s way of living, for example quiet, simple, or not having sex 宁静简朴的;清修的;禁欲的 He led a rather monastic lifestyle. 他过着很简朴的生活。 —monasticism /-tɪsɪzəm/ noun [uncountable] early medieval monasticism 中世纪早期的修道院生活Examples from the Corpusmonastic• The monastic chroniclers especially recorded with high indignation the resolute enforcement of the Forest jurisdiction over clerical offenders.• Throughout the centuries, the monks of Clonmacnoise had suffered from raiders sailing up the Shannon to plunder the monastic city.• It's an almost monastic existence.• The fate of the monastic libraries serves in popular imagination as a classic example of mindless iconoclasm.• The monks are not inhospitable, but recognizing and acknowledging so many visitors would make a spiritual and monastic life impossible.• a monastic order• This beautiful monastic ruin is set in a deeply wooded valley by the River Rye.• In some monastic traditions the Office is only one of a number of priorities.monastic orders• Knowledge of architectural features of style was dispersed partly by the monastic orders and partly by the great pilgrimages.• A number of monastic orders had churches here in the middle ages.• Invitees were not only bishops, but heads of monastic orders, theologians representing the academic magisterium, even lay·nas·tic adjectiveChineseSyllable  relating or Corpus in a life monks monastery to




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