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单词 Posed
1) She once posed nude for a magazine.
2) He posed as an expert on old coins.
3) The model posed herself for the art students.
4) The group was well posed for the photograph.
5) The boys posed rather self-consciously for the photo.
6) He bantered with reporters and posed for photographers.
7) They posed briefly for photographs before driving off.
8) You've posed an awkward question.
9) The delegates posed for a group photograph.
10) The question was posed in a flat tone.
11) Have you ever posed nude ?
12) The subjects are well posed in these photographs.
13) The artist posed his model carefully.
14) The royal couple posed for the cameras.
15) After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.
16) A fashionable couple posed elegantly at the next table.
17) She posed for her portrait.
18) The players strutted and posed for the cameras.
19) He posed as a newsman to get in.
20) He posed a green political view.
21) The spy was caught by a policewoman who posed as a prostitute.
22) We posed for photographs.
23) The detective posed as a mourner at the victim's funeral.
24) The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders.
25) The great photographer posed them in front of a row of tenement.
26) The company is alive to the threat posed by foreign imports.
27) When I finally posed the question,[http:///posed.html] 'Why?' he merely shrugged.
28) There were rumours that she had posed topless for a magazine.
29) He posed as a rich man though he owed more than the owned.
30) Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs.
1) She once posed nude for a magazine.
2) He posed as an expert on old coins.
3) The model posed herself for the art students.
4) The group was well posed for the photograph.
5) She posed for her portrait.
31) We all posed for our photographs next to the Statue of Liberty.
32) I asked whether her closeness to her mother ever posed any problems.
33) The students were deported because they posed a threat to national security.
34) The bride and groom posed for pictures outside the church.
35) Can we go back to the question that Helena posed earlier?
36) The lack of funds posed difficulties for this organization last year.
37) When he posed for me he wore street clothes.
38) His men posed for photographs holding severed heads.
39) They still could have posed for Norman Rockwell.
40) Federal disinvestment posed a serious dilemma for distressed cities.
40) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
41) How to convey the battle scene posed a problem.
42) This posed a real dilemma for administrators.
43) The question posed to co-organizers Sen.
44) Every detail of the plan must have posed dangers.
45) The following question can now be posed.
46) In answer to a question posed by a congressman.
47) This posed a dilemma for him.
48) Chess posed a formidable challenge for computer scientists.
49) The question posed at the end of the first paragraph can be answered with a strong affirmative.
50) Neural networks are performing tasks that have posed stumbling blocks for previous technologies.
51) And the fact that both doctors were insured by the same company must have posed a serious problem for the company.
52) In fact open admissions was often posed as the means to desegregate higher education.
53) He sentenced teenager Mark Acklom to four years youth custody after he posed as a City stockbroker in a £466(),000 mortgage fraud.
54) He saw the maintenance crew posed disconsolately on a hill.
55) Cranston, too, was thinking about events in the Tower but was too anxious to concentrate on the problems they posed.
56) Most of these people are conscious of the dangers posed by the growth of big corporations.
57) Murder in the Cathedral addressed such matters, posed in a different way.
58) This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration.
59) The environmental impacts of recreation, tourism and sport are insignificant in relation to those posed by forest demise.
60) But working to scale from a cartoon drawing and meeting a tight deadline posed problems for the sculpture's designer.
61) They were really the first nudes that he had done since Jane Birkin posed topless in the Sixties.
62) It posed a problem for Charman because he could not sustain the song's frantic pace.
63) Students will be asked to demonstrate competence with a problem posed in this area. b. Abstract / Scientific Mathematics.
64) Our job brought us in contact with hazards ether than those posed by demeaning behavior.
65) She cursed a lot, she dressed in boots and sunglasses and black clothes and posed for photographers holding a gun.
66) In his opening speech party chairman Aleksandur Lilov declared that factional splits posed the greatest threat to the party's future.
67) To have such a group under one's roof making their own vociferous demands imposed certain constraints and posed problems of control.
68) The same man apparently also posed as a deacon at a nearby Catholic parish but fled when confronted.
69) I saw Kim Anh in her wedding dress, and the stiffly posed photographs.
70) If this was verified, further questions were posed about how the information appeared,[] and if it was acceptable.
71) Moving away from the camera, Alvin posed beside Rose Garden tubeworms, providing unarguable proof of dimension.
72) But the gravest threat to health is posed by the total collapse of the economy, and the ensuing chronic poverty.
73) The region has posed an administrative challenge to local governments for years.
74) He was impeccable in defence, and posed a constant threat to the Springboks' defensive wall.
75) The problems posed by this view could be related to the question whether non-violence must always be the right way.
76) Purists could be utterly ruthless about the menace working-class immorality posed to the middle-class home.
77) Posed him in a uniform with a musket in front of a wax image of General Washington.
78) In the Analysis section, students are actively involved in trying to solve the puzzle posed by the demonstration.
79) For Spurs guard Vinny Del Negro, who was trying to realign his jump shot, this might have posed a distraction.
80) This is not to say however that interviewing adults was easier, simply that it posed different challenges.
81) She was introduced to Jamie Lee Curtis and posed for photos with the actress' daughter.
82) That we should attempt to answer the question posed here at all would have seemed peculiar 200 years ago.
83) The challenge to academic painting that impressionism posed was a challenge both in form and in content.
84) The artist, posed beside his picture, has moved during the exposure, paraphrasing the multiple-image effect of the painting.
85) When Joe was asked to join the First Family each year for Christmas dinner, it posed a dilemma.
86) Even more seemingly intractable problems will be posed by attempts to store virtual reality.
87) Still, he posed several questions that he said proved the plaintiffs' case was utter nonsense.
88) The political difficulties included the moral dictatorship of Pandit Nehru and his family, which posed formidable succession problems.
89) They posed for pictures with him in the tunnel outside the clubhouse.
90) And just lagging it slightly was the image of the posed dancer.
91) The need now was for urban policies that matched the new challenges posed by the economics of urban growth and decline.
92) Betty Helphrey wishes that her daughter, Debbie, had known more about the risks posed by herbal products.
93) While conducting interviews for this book, I sometimes posed the chameleon riddle to my interviewees.
94) The Health Secretary posed for the lens of the famous photographer of beautiful women, Terry O'Neill.
95) The creation of States posed an immediate threat to the freedom of action of lesser rulers.
96) She changed the subject when I posed an oblique question about the boys' father.
97) The suggestion seems to be that integration is desirable and possible if the obstacles posed by black culture were removed.
98) Considering the two versions of King Lear, Andrew Gurr discusses the implications posed by the two endings of the play.
99) The report, released earlier this week, showed hormone treatments posed no danger to humans.
100) The legislation stated that the plant posed serious environmental hazards and increased the risk of nuclear proliferation.
101) But this at once raises the question which Kant posed to himself; can, then, any metaphysical argument be justified?
102) Making arrangements for the engineering investigators to cope with the jet age posed much less difficulty.
103) Another district judge will now rule on what sanctions should be im posed on the company for its illegal behaviour.
104) The technology is showing a great deal of promise in areas that have posed problems for conventional systems.
105) These results affect assessments of the hazard posed by impacts of small comets and asteroids.
106) Although already gravely ill, she posed for this graduation picture just days before losing her battle against cancer.
107) It posed a challenge both to her religious motivation and her feminist principles.
108) The Third World faces an energy crisis even without the problems posed by global warming.
109) A more realistic threat could be posed by a disenchanted or jealous army officer.
110) Let's start with the one just posed: Why are all the best views on the worst bends?
111) They did not cause any radiation leaks and posed no danger to the environment.
112) Esther posed for me, hand on hip, by the cafeteria door.
113) Such arguments naturally alerted the authorities to the possible threat posed by such an organization.
114) Faced with the threat it posed we somehow managed to break free of the old categories.
115) First she posed as a Roman centurion and did a bit of torture.
116) He posed the question: how do working class kids get working class jobs?
117) The plan is a first step in addressing the threats to health in the United States posed by emerging infections.
118) It's worth recalling Lonrho, because the dilemma posed by mercenaries is growing sharper.
119) In distinguishing the market economy from the command economy, five fundamental questions will be posed: 1.
120) An interesting methodological and theoretical problem is posed by these contradictions.
121) This post had posed a challenge not only to the Governors but also to the two Deputy Head Teachers.
122) All princes had to face the problems posed by distant and turbulent borderlands.
123) Even the problems posed by a plurality of worlds were negotiable.
124) Excessive formaldehyde levels have posed a problem before at the tunnel site.
125) What is posed for us is the same question that has been central for our epoch: the question of leadership.
126) In another way too, the advance of science has posed a challenge for theology.
127) The usually private Sporty Spice posed hand-in-hand with film director Dan Cadan.
128) There are ways to reduce the problems posed by syntactic ambiguity.
129) Linguistic ability posed special problems where one particular geographical area was concerned.
130) This puts theology in a much stronger position to accept the challenge posed by historians and philosophers.
131) Yet it is rarely posed as a major issue of AIDS prevention.
132) It had previously been thought that pollution posed the greatest threat to inshore marine mammals.
133) Before she gave me my jab,[http:///posed.html] she asked the most pertinent question that anyone had so far posed.
134) The problems posed by authors changing their names are thought to be very limited.
135) In the early morning hours of 31 January, however, the order posed great difficulties.
136) Mr Purtill also posed for a picture with Mr Major, managing to rustle up a sheepish grin.
137) The morning after the funeral, Jean started trying to fathom the mysteries posed by the contents of Brian's wallet.
138) Child instruction has always been hampered by the age-old problem posed by constraints of religion.
139) The department would be required to identify priority zones where lions have posed particular problems and institute special control measures.
140) The Anglo-Nubians posed like a nest of tables by the ropes.
141) But getting suitable ones, to supplement the original first-class seats, has posed problems.
142) Anna Zborowska posed for two nude paintings, presumably painted in her rooms at the Sunny Hotel with Lunia acting as chaperone.
143) In Tampa, Fla., he posed with elementary school students learning how to run businesses.
144) Confusion between love and work is one danger posed by the collapse of the wall between the two.
145) One of the most worrying aspects is the danger posed by irresponsible and loony left local authorities.
146) Here the world system is perceived in terms of the strategic imperatives posed by geography.
147) Collectively, these opportunities and threats posed four main concerns for leaders: Managing assets and policies apart from people.
148) It also forced an awareness of the competitive challenges posed by life outside the cozy confines of farm and family.
149) Local residents are deeply concerned about the threat to health posed by the power station.
150) She allowed herself to be posed like a mannequin, but drew in on herself when he let her go.
151) They posed holding hands for photographers before turning back to the screeching fans and signing yet more autographs.
152) This cut through the insoluble problem posed in previous attempts to collect betterment values created by public action.
153) They posed for photographers at the star-studded show, giving the lie to rumours they had been separated for several weeks.
154) The organisers of the pools believe that huge jackpots are their best weapon in fighting the threat posed by a national lottery.
155) She posed as the czar's daughter.
156) The humorist posed as a plain uneducated man.
157) She posed as the Czar's daughter.
158) The question - posed with dramatic rhetoric - produced a hum of approval from spectators.
159) Now severe threats are posed on fair use by Internet technology.
160) She had once posed for Life classes when she was an art student.
161) The police in Northern Ireland knew that dissident republicans posed a threat, and they were concerned.
162) My uncle posed as a connoisseur in paintings while actually he was only a layman.
163) Bagnold was aware of the dangers posed by the Italians in Libya.
164) Under this method can solve the robust estimation of ill - posed problems in geodesy.
165) The long - term social threat posed by uncontrolled soil erosion raises profound questions of intergenerational equity.
166) Merton criticized the defeats of traditional functionalism, and posed the so - called value - free functional analyzing pattern.
167) Different opinions are posed about extending gasohol in this paper.
167) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
168) The whales were too close; this posed an immediate problem for my photography.
169) He regularly posed, cigar in hand and wise - crack at the ready, for press photographs.




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