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单词 modernistic
释义 Word family  noun modernity modernization modernism modernist modernity modernizer modernization adjective modern modernist modernistic verb modernize  mod·ern·ist·ic /ˌmɒdəˈnɪstɪk◂ $ ˌmɑːdər-/ adjective  MODERNdesigned in a way that looks very modern and very different from previous styles 现代风格的,现代派的 OPP traditional a modernistic office building 现代风格的办公大楼Examples from the Corpusmodernistic• Car 68 was withdrawn and replaced in the following year by a modernistic design, which eventually became known as the Bandwagon.• modernistic furniture• The sight before him was reminiscent of a modernistic painting of Hell.• I don't take to these modernistic people who just splash on daubs of paint.mod·ern·ist·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  that looks Corpus very modern designed way in a




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