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单词 mix
释义 Word family  noun mix mixer mixture adjective mixed verb mix  Related topics: Cooking, Drink, Media, Recordingmix1 /mɪks/ ●●● S2 W3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]MIX if you mix two or more substances or if they mix, they combine to become a single substance, and they cannot be easily separated (使)混合,拌和 Oil and water don’t mix. 油和水不相融。mix (something) with something Shake the bottle well so that the oil mixes with the vinegar. 充分摇动瓶子使油和醋混合。 The powder is mixed with cold water to form a paste. 用冷水把粉末搅拌成糊状。 Mix the soured cream with ketchup. 把酸奶油和番茄酱拌在一起。mix something together First mix the butter and sugar together, then add the milk. 先把黄油和糖搅拌匀,然后加牛奶。mix something in Mix in 75 g of butter. 加入75克黄油拌和。mix something into something Mix the herbs into the sauce. 把香草拌入调味汁中。2  [transitive]MIX to combine two or more different activities, ideas, groups of things etc (使)结合 Their musical style mixes elements of Eastern culture and Western pop. 他们的音乐风格融合了东方文化和西方流行音乐中的元素。mix something with something His books mix historical fact with fantasy. 他的书把史实和想象融合在一起。 I don’t like to mix business with pleasure (=combine business and social activities at the same time). 我不喜欢把工作和娱乐混在一起。3  [intransitive]SOCIALIZE to meet, talk, and spend time with other people, especially people you do not know very well 〔尤指与不相熟的人〕交往,相处,交际 SYN socializemix with Charlie doesn’t mix well with the other children. 查利与其他孩子合不来。4  not mix MIXif two different ideas, activities etc do not mix, there are problems when they are combined 不合,不相容 Smoking and babies don’t mix. 有婴儿的场合不宜吸烟。5  [transitive] (also mix up)DFCDFD to prepare something, especially food or drink, by mixing things together 调制,配制 Will you mix us some martinis, Bill? 给我们调几杯马丁尼酒好吗,比尔?6  mix and match DCto choose to put different things together from a range of possibilities 混合重组;混合搭配 They can mix and match their uniform, wearing either a sweatshirt or blouse with trousers or a skirt. 他们可以把制服换着搭配,穿运动衫或衬衫配裤子或裙子。7. [transitive] technicalAMTCR to control the balance of sounds in a record or film 混合录音,混录〔声音〕8  mix it (up) ARGUE informal to get involved in a fight with someone 与…争吵;与…打架 You don’t want to mix it with him. He’s been drinking since noon. 你别去和他争吵,他从中午开始就一直在喝酒。9 mix somebody/something ↔ up phrasal verb a) CONFUSEDto make the mistake of thinking that someone or something is another person or thing 混淆,弄混 SYN confuse, muddle up with I always mix him up with his brother. They look so much alike. 我总是把他和他的弟弟弄混,他们长得太像了。 I think you might be mixing up Wetherall and Newton. 我想你可能是把韦瑟罗尔和牛顿弄混了。 I must have got the times mixed up. 我肯定是把时间弄混了。b) CONFUSEDto change the way things have been arranged, often by mistake, so that they are no longer in the same order 弄乱〔某物〕 My papers got all mixed up. 我的文件全给弄乱了。 Books on Scottish history were mixed up with books on volcanoes. 有关苏格兰历史的书籍和有关火山的书籍混在一起了。c) CONFUSEDORDER/SEQUENCEto make someone feel confused 使糊涂 They kept trying to mix me up. 他们一直想要把我弄糊涂。d) to prepare something by mixing things together 混合 It was hard work mixing up four tonnes of cement. 搅拌四吨水泥是很辛苦的。 → mixed up, mix-up THESAURUSto mix foods, liquids etc 搅拌食物、液体等mix to put different substances or liquids together so that they can no longer be separated 使〔不同物质或液体〕混合,拌和Mix yellow and blue paint to make green. 把黄颜料和蓝颜料混合,调成绿色。This cake is really easy – you just mix everything together in the bowl. 这种蛋糕很好做——只要把所有东西都放在碗里拌和就可以。Concrete is made by mixing gravel with sand, cement, and water. 混凝土是砾石加沙、水泥和水经拌和而成的。combine to mix things together so that they form a single substance. Combine is more formal than mix 使结合,使组合〔比mix正式〕Combine the flour and the eggs. 将面粉和蛋和在一起。Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon. 钢是由铁加碳炼制而成的。stir to move a spoon or stick around in a liquid, a pan etc, especially when you are mixing things together 搅动,搅拌Keep stirring until the sauce becomes thicker. 不停地搅拌,直至酱汁变稠。Stir the sugar into the warm milk. 把糖放入热牛奶中搅拌。nStir the paint before you use it.blend to mix together soft or liquid substances to form a single smooth substance 混合,掺和Blend the yogurt with fresh fruit for a great drink. 把新鲜水果拌入酸奶,制成非常可口的饮料。beat to mix food together quickly and thoroughly using a fork or kitchen tool – used especially about eggs 〔用叉或厨房工具〕搅打〔尤指蛋〕Beat the eggs and add them to the milk and flour. 搅打鸡蛋,然后倒入牛奶和面粉的混合物中。whisk to mix foods that are soft or liquid very quickly so that air is mixed in, using a fork or special tool 〔用叉或特殊工具〕搅拌,搅打〔软质食物或液体〕Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks. 将蛋清搅打至起尖。dilute to mix a liquid with water in order to make it weaker 稀释,冲淡Dilute the bleach with two parts water to one part bleach. 按水与漂白剂二比一的比例将漂白剂稀释。to mix styles, ideas, or other things 结合不同的风格、观点等mix to put different styles, ideas, or other things together 使结合His music mixes jazz and classical styles. 他的音乐融合了爵士乐和古典音乐的风格。The different categories of books were all mixed together. 不同种类的书籍都混放在一起。combine to mix different styles, ideas, or other things, so that they work together or become a single thing 使结合,使组合Diets are most effective when they are combined with exercise. 节食的同时还进行运动,这样效果最好。He combines Greek philosophy with Christian teachings. 他把古希腊哲学同基督教教义结合起来。blend to combine parts of different things together, especially in a successful and effective way 〔尤指成功、有效地〕融合,糅合The teaching course blends theory and practice in the classroom. 教学培训课程将理论和课堂实践结合在一起。fuse to combine different styles in order to form a new style 使〔不同风格〕结合,融合The band fuses African rhythms with traditional Celtic music. 这支乐队将非洲韵律和凯尔特传统音乐融合在一起。jumble to mix things together in an untidy way, so that they are not in any order 使混乱,使杂乱The jigsaw pieces were all jumbled together in the box. 拼图的拼块全都乱七八糟地放在盒子里。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmix• Oil and water do not mix.• After a short time the oxygen and the nitrogen molecules will start to mix.• At the bar, she mixed a double scotch and water.• You can leave the meal cooking while you mix a drink for your guests.• If they sell cocktails would you ask the bartender to mix a Harvey Wallbanger?• Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl.• Equal volumes of bacterial and cell suspensions were mixed and shaken gently at room temperature for 30 minutes.• You can make green by mixing blue and yellow paint.• Concrete is made by mixing gravel with sand, cement, and water.• Keillor enjoys mixing high and low culture.• A curious sparrow follows them, mixing its ries with theirs.• In a large bowl mix the butter and flour.• If these two chemicals are mixed together, they will explode.• The racketeers are mixed up with phases of the city government just like a regular Class A City.• Ferns mix well with other shade-loving plants.• Iii this procedure, plasma is mixed with a strongly acidic cation exchange resin of the sodium form.• A heater introduces warm air to mix with incoming cold air.• Bulk salt is rigorously tested before being mixed with pharmaceutical grade chemicals.• Decorate with plain icing sugar mixed with water, or sprinkle ground ginger on top.mix business with pleasure• I always tell patients that I never mix business with pleasure.• No wonder our passengers are often reluctant to mix business with pleasure.• Still, learn from experience: and the moral of this story is: don't mix business with pleasure.• I didn't want to mix business with pleasure ... I won't go out seriously with anyone from the company.• If you can mix business with pleasure, so much better.mix with• It will help your career if you mix socially with successful people.Related topics: Cookingmix2 ●●○ noun  1  [singular]VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS the particular combination of things or people in a group or thing 混合;混合体mix of a good mix of people 搭配得很好的一群人 We felt that between us we had the right mix of skills. 我们觉得我们两个人在技能上可以很好地互补。 a complicated mix of colours and textures 色彩和质地的复杂混合 the region’s rich ethnic mix (=people of different races) 该地区的种族大融合2  [countable, uncountable]DFC a combination of substances that you mix together to make something such as a cake 〔做蛋糕等用的〕混合配料 SYN mixturecake/soup etc mix Add water to the cake mix and bake at 375°F. 往蛋糕粉里加水,然后在375华氏度的温度下烘烤。3  [countable] a particular arrangement of sounds, voices, or different pieces of music used on a pop record 混录;混音 the dance mix 混音舞曲Examples from the Corpusmix• It is a mix of staff, says Shandell, which also helps get things done when dealing with ministerial bureaucracy.• What cake mix did you use - it's really good.• J., get snagged in the complicated mix of state gun laws.• She went to New York, where she began to meet a different mix of people -- artists, designers, and art collectors.• The United States also has a far greater ethnic mix than Britain.• There's a real ethnic mix in the city nowadays.• The market square is a fascinating mix of ancient and modern.• lemonade mix• The marketing mix is a central feature of an organization's tactical plan for a particular market.• The active virus has been suppressed, perhaps eliminated, in 21 of 24 chronic patients given the mix.mix of• Des Jardins' mix of cultures is reflected in the food she cooks.cake/soup etc mix• In a large mixing bowl combine cake mix and pudding.• Place the chicken in an ovenproof casserole and sprinkle the dry soup mix over.• It wasn't as splashy as water - it was sort of like cake mix.• Stir nuts and water into remaining cake mix mixture, then sprinkle over filling.• Christmas tree cake rack Miniature trees on a rack for sponge cake mixes and jellies.• But his meal was a disaster soggy rice and fish in a watery soup mix.From Longman Business Dictionarymixmix /mɪks/ noun [countable usually singular] a group of different things combined together for a particular purposeIf the investment manager picks the right mix of bonds, his total return should rise quickly. → asset mix → business mix → investment mix → marketing mix → merchandise mix → portfolio mix → product mix → sales mixOrigin mix1 (1400-1500) mixte “mixed” ((13-17 centuries)), from Latin mixtus, past participle of miscere “to mix”mix1 verb →THESAURUS1mix2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  more Business mix two you if Corpus or




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