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单词 Heir
1) He recognized John as his lawful heir.
2) They adopted an orphan as an heir.
3) John was the sole heir to a vast estate.
4) The guest of honour was the Romanoff heir to the throne of all Russia.
5) Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.
6) By producing an heir, the Queen effectively removed her cousin's hopes of succeeding to the throne.
7) The treaty of Troyes made Henry V heir to the crown of France.
8) The only daughter took as heir.
9) He was the legal heir to the throne.
10) He has no heir to leave his fortune to.
11) Who was the true heir to the throne?
12) We don't recognized him to be the lawful heir.
13) The old man deceased without leaving an heir.
14) She acknowledged him as her heir.
15) We don't recognised him to be the lawful heir.
16) He was sole heir to the family fortune.
17) The French finance minister is heir to a tradition of central control that goes back to Louis XIV's minister, Colbert.
18) Richard was his father's only heir, as he had no brothers or sisters.
19) The young prince is the heir to a vast estate in the west of the country.
20) At the age of twenty he fell heir to a large estate.
21) He wanted an heir to carry on the family name.
22) It's only the second time a potential heir to the throne has married a commoner.
23) The King's eldest son is the heir to the throne.
24) Henry the Eighth wanted a male heir to ensure the Tudor line of succession.
25) The Prince of Wales is the heir apparent to the throne.
26) The marriage failed to produce an heir to the throne.
27) If he dies without an heir,(http:///heir.html) his property reverts to the state.
28) Imam Ali, the prophet's son-in-law, is regarded by Shia Muslims as the heir to Mohammed's spiritual authority.
29) In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.
30) He left most of his property to his eldest son and heir.
1) He recognized John as his lawful heir.
2) They adopted an orphan as an heir.
3) John was the sole heir to a vast estate.
4) The guest of honour was the Romanoff heir to the throne of all Russia.
5) Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.
6) By producing an heir, the Queen effectively removed her cousin's hopes of succeeding to the throne.
7) The treaty of Troyes made Henry V heir to the crown of France.
8) He was the legal heir to the throne.
9) Who was the true heir to the throne?
10) We don't recognised him to be the lawful heir.
11) In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.
12) The King's eldest son is the heir to the throne.
13) The Earl of Arundel's heir was restored to his inheritance and granted the lordship of Chirk.
14) Nash did not live a cloistered existence nor was he spared the shocks that flesh is heir to.
31) Jonson was his political heir as leader of the Nationalist Party.
32) Despite having a large family, they still had no son and heir.
33) The Earl of Arundel's heir was restored to his inheritance and granted the lordship of Chirk.
34) The house was her spiritual home for which she sought a spiritual heir.
35) He is the sole heir to a large mining fortune.
36) When the Earl of Surrey died in 1347 he left no direct heir.
37) She is the heir to a legacy of £1 million.
38) His heir sold the painting to the London art dealer Agnews.
39) He planned to marry and produce an heir for his estate.
40) Everyone recognized him to be the lawful heir / as the lawful heir.
41) Nash did not live a cloistered existence nor was he spared the shocks that flesh is heir to.
42) On his brother's death he became heir apparent to the title.
43) He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.
44) She's the heir to a department store fortune.
45) The boy's his legal heir.
46) She made her stepson heir.
47) Wasn't he the rightful heir?
48) Lieutenant Denholm is the heir to an earldom.
49) Huston is considered the governor's political heir apparent.
50) He was also seen as heir apparent to Redstone.
51) We are told nothing about the heir he instituted.
52) Beatrice died soon after and without producing an heir.
53) There is no heir to the baronetcy.
54) The Earl's descendant accepted the apologies of Hampden's heir.
55) The heir to the Blenheim Palace estate in Oxfordshire pleaded guilty to all six charges.
56) The princes had obviously refused to select their prince as Phoenix King although he was obviously the rightful heir to Aenarion.
57) Why, for instance, does Dahlia continue to control the purse strings after Ella is revealed as the rightful heir?
58) Du Pont is a direct heir to the du Pont fortune.
59) But so far, media buyers in California see no sign of the publishing heir.
60) In this sense, Mr Major is child and heir of Thatcherism, smile and smile as he may.
61) Trusts have long been used to hold assets that would otherwise disqualify the heir from public assistance.
62) Yet even the post-classical trust retained its independence of a testamentary heir.
63) They've been collecting shellfish: as they play, heir father stalks game among the hazel, oak and alder.
64) It was none other than the heir to the throne, blissfully unaware, and convulsed with mirth.
65) Ivester, 50, had been considered heir apparent to replace Goizueta, who died Saturday from complications related to lung cancer.
66) Now Jeanne Deschamps, Suzanne's sister and sole legal heir, is demanding that the painting be restored to the family.
67) His brother Jean died in 1668, leaving Martin as the sole heir to his father's estate.
68) The succession law favouring the male heir was changed in May 1990 to give equal succession rights to both sexes.
69) Aegeus then proclaimed to the country that Theseus was See next chapter. his son and heir.
70) When I did become pregnant, it was amidst much rejoicing - the heir of Abraham was to be born.
71) When the heir to the Spencer earldom got married three years ago, Guppy was his best man.
72) Sigmar left no heir and his passing must have caused some apprehension amongst the people of the Empire.
73) This was most likely to happen if a lordship was left without an adult male heir.
74) His duty was to marry and produce an heir to the throne.
75) Abbas Mirza, the heir to the Persian throne, was not to be dissuaded from aggression.
76) William died in November 1581, leaving his son Maximilian heir to his property in Halling.
77) Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a spendthrift heir squandering his wealth.
78) He proposed a regency council to uphold the validity of Frederick's election until the heir should come of age.
79) And so at last, though not happily nor of one mind, Lachlan was named as the legitimate heir of Duart.
80) That is how strongly she felt about her responsibility to produce a male heir to the Kang clan.
81) Unlike casual labour, skilled workers were heir to a tradition of militancy.
82) The family is staying in a private apartment loaned by Fergie's friend, brewing heir Peter Greenall.
83) Alexander I.. Lebed took center stage to criticize the ailing leader and cast himself as heir apparent.
84) Nevertheless, in 1897 he entered the Sarawak service as a cadet to be trained as heir to the raj.
85) He was the elder brother of Burun's father, the son of a concubine, never acknowledged as heir.
85) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
86) The new heir apparent soon had an opportunity to endear himself to the Athenians.
87) The way was therefore open for a rapprochement between Childebert and Chilperic, who now adopted the former as his heir.
88) The adoption contract might contain a proviso that if a natural son was born he would take precedence as the legal heir.
89) That was an independent province until Duke Francis died, leaving his daughter Anne as his only heir.
90) Exceptionally, however, a peerage could be conferred or devolve upon a daughter or other heir.
91) Why was it that the men in her life seemed to have found some other woman to give them an heir?
92) With equal grace and dispatch she produced the son and heir the Shah craved.
93) Catch him in Birmingham tonight and form your own judgment on the supposed heir to Bevan, Foot and Kinnock.
94) The addressee is Titius, heir to a share of the testator's estate.
95) But in a wider context Gloucester failed to establish himself as the heir of the earls of Oxford.
96) The last case concerned an implied trust at the expense of the intestate heir.
97) Like Degas, the heir in this respect of Ingres, he placed great emphasis on drawing.
98) No, she may give me her money and my legitimate heir, and that is all.
99) Soon, he'd accept Lachlan as a better heir than Hector would have been, and all would be well again.
100) The question of remarriage and the provision of an heir to the unstable throne was inevitably rearing its head.
101) Davis led the team with 22 passes defended, and the heir apparent is third-year man Tyronne Drakeford.
102) But his heir, the present duke, no longer holds pole position.
103) He has mentioned his intestate heir, and this is sufficient to allow him to claim a trust exists in his favour.
104) He needed an heir, and was about to make a formal offer for the hand of Virginia Grafton.
105) Burton had no middle-class expectations, and certainly no desire to ape aristocratic ways he was not heir to.
106) Late in life, King Robert had still fathered no male heir.
107) Richard was now heir to the throne of the Angevin Empire.
108) The point of a general damnatio was to impose on the heir a general obligation to pay the legacies left.
109) The real estate descended to the heir in accordance with rules laid down by statutes of 1833 and 1859.
110) His intention, quite clearly, must be that on her death she should be succeeded by her intestate heir.
111) The political tension, both between the king and heir and between the political groupings, rose rapidly.
112) Your half-brother lies deep inside the Dark Realm and, unless he is rescued, you are Tara's heir.
113) He left a son and heir, John, aged twenty-two, and a widow, who died in 1349.
114) Ought this to be enforced in different circumstances against John's innocent son and heir?
115) After William III's death in 1702 and Anne's succession Sophia became the immediate heir to the throne.
116) Having heard of his family's desire for an heir(sentence dictionary), she fantasised a little as to whether his wife might be expecting again.
117) This made him the intellectual heir of John Hunter, whose Essays and Observations he published with due filial piety in 1861.
118) Experts on noble lineage detect a change in the thirty six year old heir.
119) And talking of children, Carlotta's lost the heir to her kingdom.
120) But Thieu Tri had chosen him as heir because of his mild disposition, and visitors to his court confirmed his moderation.
121) Madresfield Court at Malvern, Worcs, had stayed empty because the previous tenant had no male heir.
122) It is Lachlan, eaten up by jealousy, who is plotting against my heir.
123) Mrs Armitage's heir is already asserting his rights in the matter but that is not my concern.
124) The flat tax is the biggest plank in publishing heir Steve Forbes' platform.
125) But could they ever secure a conviction on that basis against an heir to the throne?
126) Having delivered an heir to the Kang clan, her place was secure, unlike with my birth.
127) He wanted to beget an heir.
128) Heir apparent to inherit housing, land deed tax levy.
129) to be heir to a large fortune.
130) He was seen as Mr Olsen's heir apparent.
131) He claims to be the rightful heir.
132) But he considered himself the true ruler of Egypt as well, the rightful heir to the spiritual traditions practiced by pharaohs such as Ramses II and Thutmose III.
133) Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out.
134) They might even have a son, heir to the earldom of Stane.
135) A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies any son.
136) Charles: The eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the British throne.
137) Set during the second world war, Stella's story is intercut with the lives of her son (in the army and heir to an estate in Ireland) and Louie, a vapid good-time girl who crosses Harrison's path.
138) He had no title and was not the heir to a great estate.
139) Inbreeding may have caused the deformity and even prevented him from producing an heir with his wife, who was probably his half sister.
140) Diana seemed a strong young girl who could be counted upon to produce an heir.
141) As Claudius narrates his life, we witness Augustus' attempts to find an heir, often foiled by his wife Livia who wants her son Tiberius to become emperor.
142) Emperor of Rome( a. d. 14-37). Chosen by Augustus to be heir to the throne, he was a suspicious, tyrannical ruler.
143) The crown prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne.
144) Shandong provincially established hospital cardiovascular disease prevention center Director Li Ren became heir to professor to enumerate the following 10 kind of special kind of core stem.
145) Edward II to the Welsh people as Prince of Wales,(http:///heir.html) a title held by the heir to the throne ever since.
146) 1890 - King William III of the Netherlands dies without a male heir and a special law is passed to allow his daughter Princess Wilhelmina to become Queen.
147) To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir.
148) In the Balobedu of the Limpopo Province of South Africa, the Queen's eldest daughter becomes heir to the complete exclusion of males.
149) His expected much from his son and made him crown prince and heir apparent.
150) The death on October 22nd of Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdel Aziz, heir to the Saudithrone and half-brother to King Abdullah, raised questions about the Saudi succession.
151) Do not have a heir at law, turn into fund of social endowment insurance.
152) Under the premise of the primogeniture, the Queen is usually when no other male heir choice of helplessness.
153) The Princess was cruelly cast aside when she failed to produce an heir.
154) They joined private banker Lizzie Tisch, Sheikha Mozah of Qatar, writer Kathy Freston, and Princess Letizia of Asturias, wife to the heir to the Spanish throne, on the list of 10 best-dressed women.
155) Mary Queen of Scots married the Dauphin of France (heir to the throne) at 15 and became a widow at 19. She returned to Scotland and was crowned at Holyrood Palace as the Queen of Scots.
156) But just days before his death, King Hussein changed the dynastic succession by naming Abdullah, then only 37,[] his heir.
157) Seeking to present himself as heir to the New Kingdom pharaohs, Taharqa erected two temples, set into the base of the mountain, honoring the goddess consorts of Amun.
158) Henry's third wife Jane Seymour provided a male heir, Edward, but died soon after a difficult labour.
159) Li, heir apparent to China's premiership, will meet with Manadrin-speaking Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in the Australian capital Canberra on Friday night.
160) When surrogate right of succession transforms into acquired right of succession the right of expectancy for the prior heir results. In legislation, considerable use of presumption should be ma...
161) His heir, Lord Doune, cuts a bit of a dash in the city.
162) Heir to the throne Prince Charles paid off a family debt incurred more than 350 years ago—but was spared the accumulated interest that could have run into tens of thousands of pounds.
163) Also symbolizing the end of Big Blue's distant ambitions to dominate the PC industry, IBM announced that it would end support for OS/2, which it and Microsoft once touted as the heir to DOS.
164) Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.
165) The story of his life revolves around his devotion to the goddess Ishtar (also known as Inanna) and painful yearning for an heir to the throne.
166) Heir unto vast estates of which he was basely defrauded.
167) Sean Maloney, newly promoted and heir apparent to CEO Paul Otellini in the eyes of many, was the first to take the stage at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco on Tuesday.
168) At the time, the young heir to the dynasty, Mungo Baobab, seemed incapable of seeing the bigger picture, as his attentions were scattered by irresponsibility.
169) He takes as heir.




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