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单词 Vain
1. Vain glory blossoms but never bears. 
2. An old dog barks not in vain
3. ’Tis altogether vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolishly. 
4. She's very vain about her good looks.
5. Men can be just as vain as women.
6. We searched in vain for the missing child.
7. He was self-important, vain and ignorant.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. Parents campaigned in vain for her reinstatement.
9. I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy.
10. I tried in vain to start a conversation.
11. She's just a vain, foolish woman.
12. They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.
13. She is perceived as vain, spoilt and promiscuous.
14. He tried in vain to bring his temper under control.
15. We tried in vain to make him change his mind.
16. A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.
17. She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.
18. She is one of those vain people who never take others' advice.
19. I knocked loudly in the vain hope that someone might answer.
20. They endeavoured to make her happy but in vain.
21. Their lives have not been laid down in vain.
22. Doctors battled in vain to save his life.
23. They waited in vain for a response.
24. All our efforts were in vain.
25. All our work was in vain.
26. Police searched in vain for the missing gunman.
27. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
28. The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope that he might recover.
29. The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.
30. All efforts to reconcile her with her husband were in vain.
1. She's very vain about her good looks.
2. Men can be just as vain as women.
3. We searched in vain for the missing child.
4. He was self-important, vain and ignorant.
5. Parents campaigned in vain for her reinstatement.
6. I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy.
7. I tried in vain to start a conversation.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. She's just a vain, foolish woman.
9. They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.
10. She is perceived as vain, spoilt and promiscuous.
11. He tried in vain to bring his temper under control.
12. We tried in vain to make him change his mind.
13. A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.
14. The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope that he might recover.
15. The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.
16. She closed her eyes tightly in a vain attempt to hold back the tears.
17. All efforts to reconcile her with her husband were in vain.
18. She is one of those vain people who never take others' advice.
19. I knocked loudly in the vain hope that someone might answer.
20. John tried in vain to gloss over his faults.
21. I tried in vain to dispel her misgivings.
22. He was so vain and reckless that he would break a friendship, rather than not break a jest.
31. She waited in vain for her son to return.
32. He's very vain of his abilities.
33. They endeavored to make her happy, but in vain.
34. John tried in vain to gloss over his faults.
35. He was vain and ostentatious.
36. They tried in vain to persuade her to go.
37. All his father's exhortations were in vain.
38. Have you been taking my name in vain ?
39. They tried in vain to open the locked door.
40. I don't like a vain woman.
41. She searched in vain for her passport.
42. Isabelle was a frivolous little fool, vain and flighty.
43. They attempted in vain to modernise these antiquated industries.
44. All my efforts were vain.
45. It is vain to resist.
46. Have you been taking my name in vain again?
47. I tried in vain to dispel her misgivings.
48. All the police's efforts to find him were in vain.
49. Her modesty is all put on; at heart she is very vain.
50. He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain.
51. He tried in vain to keep the two dogs apart before the neighbour intervened.
52. He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence.
53. People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of gunfire.
54. He married his fourth wife, Susan, in the vain hope that she would improve his health.
55. Who's been taking my name in vain?I don't hold such an opinion.
56. They tried to rally the pound sterling but in vain.
57. The swindler tried to baffle him out of his money, but in vain.
58. He was so vain and reckless that he would break a friendship, rather than not break a jest.
59. How dare you take the Lord's name in vain ?
60. Marshals struggled in vain to prevent spectators rushing onto the racetrack.
61. She attempted in vain to introduce some order into the classroom.
62. In vain he tried to free the rope around his hands.
63. He made a vain attempt to reach the drowning child.
64. He asked her again in the vain hope that he could persuade her to come .
65. The young mother died in a vain attempt to save her drowning son.
66. It was in vain that we tried to find his mother.
67. He was not vain,() but he was quietly proud of his literary achievements.
68. He tried to cover up his mistakes but in vain.
69. Altman swore that his son's death would not be in vain.
70. He was very vain about his hair and his clothes.
71. She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of his actions.
72. She and a neighbour tried in vain to revive him.
73. She tried in vain to point out to him the unfairness of the situation.
74. He looked in vain for the source of his unease.
75. He could not bring himself to like the boastful, vain Arabella.
76. The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.
77. Day after day she waited in vain for him to telephone her.
78. It was a vain attempt to shift the responsibility for the murder to somebody else.
79. He was vain and bombastic.
80. He was nothing if not vain.
81. Pollsters have searched in vain for pockets of disloyalty.
82. Against boredom the gods themselves fight in vain. Friedrich Nietzsche 
83. We looked in vain for vent communities mapped earlier.
84. It was usually a vain hope.
85. These lackeys of bourgeois criticism can yap in vain.
86. I looked in vain for a chair.
87. Curling his toes in a vain attempt to frustrate the inhospitable lino, Mungo watched, fascinated.
88. Coarse and shy and cynical and vain and rude and insecure to the point of self-hatred.
89. Live for yourself and you will live in vain; Live for others, and you will live again. Bob Marley 
90. You listen in vain for any recognition of the enormous harm tobacco does.
91. But you will wait in vain if you want to learn anything more detailed about tornadoes, floods, hurricanes or blizzards.
92. Some one ought to strike a blow for women and show this vain man that he was utterly resistible!
93. He is a vain, devious showman accused of bribery, tax evasion, fraud and mafia connections.
94. Eva Peron was vain, she was capricious, she was horribly insecure.
95. The book is a vain attempt to glorify the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history.
96. In vain she struggled to regain control of herself, but it was too late.
97. Better than enduring his fumbling during the night in the vain hope of satisfaction when the need was strong in her.
98. Sweet is true love that is given in vain,(http://) and sweet is death that takes away pain. Alfred Tennyson 
99. I remembered all my vain attempts to change his mind.
100. Last night both men were clinging to the vain hope of salvaging their jobs and refused to comment before today's hearing.
101. And they can travel down to the job centre - in vain.
102. Jaq looked in vain through a lens for identification marks, badges, or names.
103. People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of sirens and gunfire.
104. But that achievement would be in vain, unless they could reestablish communication with Earth.
105. He tries in vain to blag my laminate off me.
106. But since passion does not come in bottles it seems a vain hope.
107. I am vain enough to want to look good, but not to style my hair and paint my toenails.
108. It took a great deal of courage to admit that all her efforts had been in vain.
109. Fifi was back at the bars and stretching out her hand in a vain attempt to reach the steel tray.
110. Suddenly he felt an uneven tug, the string went slack, and he realized that his efforts had been in vain.
111. This man has the unenviable task of telling hungry women and children queueing for food that they're waiting in vain.
112. What of Isleifr's white bear, uselessly rampant in Goslar, while Isleifr waited in vain for his summons to consecration?
113. His ugliness set him apart; his ugliness had made him vain.
114. Doctors tried in vain to save him but he died just before dawn.
115. The vain girl did a little dance in them, but when she tried to stop, the shoes kept on dancing.
116. Congress delegates waited in vain for the congratulatory telegram from Moscow when the new party was formed.
117. In vain I tried to persuade friends that even without glasses it was possible to experience the phenomenon.
118. Police have spent hours searching in vain for the missing teenager.
119. Sam stood guard over his blood-covered friend and tried in vain to flag down passing motorists.
120. Later, it tried in vain to conquer the whole of the subcontinent.
121. Workers tried in vain to keep the building from collapsing.
122. I suppose that might be a fear of being considered big-headed or vain.
123. Before the offensive began he had tried in vain to impress this upon his superiors.
124. The eternal quest for immortality will be in vain until we know the answer - unfortunately, we don't.
125. Jane thinks that they will probably marry in actuality but that he can not love the vain, shallow woman.
126. In a vain attempt to maintain her independence, she spent Monday and Tuesday nights at home - alone.
127. Those dealing with heart disease have looked for such clean-cut results in vain.
128. Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves; vanity, to what we would have others think of us. Jane Austen 
129. He wraps around himself the dusty patchwork cloak of his invisibility and the heralds gallop hither and yon in vain.
130. If people don't learn from this, then his suffering and death were in vain.
131. The court heard a harrowing 999 tape of the boy, then 10, as he tried in vain to stop the killing.
132. In 1562 and again in 1566 the Privy Council urged Elizabeth in vain to marry and secure the succession.
133. Many princes and rich men try in vain to amuse her.
134. How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live. Henry David Thoreau 
135. In vain he hoped to carve out an alternative career as a journalist and cricket writer.
136. Once, I dived full-length across the court in a vain attempt to retrieve the ball.
137. One looks in vain for any evidence of soul-searching among the legal clan.
138. He stretched up his arms in a vain effort to reach the top of the embankment.
139. Children, also, carrying their bundles and striving in vain to keep up with their seniors.
140. It would be naive and vain to try to emulate Pope John, who was unique and unrepeatable.
141. Rain and pain never go in vain! They are just tests before we see gain. RVM 
142. Mum Cheryl needs a heart-lung transplant but she has been waiting in vain for a donor since January.
143. She's a vain girl who is always thinking about her figure.
144. At least my friend didn't think I was vain enough to commission the work myself.
145. In the last months of 1978 several of his former servants were arrested in this vain hope.
146. The vision of the vain, silly girl she had been seemed to accuse her in some obscure way.
147. Historians win look in vain for a revealing memo, an angry note.
148. They looked in vain for a nook that held the batteries.
149. Those who set the monstrosity of globalisation in train seek in vain to dissociate themselves from the effects of their actions.
150. But city girls wait in vain for theirs to grow big and sexy.
151. Twice Cantona stole into position at the far post waiting in vain for crosses.
152. Of course it's just possible that she has poor eyesight - a woman like that would be too vain to wear spectacles.
153. She is not a vain woman, but she is always conscious that others are looking at her.
154. But I knew this was a vain hope because the house was always locked securely.
155. Nothing that we do, is done in vain. I believe, with all my soul, that we shall see triumph. Charles Dickens 
156. Guided by a mournful bleating, he came across several groups of sheep, huddled together in the vain hope of safety.
157. Perhaps the brothers had waited in vain for me to make some retraction.
158. So look at your friends,() see what they are a little vain about and then multiply by a factor of ten.
159. Miranda, while not vain, did not suffer from false modesty.
160. In vain did he protest that he was here on holiday and nothing else.
161. After trying in vain to rouse it, she stuffed it back in her pocket.
162. The next morning Archer scoured the town in vain for more yellow roses.
163. I had visited her often in the London hospital where vain efforts were made to stop the spread of cancer.
164. The protesters flung handfuls of earth into the trenches in a vain attempt to lift the siege of the West Bank town.
165. They flicked ash from their cigarettes into the empty wine-glasses and shouted each other down in vain attempts to be witty.
166. Sons of louts grappled with the coffin in vain; they could neither cram it in nor twist it out.
167. Puzzled looking blokes strain their necks for the dartboard, wide-eyed girls search in vain for the stage.
168. Something walking across her grave ... or the forces in heaven laughing at her vain attempts to re-write her future?
169. They are so vain in bed, much more vain than women.
170. In his vain way, he placed the same faith in jungles that earlier whites had put in cathedrals or steam ships.
171. They can often be seen climbing up creosoted telegraph-poles in a vain search for food.
172. Atmel is spending $ 400 million this year in a vain attempt to meet demand.
173. For 17 years, 52-year-old Anthony waited in vain for a kidney transplant.
174. Mr Lamont's squandering of £1 billion in his vain bid to prop up the pound has not helped.
175. Man that is of woman born is apt to be as vain has his mother. Robert Frost 
176. One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us. Kurt Vonnegut 
177. This proved a vain hope, as the young student soon acquired a following of like-minded people.
178. They tried in vain to buy off the opposition.
179. He tried to console herm but in vain.
180. She had a right to be vain of it.
181. They tried to rally pound sterling but in vain.
182. A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.
183. Is fingernail what to vitamin lack in vain very?
184. That does not make monuments sacrosanct (you will search in vain for a German military cemetery with a swastika).
185. It became obvious that all her complaints were in vain.
186. Adrian: He's superman, he's so vain! He only reads books about himself.
187. When tea was over(/vain.html), Mr. Hurst reminded his sister - in - law of the card - table -- but in vain.
188. It seems a trifle cruel to be sexually molesting a mollusc to allow a vain human to have something shiny to dangle from their ears.
189. Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
190. From the age of two, a friend of mine went with his mother every month to the Abu Salim prison, hoping in vain to see his father, who was imprisoned there.
191. Paraschiv, pivoting and swinging in vain, did not score another point in the round.
192. Every day I am more satisfied that the former enquiry is vain and delusive , and the latter only the true objects of the science.
193. For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter have tempted you, and our labour be in vain.
194. This incident drives me home to the point that however much preparationary work you have done in other times, an incident or emergency can make all your efforts in vain .
195. I think I will be decadent. Vain or the decadence on. Crazy laugh loudly. Will not just people care about. Yes, I am just a drunk woman's crazy.
196. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
197. Bring menarche of the menstruation after how long in vain?
198. Stop these(), dead still beg bilks the ground to hold in both hands in vain give big big money " consecratory " give blackmailer!
199. Tim. 2:16 But avoid profane, vain babblings , for they will advance to more ungodliness.
200. But, up to that epoch of my life, I had lived in vain.
201. We tried everything to make the ramrod guard move, but all in vain.
202. Attempts to shore up the value of a derivative without shoring up the value of the assets from which they ultimately derive their value are likely to be in vain however cleverly we may try to finagle.
203. It is vain to cite Euclidian postulates that "quantities which are equal to the same quantity are equal to each other."
204. Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him.
205. Her father tried to persuade her to go back home with him, but in vain.
206. He begged abjectly for the sake of his child who wept deploringly but in vain. They could not persuade the teacher in charge of the class.
207. And they gave him threescore and ten pieces of silver out of the house of Baalberith, wherewith Abimelech hired vain and light persons, which followed him.
208. A tight noseband is a vain attempt to disguise the fact that your horse is not ready for the things you are asking him to do.
209. Cardiac massage was tried but ( it was tried ) all in vain.
210. Goes, has gone in a hurry, the wish detains is also in vain however, the cosmic inventory all have the rule which one live, nobody can change.
211. What have I to do with party politics or vain amusements?Am I a Christian?Let me make my service of Jesus my occupation, my lifework, my one pursuit.
212. Let us write our true comity in the vain network ~!
213. And plans are afoot to turn the bureau into an independent agency, in the probably vain hope that this would free it from politics.
214. And such a prophecy would not have been an altogether vain one.
215. You will try , try in vain to repeat windfall gain.
216. It is in vain an unbeliever to take up the outward show of another man's profession.




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