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单词 bald
释义  Related topics: Hair & beautybald /bɔːld $ bɒːld/ ●●○ adjective  1  DCBhaving little or no hair on your head 秃(头)的 a bald man 一名秃顶男子 his shiny bald head 他那亮闪闪的光头 Dad started going bald when he was in his thirties. 爸爸在三十多岁的时候开始谢顶。 He combed his hair and tried to hide his bald patch (=part of someone’s head where there is no hair). 他梳了梳头,试图把头顶的秃块遮掩起来。 →5 see picture at 见图 hairstyle2  CSENOUGHnot having enough of what usually covers something 光秃的,磨光的,掉光的 The car’s tires are completely bald. 这辆汽车的轮胎已经彻底磨平了。3  bald statement/facts/truth MORE/EXTRAa statement etc that is correct but gives no additional information to help you understand or accept what is said 不加修饰[直话直说]的声明/事实/道理 The bald truth was that Lori didn’t love her husband anymore. 事实很简单,洛丽不再爱她的丈夫了。 —baldness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbald• The tires are bald and the car is in need of repair.• The men thus affected have very little hair on the body, and become bald early in life.• Chester, the mild and laconic prematurely bald guy.• His bald head was shiny; his black shoes were shiny; and his lecture was very shiny indeed.• A bald man wanted his portrait enhanced with glistening black hair.• He was clean-shaven, wore glasses and had dark hair with a bald spot.going bald• I've always thought that much more undignified than going bald.• He was going bald at the front, she noticed.• He's going bald, Janet.Origin bald (1300-1400) Perhaps from ball “white spot on an animal's head” ((13-16 centuries)), probably from Welsh balbald adjectiveChinese  head little having your or Corpus hair on no




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