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单词 the
释义  the1 /ðə; before vowels ði; strong ðiː/ ●●● S1 W1 definite article, determiner  1  XXused to show that you are talking about a particular thing or person that has already been mentioned, is already known about, or is the only one 〔用于表示正在谈论一个已经提到过、已经知道,或是唯一存在的人或物〕 The audience clapped and cheered. 观众鼓掌欢呼。 I ordered a pizza and salad. The pizza was nice but the salad was disgusting. 我点了比萨饼和色拉。 比萨饼很好吃,但色拉却令人倒胃口。 the tallest building in the world 世界上最高的建筑物 sailing across the Pacific 横跨太平洋航行 The prime minister has intervened personally. 总理亲自出面干预。 Elections will be held later in the year (=this year). 选举将在今年晚些时候举行。 How are all the family (=your family)? 家里人都好吗?2  used before nouns referring to actions and changes when they are followed by ‘of’ 〔用于名词前,指某种行为或变化,名词后跟of〕 the growth of the steel industry 钢铁业的发展 the arrival of our guests 我们的客人的到来3  used when you are about to make it clear which person or thing you mean 〔用于明确所指的人或物〕 That’s the school that Terry went to. 那就是特里上过的学校。 She laughed at the birthday card from Myra. 她看着迈拉送的生日贺卡笑了。4  used before the name of a family in the plural to refer to all the members of that family 〔用于姓氏复数形式之前,指这家人的所有成员〕 The Johnsons had lived in this house for many years. 约翰逊一家住在这房子里有很多年了。5  XXused to refer to something that everyone knows because it is part of our natural environment or part of daily life 〔用来指自然界或日常生活中大家都知道的某事〕 What was the weather like? 天气如何? I looked out into the darkness. 我向外望着这漆黑的一片。 Sometimes the traffic kept her awake at night. 有时来往的车辆吵得她晚上睡不着觉。 The shops open at 9 o’clock. 商店9点开始营业。6  used before a singular noun to refer to a type of institution, shop, system etc 〔用于单数名词前,指某类机构、商店、系统等〕 You used to buy them from the chemist. 你过去经常在药店买这些东西。 I heard it on the radio. 我是在收音机里听说这件事的。 I’ll put it in the mail for you today. 我今天就把它给你邮寄过去。7  XXused to refer to a part of someone’s body 〔用来指某人身体的某一部位〕 Lieutenant Taylor was wounded in the knee. 泰勒中尉膝盖受伤。 How’s the ankle? Is it still hurting? 脚腕怎么样了?还痛吗?8  XXused before an adjective to make it into a plural noun when you are referring to all the people that the adjective describes 〔用在形容词前构成复数名词,指某一类人〕 She devoted her life to helping the poor. 她毕生致力于帮助穷人。 a school for the deaf 聋人学校 wars between the English and the French 英法之间的战争9  XXused before an adjective to make it into a noun when you are referring to the particular kind of situation or thing that the adjective describes 〔用在形容词前构成名词,指某一类情况或形容词所描述的事物〕 Come on now, that’s asking for the impossible. 好了,你在要求不可能的事情。 fantasy movies that make the unreal seem real 把虚幻演成真实的幻想片10  XXused before a singular noun when you are referring to a particular type of thing or person in a general way 〔用于单数名词前,表示泛指某类人或物〕 The tiger is without doubt the most magnificent of the big cats. 老虎无疑是大型猫科动物中最威武的。 The computer has changed everyone’s lives in so many ways. 电脑从许多方面改变了每个人的生活。 complicated dances like the tango 探戈之类的复杂舞蹈11  XX a) used to refer to a period of time, especially a period of 10 or 100 years 〔用于指一个时期,尤指某个年代或世纪〕 fashions of the 60s 60年代的时尚 the great novelists of the 1900s 20世纪伟大的小说家 She remembers the war years. 她还记得那个战争年代。 In the thirties unemployment was widespread. 30年代失业现象很普遍。 b) used to mention a date 〔用于指日期〕 the 3rd of November 11月3日5 March the 21st3月21日n The battle took place on March the 21st, 1940.  Shall we meet on the twelfth? 我们12号见面好吗?12  XXenough of something for a particular purpose 〔表示足够用于特定目的〕 I haven’t the time to talk just now. 我现在没有时间谈话。 Eric didn’t even have the common sense to send for a doctor. 埃里克甚至连去请大夫的常识都没有。13  XXused to say which type of musical instrument someone plays 〔用于表示演奏乐器〕 Fiona’s learning the flute. 菲奥娜在学吹长笛。 He plays the violin. 他拉小提琴。14  used to refer to a type of sport or a sports event, especially in athletics or swimming 〔用于指某项运动或某个运动项目,尤指田径或游泳项目〕 Who won the long jump? 跳远比赛谁赢了? She swam up and down, practising the crawl. 她来来回回地游,练习自由泳。15  spokenXX used before a word or phrase that describes someone or something when you are angry, jealous, surprised etc 〔用于形容某人或某事物的单词或短语前,表示愤怒、嫉妒、吃惊等〕 He’s stolen my parking space, the bastard! 他偷占了我的停车位,这个混蛋! I can’t get this carton open, the stupid thing. 我打不开这个纸板盒,这破玩意儿。 ‘Jamie’s won a holiday in Hawaii.’ ‘The lucky devil!’ “杰米中了奖,获得一次去夏威夷度假的机会。”“这家伙真走运!”16  EMPHASIZEused to emphasize that the person, place, or thing you are mentioning is the famous one, or the best or most fashionable one. ‘The’ is pronounced strongly or written in a special way 〔重读或以特殊方式书写,表示指称的是知名或最好、最时尚的人或物〕 ‘Elizabeth Taylor was there.’ ‘Not the Elizabeth Taylor, surely?’ “伊丽莎白•泰勒在那儿。”“肯定不是那个伊丽莎白•泰勒,对吧?” Miami is THE place for girls who like to live life to the full. 迈阿密是喜欢充分享受生活的女孩的乐园。17  XXused before the names of certain common illnesses 〔用于某些常见疾病名称前〕 If one of the children got the measles, we all got the measles. 如果一个孩子得了麻疹,我们都会得麻疹。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Do not use the 以下不用 the:– with uncountable or plural nouns to talk about a type of thing rather than specific things the reader or listener already knows about. the 不和表示一类事物(但不是读者或听者已知的特定事物)的不可数名词或复数名词连用I like music.我喜欢音乐。We use computers.我们使用电脑。– with the name of a language. the 不和表示语言的名词连用 Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?– with words for institutions such as school , prison , college , university , and church when you are talking about them in a general way. 当 school,prison,college,university和 church表示泛指的时候,不和 the连用Her son is at school.她的儿子在上学。She spent a year in prison.她坐过一年牢。Do you go to church?你去教堂吗?– generally, with times, days and months (but see note below). the 一般不和表示时间、天、月的词连用(但要参见以下注释)at midnight在午夜on Tuesday在星期二in May在5月– with a date when you write it. 书写日期时不用 theHis birthday is July 29th.他的生日是7月29日 ► But in spoken British English, you say the date as 'July the 29th'. 但在英国口语中却说 July the 29th.– generally, with the name of a meal. the 一般不和表示一日三餐的名词连用Have you had breakfast?你吃过早饭了吗?Come round after dinner.晚饭后过来一下吧。– with the name of a place, for example a street, town, country, or airport. 不和表示地点的名词连用,如街道、城镇、国家或机场This is Downing Street.这是唐宁街。We flew to Boston.我们飞往波士顿。They love Japan.他们喜欢日本。He’s climbed Qomolangma twice.他已两次登上了珠穆朗玛峰。 ► But some places and countries, and all rivers and oceans, have the as part of their name. 但有些地名和国家名以及所有河流和海洋名称中都有 the:the Bronx布朗克斯区the Netherlands荷兰the UK英国the Rockies落基山脉the Mississippi密西西比河the Atlantic大西洋• Use the 以下情况用 the:– when you are talking about something specific or something that the reader or listener already knows about. 谈论特指的事物或是读者、听者已经知道的事物用 the:I didn’t like the music in the film.我不喜欢那部电影里的音乐。All the computers (= the computers in this building ) are down.所有的电脑都瘫痪了。– with words for institutions when you are talking about a particular one. the 和表示机构的单词连用,表示特指They go to the school in the village.他们上的是村里的那所学校。the church on the corner拐角的那座教堂– with days when you give more information about which specific one you mean. the 和某个日子连用,以进一步说明具体指哪一天on the Tuesday before Christmas在圣诞节前的那个星期二 GrammarWhen not to use ‘the’n• Don’t use the with uncountable or plural nouns to talk about a general type of thing. You say: I like music. 我喜欢音乐。We use computers. 我们使用电脑。n• Don’t use the with the name of a language. You say: Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?n• Don’t use the with school, prison, college, university, or church when you are talking about them in a general way. You say: n Children start school at 4 or 5. She spent a year in prison. 她坐过一年牢。n• You don’t use the with times and months, or normally with days. You say: at midnight 在午夜on Tuesday 在星期二in May 在5月n• You don’t normally use the with meals. You say: Have you had breakfast? 你吃过早饭了吗?Come round after dinner. 晚饭后过来一下吧。n• You don’t normally use the with the name of a place. You say: This is Downing Street. 这是唐宁街。We flew to Boston. 我们飞往波士顿。They love Japan. 他们喜欢日本。When to use ‘the’• Use the when you are talking about something specific or something that the reader or listener already knows about. You say: 谈论特指的事物或是读者、听者已经知道的事物用 the:I didn’t like the music in the film. 我不喜欢那部电影里的音乐。All the computers (=the computers in this building) are down. 所有的电脑都瘫痪了。They go to the school in the village. 他们上的是村里的那所学校。n• Use the with days when saying which specific one you mean. You say: on the Tuesday before Christmas 在圣诞节前的那个星期二n• Some places have the as part of their name: the Bronx 布朗克斯区the UK 英国nthe Andesthe Mississippi 密西西比河the Atlantic 大西洋the2 ●●● S3 adverb  1  COMPAREused before two comparative adjectives or adverbs to show that the degree of one event or situation is related to the degree of another one 〔用于两个形容词或副词的比较级之前,表示两件事或两种情况的相关性〕 The more he eats the fatter he gets. 他吃得越多就越胖。 ‘When do you want it?’ ‘The sooner the better.’ “你什么时候想要?”“越快越好。”2  XXused before an adjective or adverb to emphasize that something is bigger, better etc than all others, or as big, good etc as it is possible for it to be 〔用于形容词或副词前,强调是最大的、最好的等〕 He likes you the best. 他最喜欢你。 I had the worst headache last night. 我昨晚头痛得厉害极了。Examples from the Corpusthe• Frieda likes you the best.• "When do you want this done?" "The sooner the better."• Tevis usually finishes the fastest.• The more I read, the less I seem to understand.the- /θi/ prefix XXanother form of theo- theo-的另一种形式Origin the1 Old English the2 (1000-1100) Old English thy “by that”, from thæt; → THAT1the1 definite article →10-17 →5 GRAMMAR1 →GRAMMAR2the2 adverbthe- prefixLDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus you talking used particular to thing that are show a about




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