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单词 mildly
释义  mild·ly /ˈmaɪldli/ ●○○ adverb  1  LITTLE/NOT VERYslightly 轻微地,稍微 The drug is only mildly addictive. 这种药物只会轻度致瘾。 I felt mildly depressed. 我感到有些沮丧。2  to put it mildly spokenSAY/STATE used to say that you could use much stronger words to describe something 说得婉转些 Losing two members of staff was unfortunate, to put it mildly. 说得客气点,失去两名员工令人遗憾。3  CALMin a gentle way without being angry 温和地,和善地 ‘Of course I don’t mind, ’ she answered mildly. “我当然不介意。”她温和地答道。Examples from the Corpusmildly• "Perhaps, " she answered mildly.• But the depth of the dislike of the Tory leadership surprised everybody, to put it mildly.• Tomorrow's Woman was mildly enthusiastic about a proposed series of astrological interviews with celebrities from all walks of life.• His manner was mildly flirtatious and he had a tendency to glance in my direction, showing off, I suspect.• McKee was only mildly interested.• Flux can be mildly irritating so avoid getting it into cuts or grazes.• He had inherited it as an agreeable but mildly onerous responsibility, together with her considerable fortune.• Thornton also stars as a mildly retarded man who returns to his hometown after 25 years in a mental institution.• She realised that he hadn't ever responded to her first mildly scolding words as they left the Hamiltons'.mild·ly adverbChineseSyllable  slightly Corpus




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