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单词 middling
释义  mid·dling /ˈmɪdlɪŋ/ adjective informal  ORDINARYof average size, quality, ability etc 中等的,一般的,普通的 a tennis player of middling talent 资质平平的网球运动员Examples from the Corpusmiddling• The principal beneficiaries of these grants were the middling and lesser nobility.• The variety of ages up there - old, middling and my generation.• Where to stay Berlin has a string of first-class hotels, and not a lot in the middling class.• Like the middling farmers of open-field Wigston, they formed the backbone of the community.• This means that a few get top marks, a big bunch get middling marks, and a few come near the bottom.• Rich men had television receivers and videos, middling men had receivers only, or no television at all.• The Ossis have been fobbed off with one middling portfolio, transport, and two lightweight ones.• Jack had had a good to middling season and with pro-ams and the occasional exhibition match I had earned nearly £8000.• They've had only middling success.mid·dling adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus of etc size, ability average quality,




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