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单词 Middle Ages
释义  ˌMiddle ˈAges noun  the Middle Ages SHthe period in European history between about 1100 and 1500 AD 〔欧洲约公元1100至1500年的〕中世纪Examples from the CorpusMiddle Ages• A pilgrimage to Jerusalem would have seemed infinitely remote to most adventurous folk in the early Middle Ages.• The sides of the arch were destroyed in the Middle Ages when it was incorporated in the fortifications.• This may have been done in the Middle Ages, but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards.• He talked about events in the Middle Ages as if they'd happened-yesterday and been fully aired on the nine o'clock news.• The staple food of mankind in the Middle Ages was bread, and his staple drink ale or water.• In the Middle Ages, singing predominated, whether accompanied or not.• Some of these continued into the Middle Ages and beyond and have been well recorded.ˌMiddle ˈAges nounChineseSyllable   Corpus 1500 between European the 1100 period and in history about




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