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单词 mechanical
释义 Word family  noun machine machinery machinist mechanic mechanics mechanism mechanization adjective mechanical mechanized mechanistic verb machine mechanize adverb mechanically mechanistically  Related topics: Mechanical, Physicsme·chan·i·cal /mɪˈkænɪkəl/ ●●○ adjective  1  TEMaffecting or involving a machine 机械的 The flight has been cancelled due to mechanical failure. 因机械故障航班被取消了。 The plane had to make an emergency landing because of mechanical problems. 飞机因机械故障不得不紧急降落。2  TEMusing power from an engine or machine to do a particular kind of work 机械驱动的 a mechanical digger 机械挖掘机 a mechanical device 机械装置3  THINK ABOUTa mechanical action, reply etc is one you do without thinking, and has been done many times before 〔动作、回答等〕机械的,不加思考的 He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical. 同样的问题被问过太多次了,他的回答都变得机械起来。4. TEMsomeone who is mechanical understands how machines work 有机械方面知识的5  technicalHP relating to or produced by physical forces 力学的,机械学的 the mechanical properties of solids 固体的力学性能 —mechanically /-kli/ adverb The actors spoke their lines mechanically, hardly caring about the meaning. 演员们机械地说着台词,几乎不理会其中的意思。 I’m not very mechanically minded (=not good at understanding how machines work and repairing them). 我对机械不在行。Examples from the Corpusmechanical• the space shuttle's mechanical arm• Oliver Evans had been a genius of steam and iron, of the mechanical arts.• Unlike mechanical clocks, which are completely blind to their surroundings, a biological clock gets reset every day by the sun.• But the Earth as mechanical device has been a harder idea to swallow.• Flemma said that a reliable mechanical device was needed for the thousands of patients who die while awaiting human heart transplants.• He loved anything mechanical, did Walter.• This occurs as the result of toxins that form as mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy.• The flight has been canceled due to mechanical failure.• In a bakery, the bread is rarely kneaded by hand but by large mechanical mixers.• As one microchip usually replaces many mechanical parts, the amount of labour needed in assembly is reduced.• A mechanical problem may be to blame for the crash.• A mechanical Santa made toys in the store window.• He watched the men harden to the mechanical slaughter.• Of course anything as scientific as a mechanical test has not always found favour with traditional craftsmen or indeed with business men.mechanical failure• For a long time, three main theories dominated discussion of the tragedy: bomb, missile or mechanical failure.• The crashes have been attributed to a variety of problems, from human error to software glitches to mechanical failure.• If it proves to be a mechanical failure, additional safety measures may be required.• Nothing, save an accident or mechanical failure could keep him from winning.• Police say mechanical failure has not yet been ruled out.• No mechanical failure, no crew problem, no communications mistakes and draws no conclusions.• Take-off even in the conventional manner is a critical phase, unforgiving of mechanical failure or human error.• It was no goddam accident, no goddam mechanical failure, some one deliberately unhitched that car.Origin mechanical (1400-1500) Late Latin mechanicus, from Greek, from mechane “machine”me·chan·i·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  involving Corpus or machine a affecting




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