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单词 meaningful
释义 Word family  noun meaning adjective meaningful meaningless verb mean adverb meaningfully  mean·ing·ful /ˈmiːnɪŋfəl/ ●●○ adjective  1  UNDERSTANDhaving a meaning that is easy to understand and makes sense 有意义的;浅显易懂的 Without more data we cannot make a meaningful comparison of the two systems. 如果没有更多的数据,我们就无法对这两个体系作有意义的比较。 Teaching history to five-year-olds in a meaningful way can be very difficult. 给五岁的孩子用他们能够明白的方式讲授历史很难。meaningful to Rules must be put in a context that is meaningful to the children. 规则必须放在孩子们能理解的情形中才行。2  meaningful look/glance/smile etc EXPRESSION ON somebody'S FACEa look that clearly expresses the way someone feels, even though nothing is said 意味深长的眼神/一瞥/微笑等 Sam and Barbara exchanged meaningful glances. 萨姆和芭芭拉交换了会意的眼神。3  IMPORTANTserious, important, or useful 有意义的;严肃的;重要的;有用的 They want a chance to do meaningful work. 他们想找个机会做有意义的工作。 I want a mature and meaningful relationship. 我要的是一种成熟而认真的关系。 a meaningful conversation 有意义的谈话 —meaningfully adverbExamples from the Corpusmeaningful• Furthermore, it is not clear what concept would be assigned to a sentence, though sentences are clearly meaningful.• Is such a proposition indeed meaningful?• If this power has been transferred elsewhere, meaningful accountability has ceased to exist.• Figures such as these are not particularly meaningful because the information is highly aggregated.• Diplomats say that immunity should not be used to avoid culpability, but it has had a meaningful place in international law.• Useful semantic information therefore facilitates the incidence of meaningful strong overlaps in normal text.• The data isn't very meaningful to anyone but a scientist.• Ralph Berger assessed the effects of meaningful verbal stimuli on dreaming.• My father showed us that life is not meaningful without work.meaningful way• But it is debatable whether this could be explicated in any meaningful way.• Calculate the weekly time spent on this and resolve to use it in a meaningful way.• I know of no way in which a drug can modify the stored information in any meaningful way.• One response to these problems has been new efforts to link work and school in a more meaningful way.• The question is rather whether the accounts ought to record it in a meaningful way.• However, employees could not participate in a meaningful way in problem-solving efforts without access to information about company performance.• Reporting on the progress of five-year-olds in foundation subjects such as history and geography in a meaningful way taxes most teachers.• Yet we systematically deny these individuals the opportunity to engage in meaningful ways with the adult world.meaningful work• He thought that we get in touch with the world and others through meaningful work.• I agree, but it must be meaningful work.• This can be achieved by good links with industry and allowing them access to meaningful work experience.• This takes us right back to the first pillar of meaningful work: freedom.• But they also point to the benefits of meaningful work in building self-esteem.• Social scientists have said that meaningful work is a response to the needs of society.• Entrepreneurs say that their enjoyment of meaningful work often springs from a deep interest in some hobby or other pursuit.• What is it about meaningful work that is so satisfying, that inspires people to take great risks?mean·ing·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  meaning makes to and easy is sense Corpus that understand having a




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