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单词 backspace
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishing, Computersback·space /ˈbækspeɪs/ noun [countable usually singular]  TCNTa button on a computer keyboard or typewriter that you press to move backwards towards the beginning of the line 〔计算机键盘或打字机的〕退格键,回格键Examples from the Corpusbackspace• Allow for backspace at the start of each shot.• It is possible to make approximate allowance for backspace by releasing the source-machine off play-pause about one second late.• It has an irritatingly small backspace key and I think it has a horrible plastic feel, but this is purely subjective.• Bear in mind, when you are starting a shot, that you should allow for the backspace time.• Remember to allow for the backspace time before starting each new shot or you may miss part of the action.From Longman Business Dictionarybackspaceback‧space /ˈbækspeɪs/ noun [singular] the part of a computer KEYBOARD or TYPEWRITER that you press to move backwards towards the beginning of a line or to remove something that you have just writtenback·space nounChineseSyllable  a on that typewriter button computer Corpus Business keyboard or a




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