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单词 backside
释义  back·side /ˈbæksaɪd/ noun [countable] informal  1. HBHthe part of your body that you sit on 屁股,臀部 SYN bottom2. get off your backside informal to start doing something or taking action, instead of not doing anything 起来干点事情 → be a pain in the backside at pain1(3)Examples from the Corpusbackside• Many of them needed some kind of kick up the financial backside.• Mid-forties and creaking with crime-fatigue and cynicism, his backside hits the bed hard.• Somehow he had landed on his backside and then had felt his tailbone knock the earth harder than was safe.• Now we were both on our backsides in the mud.back·side nounChineseSyllable   Corpus the sit part of you that on your body




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