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单词 Sessions
1 They discuss their problems in group therapy sessions.
2 The course is made up of 12 two-hour sessions.
3 After two late night sessions, the Security Council has failed to reach agreement.
4 After several sessions at the gym, I feel a lot fitter.
5 The supermarket holds occasional wine-tasting sessions.
6 Apparently the sessions are an hour long.
7 Gradually the time span between sessions will increase.
8 The day was split up into 6 one-hour sessions.
9 The college runs training sessions every afternoon.
10 The discussion sessions are supposed to follow on from this morning's lecture.
11 Subjects had to attend ten test sessions on different days.
12 He missed two practice sessions so he's out of the team.
13 After all the briefing sessions at head office(), our sales team is at concert pitch.
14 A few sessions talking to a counsellor should straighten him out.
15 The discussion sessions allow people to open the floodgates to their deepest fears.
16 The sessions will enable you to discuss problems with fellow asthma sufferers.
17 A few schools now offer counselling sessions; all have some system of pastoral care.
18 The Badminton Club holds coaching sessions for beginners and intermediate players on Friday evenings.
19 There was a ghastly self-fulfilling prophecy about such sessions.
20 Allows reorganisation of physio's sessions to treat injured players.
21 They enroll homemakers in individual or group teaching sessions.
22 Details of these sessions will be published on noticeboards.
23 The conference included small-group and plenary sessions.
24 Keep sessions relatively brief - around forty-five minutes.
25 We received notification of advice sessions for Merseyside businesses.
26 After several sessions the international commission resolved the problem.
27 Women only swimming sessions are held every Thursday.
28 Without early intimation of the dates of the training sessions, enthusiasm for training could decrease.
29 The Internet allows people from all over the world to link up for chat sessions.
30 I suggested that we start to taper off the counseling sessions.
1 They discuss their problems in group therapy sessions.
2 The course is made up of 12 two-hour sessions.
3 After two late night sessions, the Security Council has failed to reach agreement.
4 After all the briefing sessions at head office, our sales team is at concert pitch.
5 A few sessions talking to a counsellor should straighten him out.
6 The sessions will enable you to discuss problems with fellow asthma sufferers.
31 The only drawback is the expense if you fish for long sessions and take enough meat to feed continuously.
32 The company is also using the Merseyside visit for workshops sessions with 150 students at local schools and colleges.
33 In lieu of massive press conferences, he preferred more informal sessions with the media.
34 City leaders and local activists are urging residents to read the report and attend the sessions.
35 It is possible for teachers and/or class members to attend individual sessions which are taken by different people each week.
36 Later in the week, he occupied his own table during the daily press sessions at the team hotel.
37 During the counselling sessions some of the young troopers in the East mentioned impotence as being chief among their difficulties.
38 After 20 sessions, 70 percent of those breathing pure oxygen tired less easily and became more mobile and co-ordinated.
39 In Britain, the opposition party is guaranteed control of a specified amount of time during legislative sessions.
40 Appendix 2 contains a full list of care centres for each petty sessions area.
41 He was particularly pleased with the 25 percent success rate of the initial sessions at Coalport, which started in November.
42 The conference also included sessions led by local people with personal knowledge of poverty in Preston who will share their experiences.
43 Out of these ad hoc sessions came a bold plan to drill a hole into the earth.
44 The tours are self-guided and regular training sessions are held at Bovingdon Hall to familiarise teachers with the trails and farming practices.
45 Sessions took place either on bureaux premises or in the offices of black community groups.
46 Classes for dancers of differing levels of technique have therefore been dispensed in favour of mixed ability sessions.
47 He had grown accustomed to Salomon Brothers' bonus sessions, where he had rarely got more than he expected.
48 All freshmen who attend optional orientation sessions receive information on date rape.
49 It was nevertheless suspended for three years, the brothers forced to attend sensitivity-training sessions.
50 All are located in close proximity to one another, providing scope for multiple syndicate as well as plenary sessions.
51 We recommend that in-person group informational sessions form the core of the AIDS education program.
52 National radio participated by broadcasting plays, panel discussions, documentaries, interviews and recordings of training sessions.
53 Tokyo stocks fell Monday as investors caught their breath following a strong advance over the two previous sessions.
54 Members often meet up to carry out homework tasks together, and contact each other between sessions.
55 This may or may not have involved departmental heads in planning induction sessions with year or house heads for in-coming pupils.
56 Their main studio and office is located at and they will be offering on-the-spot make-overs and photo sessions.
57 The problem-solving sessions began to generate ideas for fixing problems such as water leaks and glass breakage.
58 Plenary sessions involving all four parties were planned for the following week.
59 After sessions using 20s on canals size 16s look huge, but they're not really.
60 On the other hand, economics could not be excluded entirely from Council sessions.
61 The blue-chip index has now fallen for five straight sessions, the first time it has done so since last June.
62 The Assembly elects a 15-member Council of State, to which its powers are delegated between sessions of the Assembly.
63 She may also participate in the ward teaching, either at the bedside or by leading tutorial sessions.
64 When his mind's on fisticuffs he sits in on the training sessions there.
65 Parties' positions are usually determined beforehand within their working groups or in plenary sessions.
66 Training To conclude this section it is necessary to point out a few things about the squad training sessions.
67 They are also encouraged to bring photos of their offices for complimentary sessions with Imaging Consultants' staff.
68 In the electronic environment, bulletin boards are paralleling the role of poster sessions and list servers that of seminar papers.
69 First, the manager himself may feel somewhat shy about creating formal coaching sessions.
70 After each conductor leads the orchestra in the morning sessions, some will be called back for afternoon finals.
71 Some legislators set up housekeeping when the biennial gatherings began and played house for the six-month sessions.
72 While lectures were generally disliked as a teaching method, students generally felt happier about tutorials and skill sessions.
73 Berkowitz said a portion of the money paid to her clients would be earmarked for therapy and counseling sessions.
74 They also changed their rules of gathering, confining themselves to a fortnightly meeting during Parliament's sessions.
75 Lamar Alexander, who spent Monday hunkered down in strategy sessions at his Nashville headquarters.
76 Mock court sessions help people to understand the judicial process.
77 In these sessions, men generally will talk about the conflicts between job and family, but then hit a wall.
78 This is always an enjoyable afternoon comprising open movement sessions, followed by regional displays.
79 By the time she was 35, she was teaching two aerobics classes and four half-hour sessions of calisthenics a day.
80 Special sessions during the assembly discussed the relationship between the world economy, health, development and the environment.
81 Sessions four, five and six During these sessions she was further encouraged to express her feelings of grief.
82 Sections and departments hold brainstorming sessions and posters are displayed to encourage the climate of innovation.
83 This offer is an exclusive - Pendle normally run in-house training sessions for businesses only.
84 At least 20 sessions, spread over several days, are required to remove the major effects of practice.
85 But getting health insurers to pay for the promised sessions is, in many cases, a losing struggle.
86 It is worth discussing your child's needs in detail and having a few rehearsal sessions before committing yourself to a job.
87 Fed up, Harrison walked out and the sessions ended in chaos.
88 Itis during the plenary sessions that opinions and collective decisions are voted on.
89 The main aim is touring with Sundar tours, adventure canoeing, hostelling and camping holidays plus weekly pool sessions for beginners.
90 Before each of the Tuesday and Friday night performances, there are two practice sessions.
91 He has spent four one-hour sessions in the hyperbaric therapy unit - a pressurised cabin into which pure oxygen is fed.
92 Ironically, he has been appointed to select the items tobe exhibited in the Pavillon des Sessions.
93 Then work with a qualified monitor for an extended number of remote viewing sessions.
94 The action continues through Sunday with nightly jam sessions, raffles, and a Grande Finale Concert.
95 This was usually in the form of one day or two half-day sessions.
96 But, the source added, others were contacted by Democratic fund-raising officials after the sessions and solicited for contributions.
97 This was evidenced by the continuation of her long-established teaching methods and forms of classroom organisation between sessions with the advisory teacher.
98 Often on his in-service courses for such teachers he cleverly used gifted teachers to set and lead the practical sessions.
99 Sometimes these domino sessions in the canteen would last from 6.30 p.m. until midnight.
100 This procedure will be reviewed and evaluated and may be amended when the arrangements for future sessions are established.
101 Often sessions would include psychological tests designed to gauge workers' personality traits: extroverted, introverted, thoughtful, or driving.
102 In those sessions employees have shared ideas that have become company traditions.
103 One way to avoid confusion is to build language work into science sessions.
104 The revelation was discussed at closed sessions of the Senate select committee on intelligence, chaired by Democrat David Boren.
105 She has already established herself as a backing singer specialising in jazz and stands to win professional recording sessions.
106 Finding enough cash to pay even for a handful of sessions wasn't easy but she reckoned the sessions worth every penny.
107 So Nicandra wore white kid boots for after-tea sessions, dancing class and parties; brown laced boots for all lesser occasions.
108 After-care sessions initially on a weekly basis but later less frequently, are recommended for up to two years.
109 Students are encouraged to take an active part and regular sessions are held in which they can criticize their teachers.
110 The group meets four times a week; in addition we have individual counselling sessions and we also meet with couples.
111 He made up his mind to participate in the group therapy sessions he had been sitting through mutely.
112 For the unfit individual, three times per week should be the maximum number of exercise sessions.
113 Heckling, disorder, independence In the meantime, sessions have been punctuated by endless heckling and frequent disorder.
114 I saw a psychiatrist often during my stay, up to once a day, although the sessions seemed more like informal chats.
115 There are newly available seats for two extra sessions of volleyball and individual portions of the five-sport modern pentathlon.
115 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
116 If not a few sessions a week on an inclined treadmill should help firm up those wobbly thighs.
117 It also caters for those who want more intensive sessions.
118 Decide from the very beginning that your aim is to use the target language as much as possible in the sessions.
119 Organiser Rose Cuthbertson said the show would be followed up with teachers' action packs and practical workshop sessions on the environment.
120 Sessions said information he receives from reference checks has helped enormously in cases he has filed against employers.
121 Yet within a month it had received additional funding and increased sessions and would be able to meet demands previously unattainable.
122 So after psychiatric sessions, Angela came to Uncle Sammler to hold a seminar and analyze the pro ceding hour.
123 The specialist teacher may find that some visually handicapped pupils require direct support teaching sessions.
124 The discussion sessions help patients deal with some of the frustrations they may be feeling.
125 Sandbars at Hurst Castle provided limited action during night sessions with small dabs, flounder and pout.
126 Fiction writers use a similar technique, starting their writing sessions with letters and journal entries.
127 Specific eating difficulties are addressed in individual counselling sessions later in the day.
128 During other question-and-answer sessions, I had nailed down that whatever it was was cuddly.
129 Employers who have attended students' debriefing sessions have found them most illuminating. 21.
130 Each petty sessions area has an allocated care centre to which cases may be transferred if the relevant criteria are met.
131 Sessions often last until midnight, but few MEPs stay up that late.
132 The group organises monthly social and sporting activities, including cycle sessions, and has bought nine tandems through sponsorship and fundraising.
133 Phoney psychics could milk their rich clients for years, charging fancy prices for rap sessions with the dear departed.
134 He did several newspaper interviews Friday, his first extended on-the-record sessions since Clinton announced his appointment in November.
135 A huge amount of mail poured into Rough Trade's offices demanding some form of release of the legendary Smiths radio sessions.
136 We have too many executive sessions and conferences and retreats.
137 In one of the sessions round the pool he was horrified to hear Mao apply kindergarten arithmetic to war.
138 Nieboer-Erickson also speaks to all freshman athletes at annual orientation sessions.
139 The physical sessions included warming-up, periods pedalling on an exercise cycle, free-standing exercises, stretching and relaxation.
140 Team briefing sessions are effective in developing the art of communication.
141 In conference sessions throughout the late 1980s, a civilized but spirited feud played out between these two camps.
142 Unfortunately, slow music and fast music altered how they performed the tests so music is now forbidden during testing sessions.
143 After working with his employees in subsequent sessions, I understood why.
144 The discussions in the group sessions were primarily devoted to living a life free of alcohol and coping with personal problems.
145 Managers and supervisors applauded the new approach and eagerly attended the financial training sessions.
145 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
146 The sessions last approximately three quarters of an hour, and are enforced by the Cab Office.
147 The sessions will include all the usual techniques like running with the ball, passing, defending, shooting and more.
148 We use the dolls for demonstrative purposes in sessions with young children.
149 An osteopath whom he consulted recommended that he continue the radiation and in addition prescribed a number of sessions of osteopathic manipulation.
150 There will be a series of sessions of oral evidence to the sub-committee - usually once a week.
151 One solution is for Dorman Oil to summarize key points in employee training sessions that incorporate multimedia and other technologies.
152 The nights are coming on quickly and tremendous feeding sessions take place from dusk till three or four hours into darkness.
153 Sessions will take place both indoors at the centre and outdoors on the adjacent comprehensive school playing fields.
154 Where there is a museum education officer, pupils will often be offered sessions handling objects, or participating in other activities.
155 Dozens of boards of governors sessions have been postponed because too few members have turned up.
156 Joint sessions with the partner or close relatives are often the best means of dealing with these problems.
157 Also organized to accompany the exhibition were story-telling sessions for both children and adults.
158 Many practices have applied to run health promotion clinics for managing stress, which are thinly disguised counselling sessions.
159 When these sessions are over, parishioners' involvement is at an end.
160 Ten years previously he had bound her husband over to good behaviour and to appear at the next sessions.
161 Sometimes children cry in poetry sessions, not to mention Beth and Lucy.
162 You can also combine or alternate these outings with at-home exercise sessions if you wish.
163 Mums join in the fun, and Chris introduces Medau themes into the sessions.
164 Terminal Sessions Next evaluate the maximum number of sessions for the entire terminal server.
165 Sessions are often recorded with bands who already have a record deal.
166 Group sessions between senior staff and learners are also of value when ethical problems occur in the treatment of patients.
167 There were no blurry eyes, no one-on-one sessions with the assistant coaches in a remote corner.
168 The chief asked that the sessions be open to the public.
169 Murrayfield was a hive of activity yesterday as there were also sessions for the under-21s, under-19s and under-18s.
170 The final sessions of the talks were attended by a United States delegation.
171 Apparently the tutoring sessions had been well worth the effort.
172 These sessions had the desired effect of driving home the urgent need for change.
173 Briefing sessions should provide advice on the precautions that expatriates may take to reduce health risks.
174 You remind me of law sessions they used to have in the gold fields before the North West mounted moved in.
175 I want to bring some of those issues into the professional forum in supervision sessions.
175 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
176 All-night jam sessions were common in Kansas City jazz clubs of the 1930s.
177 Group interactive sessions will focus on developing marketing strategies based on participant's own case studies.
178 Mr Gore has attended every one of the negotiating sessions between the president and Republican leaders.
179 They are trained on short training sessions run by the individual companies.
180 Each came separately to look at particular aspects of the collections and the project, then there were several group sessions.
181 Vary the programme with humour, audio-visual devices, music, movement, colour, question and answer sessions, guest appearances.
182 They are introduced to the day centre and attend regular training sessions organised by the project and other outside agencies.
183 Rituals and Cults Sessions at the make-up table, in dress shops, hairdressers and beauty parlours.
184 The December through February sessions had gone so well that committee members believed they should conduct similar training throughout the division.
185 The sessions started with a modern dance class as a warm-up.
186 In-service training, weekly group meetings and monthly supervision sessions were all provided for the home care aides.
187 Regular review sessions will be held to enable students to identify the learning gained and to evaluate progress.
188 Germaine fell ill with influenza and the sessions had to be interrupted.
189 And one week after the sessions ended, some of that improvement persisted.
190 The students attend the school for four sessions at the beginning of the summer term, to carry out their assignment.
191 Farmers must apply for permits to use the new chemicals and attend training sessions, Minch said.
192 And, in this modern era, the squad sessions are not restricted to instruction on technique.
193 Every session is different - some sessions race by, others drag, some are quite businesslike, others get very emotional.
194 When they do, they hit the sack for marathon love-making sessions - that's once Bill's made the bed!
195 What followed were long brainstorming sessions that finally yielded the Foxfire magazine in its original form as a school literary magazine.
196 He dreaded the sessions, although years later he remembered the name of at least one of the most gifted little girls.
197 There are five sessions spread over five days, starting this morning and finishing at lunchtime on Sunday.
198 Employee Development Programs help employees develop their talents and capacities through training sessions, workshops, and the like.
199 The majority of deputies from the opposition bloc were absent from these sessions.
200 The meetings ran for seventeen days, and thousands of enthusiastic guests lined up every evening to attend the open sessions.
201 But she was advertising from the piano bench and specializing in private sessions to augment her income after her musical workday.
202 Only its formal subdivisions are known, despite the fact that the press was admitted to its open sessions.
203 The Dow Jones index surged 47.63 points in late trading to close at 3353.76 having risen by 124 points in four sessions.
204 Although it's not expressly stated in your contract, you are expected to attend weekend training sessions.
205 The Golden-based restaurant chain has jumped 12 percent in the last two trading sessions.
206 These sessions are balanced with lectures and demonstrations on photographic techniques.
207 Who will provide the cover for house officers attending their education sessions?
208 By contrast coaching is a continuous process which may be incorporated into both counselling and appraisal sessions.
209 George W.. Bush,(http:///sessions.html) who sat through most of the sessions where the compromise plans were hammered out.
210 But several sessions in the surgery can improve many scars, birth defects such as cleft lip, and deep frown lines.
211 All 68 major-league umpires went through orientation sessions this winter and have vowed to create a uniform strike zone.
212 A limited contract for a few sessions, at least in the first instance, is always preferable.
213 Examples of aerobic exercise are running, cycling, swimming, aerobic fitness sessions.
214 After two or three such sessions, everyone's performance is scrutinised and the leading contenders selected.
215 Funded by the school, seven Friday afternoon sessions are held during the term preceding the child's start date.
216 He also has sealed transcripts of the entire jury selection process, even the sessions held in open court.
217 Both indexes have closed at record highs for seven straight sessions.
218 In considering whether candidate items were essential, each subgroup used a modified Delphi technique25 that was replicated in the plenary sessions.
219 This may be accomplished by periodic formal physical therapy sessions backed up by daily home exercises.
220 This exasperating weekday practice prevents us seeing at least 10 minutes of each of the first two sessions of paly.
221 The late mezzo-soprano Jan DeGaetani makes a guest appearance in these 1973 sessions.
222 You feel hungry; you want to eat more; your muscles ache after exercise, so you miss a few sessions.
223 Discussions about texts dwindled into silence; discussions about moms threatened to turn into full-blown therapy sessions.
224 Weeping in therapy sessions, say some, can be used as a defence against having to talk about the pain.
225 The senior nurse may also allocate time for individual teaching of learners, or for group tutorial sessions.
226 I mainly run and organise the playgroup sessions which take place each weekday morning, usually for two and a half hours.
227 Novices can attend one of several daily free get-acquainted sessions or ask for assistance from arcade staffers.
228 He conducted these instructional sessions with animation and humor.
229 Biennial sessions used to be the rule in America.
230 Today's council sessions have been carefully stage-managed to avoid embarrassing disclosures or signs of internal dissent.
231 Study sessions that are too long are generally inefficient and counterproductive.
232 This is particularly challenging for creative types and during brainstorming sessions.
233 This is especially true for creative meetings or brainstorm sessions.
234 The course calendar includes lectures, project - oriented recitation sessions(), and a few labs.
235 Disable Image Toolbar for all future browsing sessions or this session only?
235 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
236 A series of sessions focusing on basic science related to cardiovascular disease.
237 The methods of study include lectures, tutorials, case studies and practical sessions.
238 After a year of sessions and tests, the counselor reached his conclusion.
239 Three 30 - minute outpatient sessions are needed to complete the treatment.
240 " Oh dear, " thought Brown, " It's going to be one of those cosy chat sessions. ".




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