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单词 martyred
释义  mar·tyred /ˈmɑːtəd $ ˈmɑːrtərd/ adjective  a martyred look/expression/air etc especially British EnglishSUFFER an unhappy look or expression that is intended to make other people feel sorry for you 〔为博取他人同情而显现的〕可怜的神色/表情/神态等 He did not reply, but got into the car glumly, with a martyred expression. 他没有回答,而是闷闷不乐地上了车,脸上一副可怜兮兮的表情。Examples from the Corpusmartyred• He did not reply, but got into the car glumly, with a martyred air.• There, funerals for the martyred and the massacred have been a daily fact of life.• The taste was too strong, and brought the memories of martyred animals into her mind.• She was a small, emaciated mouse who wore a perpetually martyred expression.• I gave the money to a thankfully dumb-struck fiddle-player on Sauchiehall Street and walked away feeling like some sort of martyred saint.• He claims the Bishop justified his actions by talking about the suffering of martyred saints.• A parade of martyred scientists would show by whose hands the real errors had been committed.mar·tyred adjectiveChineseSyllable   an is expression or intended that Corpus look unhappy




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