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单词 manservant
释义  Related topics: Occupationsman·ser·vant /ˈmænˌsɜːvənt $ -ɜːr-/ noun [countable] old-fashioned  BOa male servant, especially a man’s personal servant 男仆〔尤指男子的贴身仆人〕 SYN valetExamples from the Corpusmanservant• As she began to tick them off, a manservant rushed up with a magnum of champagne.• Adelelm and his manservant were caught in a storm one night.• When he wishes to know the time, he always asks his manservant.• He was made a great pet of by Edouard's manservant, George, and by his cook.• Once more, the manservant was there to show me into the drawing-room.• They had to eat meat sparingly and kept only one horse and one part-time·ser·vant nounChineseSyllable  servant man’s a especially male personal servant, Corpus a




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