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单词 Drainage
1. Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.
2. The drainage system consisted of a few open ditches to facilitate run-off.
3. The bricks were bedded in sand to improve drainage.
4. This is a drainage area.
5. The drainage system needs careful construction.
6. The area has good natural drainage.
7. Line the pots with pebbles to ensure good drainage.
8. The defect in the drainage must be remedied.
9. These plants need a sunny spot with good drainage.
10. He came to look at the drainage.
11. There are drainage/irrigation channels all over this flat agricultural land.
12. This area was very marshy before the drainage system was installed.
13. Improper drainage of liquid waste from espresso machine.
14. The farmers use an intricate system of drainage canals.
15. Drainage was poor with open sewers and gutters.
16. Bad natural drainage and heavy rain created this pond.
17. But that did not stop the drainage project.
18. Many drainage ditches are, however, fringed with reeds.
19. Keep the drainage channel clear.
20. The ice destroyed the drainage pattern of eons.
21. The aim is to improve the drainage system.
22. The rubble would make good drainage.
23. Two of our 20 patients required further biliary drainage.
24. A handful of pebbles in the bottom of a flowerpot will help drainage.
25. It is wise to start infilling with a layer of gravel for drainage.
26. The degree of drought is largely a function of temperature and drainage.
27. Put a layer of fine gravel into the bottom of the plant pot for drainage.
28. The energy generated by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps.
29. On top of a neck the diameter of a drainage pipe was a head with a totally expressionless moonlike face.
30. As the Victorian age got under way, ever more ingenious technologies aided the steady advance of drainage.
1. Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.
2. The drainage system consisted of a few open ditches to facilitate run-off.
3. This is a drainage area.
4. The defect in the drainage must be remedied.
31. There is rarely a drainage problem with paths, as there sometimes is with patios.
32. Their use in malignant strictures provides immediate drainage, avoiding the early complications encountered with plastic stents.
33. About 80 percent of the drainage goes to a treatment plant and about 20 percent flows to these waterways.
34. In addition they must pay heavy rates for the major drainage schemes.
35. They donned black armbands mourning the cattails and circulated petitions to have the offending drainage pipe removed.
36. As a result, his engineering team was able to substantially reduce the channeled drainage on the plan.
37. The security of both was the promise of a large proportion of the land after the drainage operation had been successfully completed.
38. In fact, the technocrats of land drainage are heirs to one of the oldest forms of organized local government.
39. Bear right to cross the drainage ditch by the stone bridge.
40. A dry-stone wall method is used to ensure free drainage.
41. Those undertaking the drainage were quick to stake their claim to the best bits of land.
42. The nature of the underground drainage can give rise to international problems when streams cross under frontiers.
43. A urinary catheter had been inserted and was draining into a sealed drainage system.
44. There were no drainage ditches here, the shoulders too abrupt, the slope too precipitous, to collect water.
45. The topography and drainage patterns suggest certain routes by which invaders have penetrated from all directions into the Balkan heartland.
46. However, this plan of management is advisable only if biliary drainage has been established.
47. The first essential of healthy soil life is air,() and this means good subsoil drainage and adequate inter-crumb pores.
48. The people of the Middle Ages inherited sea-walls and drainage channels which had survived from the Roman occupation.
49. On the north-east corner is the cellar, complete with winter bee boles and a drainage channel out to the moat.
50. Marketed as blocks of pure coir or as loose compost mixed with additives to improve drainage.
51. Gas and drainage pipes had broken as a result of the settlement and there was a risk of further breaks.
52. He excluded patients with cystic fibrosis by performing duodenal drainage tests for the measurements of pancreatic enzyme concentrations in the duodenal juice.
53. Also, surgical morbidity related to biliary drainage remains high in these alcoholic and often debilitated patients.
54. Its soils and drainage make it a quite distinct area, described on pages 46 and 47.
55. The newly crowned King decided something had finally to be done about the drainage problems of Teske.
56. During the reign of Elizabeth, the Wealdmoors in Shropshire were a battleground between rival landlords intent on drainage and enclosure.
57. Wet gravel pits are generally recognised as important habitats for wildlife, particularly in view of the increasing drainage of wetlands.
58. Puzzling over this, I nearly miss a water rail which scuttles off down a drainage ditch towards the loch of Westsandwick.
59. Subsequent work included canal and river navigation, land drainage, and harbour projects, as well as a brief venture into canal contracting.
60. A drainage ditch around them would probably do more good than anything else.
61. Together with Thames Water, it's just finished a £350,000 drainage project for the Middleton Road area.
62. And where proven strength and reliability are called for, clay drainage is its own guarantee.
63. Long chains of tiny craters on Phobos suggest the drainage of regolith into deep cracks that riddle its interior.
64. The drainage system over some sections of route has also had to be refurbished or renewed.
65. Particular attention must be paid to gastrointestinal drainage tubes since pancreatic and small bowel secretions are rich in bicarbonate.
66. It also needed to replace the apartments' water lines and its drainage, waste and ventilation systems.
67. Bob carried out immediate treatment and reassured the client that the infestation would not recur because the drainage system had been replaced.
68. I then decided to try putting the plants in a piece of plastic drainage pipe.
69. The pores between silt particles are so small and retentive of water that tightly packed silt can not be emptied by drainage.
70. All drainage, which will contain some formaldehyde solution, is drained into closed vessels.
71. Her wound was checked regularly for excess drainage but none was detected.
72. The female hormonal cycle is finely synchronized with the circulatory system and lymphatic drainage in particular.
73. Much of the land drainage quoted above for Cantal may be associated with remembrement.
74. They have no idea of amenity, no regard for landscape and have scant interest in problems of drainage and water.
75. Pressure jetting followed by natural drainage, squeegee assisted, or by wet vacuum. 5.
76. Without adequate drainage, lowland pasture can be used for little else.
77. The drainage system over some sections of route has had to be refurbished or renewed.
77. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
78. George Burt provided Swanage with a pure water supply, gas, drainage and a railway.
79. To him the deposits of the migrating Po drainage system will appear to be synchronous.
80. The last major drainage operation in the medieval period, however, was instigated by a churchman.
81. There was a torrential rainfall in the drainage of Crystal Creek.
82. Farmers have the extra cost of paying for the upkeep of many drainage ditches to control flooding.
83. To aid drainage of the area, the Leadon has been culverted, so much of the mill pond is dry.
84. Used in such a way, there is no requirement for electricity, telephones, mains water or drainage.
85. In Jakarta, the government gives squatters title to their plots in return for help in building footpaths and improving drainage.
86. She works with Caleb Garth on a project of land drainage and cottage building.
87. Perfect drainage Of course, I gave them the warmest spot in the garden, against my only south-facing wall.
88. Farm drainage ditches ensure that water runs directly into streams rather than being filtered through the soil.
89. In 1940 the old Burwell drainage commission finally accepted voluntary dissolution when its ancient pump engine collapsed beyond repair.
90. Climbs can weep for a while after heavy rain, but the rock away from the natural drainage lines dries quickly.
91. These criticisms have often been the crux of the public case against land drainage.
92. A drainage ditch, for example, has an impact far beyond itself.
93. Surgery involves opening the sinus from the outside, flushing and allowing free drainage into the nasal passage.
94. Aeration and drainage on cold, wet soils can be improved by digging in generous amounts of pea-sized grit and well-rotted manure.
95. From Imperial Beach to Oceanside, drainage canals are being cleaned earlier and with extra attention.
96. About 90 percent of wildflower-rich meadows have disappeared since the Second World War due to intensive agriculture and drainage.
97. The Somerset commoners succeeded in fighting off most attempts at drainage where their contemporaries in the eastern counties had failed.
98. Damp patches elsewhere, especially if they occur after rain, are usually due to defective roof drainage and flashings around chimneys.
99. Ixora is tropical and at its best with excellent drainage and bright light.
100. Where main drainage is not available additional costs are certain to arise.
101. Acid Sulphate Problems from Drainage On low-lying land, drainage can create another major problem, one associated with acid sulphate soils.
102. He says that the drains are adequate, other drainage measures may need to be taken.
103. Intermittent drainage, underground watercourses and vast cave systems are features of the karst.
104. More often, however, navigation engineers were at odds with drainage men, especially when they were working on existing rivers.
105. Elsewhere enclosed fields have been created by Saxons, and produced by medieval forest clearance. moorland reclamation and marshland drainage.
106. Acid water may come from moorland sources or from streams containing mine drainage or effluents from other works.
107. The two together make poor, dry soil more moisture-retentive,(http:///drainage.html) and improve the drainage in heavy soils.
108. Later they dug ditches for drainage but did not raise the natural platforms artificially.
109. But these were hardly distinguishable from drainage channels, having none of the features that we associate with canals.
110. The insertion of an endoprosthesis was successful in establishing adequate biliary drainage in all the patients.
111. It helped set in motion renewed enthusiasm for tree clearance in upland catchment areas as yet another aspect of the land drainage solution.
112. Remove foil covering and place plant on a gravel-filled saucer to allow adequate drainage.
113. The process of drainage and enclosure was probably occurring in a piecemeal fashion all through the late Saxon period.
114. Drainage had already leached away much of the water resources of the Great Plains grain belt.
115. Each plastic bag and drainage tile dropped in the coffin makes the world just that much more beautiful.
116. Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.
117. Much of it is below sea level and only innumerable drainage ditches prevent it from reverting to its natural state.
118. The problem has been compounded by other factors, including increased water abstraction and land drainage.
119. The drainage of peatbogs for forestry and agriculture is making a significant net contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, the report concludes.
120. The confusion arose because of sewage drainage works at the station car park.
121. Could this be caused by something in granite chippings which are used for drainage in the bed.
122. Surface water, particularly in rivers, often contains detergents and detergent residues from town drainage.
123. Farmers are looking for free drainage schemes and for ways of selling their land to us.
124. Remove foil covering from pot and place plant on a gravel-filled saucer to allow adequate drainage.
125. The following year Civil War was declared, and drainage works fell into abeyance.
126. Last year an attempt was made to improve the drainage to stop flooding and reduce erosion.
127. At one stage the whole congregation went outside to see where the drainage ditch would be sited.
128. Now the natural drainage systems are incised 20 feet below the surrounding landscape.
129. Permafrost restricts drainage; melt-water can not sink into the ground and in summer the thin active layer soon becomes waterlogged.
130. The team was then challenged to achieve the productivity and drainage objectives of the two remaining horizontal wells with a single well.
131. Drainage smells arose because there weren't any drains and could cause damage.
132. Local drainage authorities have continued to lower water levels for intensive arable and cattle farming despite warnings from environmentalists.
133. This procedure was undertaken by passing a guidewire down the drainage catheter under radiological control.
134. Interestingly the original bank brass plate was discovered in 1983 during drainage excavations in Henley.
135. Away we went, the Corporal talking about getting into a drainage ditch to hide our scent.
136. But the channels may alter the water drainage pattern in the dry area and help to rejuvenate it, he said.
137. In 1929 the Somerset drainage commission went out of existence at the height of a great flood.
138. In the thirteenth century the bishop of Durham instigated extensive drainage works along the northern shores of the Humber.
139. Commodore G. Paul, plans of the drainage under the green had been made for future reference.
140. Cut magnetic seal to length and insert into the slot in the drainage sill.
141. Dorcas organized younger nomes to digging drainage trenches and rigged up a few of the big light bulbs for heat.
142. They hope these wells will improve drainage and safety on the roadway, which has been subject to periodic closures.
143. It has a fine collection of manorial and local government records, and its archive of fens drainage papers is unique.
144. Massive soil erosion and disruption of the natural drainage pattern destroyed the land's productivity.
145. The right mat provides the optimum combination of safety, comfort, drainage, quality and durability for each particular application.
146. The drainage system has been aged.
147. So can implement the autocontrol of drainage system.
148. Drainage is usually carried out after biliary tract surgery.
149. Those identical findings reveal that the drainage of tear and diluted Gentian Violet are facilitated by inspiration rather than by expiration.
150. The water quality evolvement process in Yangtze River drainage area is believed as a complex network system, with having lots of nodes and correlating to the downflow.
151. After twenty - four hours free drainage, there was little difference in moisture content.
152. The drainage of the city is not good, some of the pipes are broken.
153. Objective:To investigate the efficacy of endoscopic naso-biliary drainage in the management of elderly patients with acute obstructive purulent cholangitis.
154. Objective To investigate the cause, development mechanism and utility treatment of thoracic cavity hemorrhoea after the closed drainage for spontaneous pneumothorax.
155. Could that dragonfly flying above that drain be the answer to my prayers?It is a good thing that this park has excellent drainage.
156. Objective To observe and evaluate the lacrimal drainage tube efficacy for canalicular laceration.
157. Methods The battlefield thorax close drainage equipment manufactured by our hospital, consisted of unilateral valve, C-shaped puncture needle, and silica gel drainage tube for operation.
158. The analysis of water supply, water using, water consumption and water drainage is simply based on experience guesstimate, which could not ensure precision of the result.
159. Drainage is certainly indicated because of the probability of bile leakage.
160. Taihu Lake drainage area is one of the four city agglomeration regions in our country.
161. The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in United States and its drainage basin includes parts of six states and Washington, DC.
162. Conclusions:Curved incision of is good for Bartholin's gland abscess drainage. Washing by gentamicin solution can effectively control pathogen's growth and healing.
163. It is a good thing that this park has excellent drainage.
164. Objective To investigate the value of color Doppler echocardiography in diagnosing infracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (ITAPVD).
165. Non-absorbent or water drainage at the end of the causes for the stuck valve, part of the blockage of water, high water or water leakage is too high.
166. Objective:To explore a method for pericardiocentesis and drainage, the duration, posture of drainage and the fluid volume by drainage.
167. The Cranial Access Kit is designed to create the initial access hole, which is required for ICP monitoring and for CSF drainage procedures.
167. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
168. Results:All 21 patients initially received multiple incision and drainage and wide debridement. 90.0% underwent suprapubic cystostomy.
169. Methods 5 cases of portion anomalous pulmonary venous drainage were analyzed retrospectively.
170. The most common is primary open-angle glaucoma, in which the eye's drainage canals are partly clogged.
171. Secondary lymphangiectasia may be caused by granulomas or cancer causing lymphatic obstruction, or increased central venous pressure (CVP) causing abnormal lymph drainage.
172. Objective To establish a pig model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with jejunum drainage and portal venous drainage.
173. Surgical treatment includes in utero transfusion, in utero transplantation, drainage of fetal effusion, fetoscopic surgery, opened fetal surgery and the ex utero intrapartum treatment.
174. The testing results shows the following:(1) supply and drainage conditions on the boundary control water move and translation in the soil.
175. Captured in a drainage pipe like a sewer rat. Man, when some people fall, they fall hard.
176. Drainage water analyses may not indicate the composition of soil solutions accurately.
177. Poor drainage causes deficient soil aeration and death of the roots.
178. There are many structural units on maps, such as dendriform drainage and orthogonal streets.
179. Drainage occurs dynamically along the lateral aspect of the nose, cephalad to the lateral crus, toward the piriform aperture and parotid lymph nodes.
180. Treatment of the emphysematous cystitis consisted of adequate urinary drainage, empirical antibiotic therapy, and strict blood sugar control.
181. Methods:To perform the operation of centesis on renal cyst and keep the catheter to fully drainage. Then injection water-free ethanol 3 times into the renal cyst.
182. Under the condition of low embankment and shallow soft soil, it should be cautious of the soft soil treated with plastic drainage belt combined with weight preloading.
183. Having analysed the "test on the gas drainage under suction in goaf", the failure cause has been found.
184. It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage.
185. The endless variations of drainage pattern make descriptive characteristics difficult.
186. It has been impossible to anticipate the amount of bile drainage.
187. Commercial deposits mainly distribute in a specific sedimentary facies of secondary drainage systems.
188. The rainy season is coming. It's a matter of great urgency to repair the drainage and irrigation equipment.
189. Drainage usually has to be undertaken as a first operation.
190. Turn at least every 2 hours to encourage secretion drainage.
191. Objective To evaluate the effect of nasobiliary drainage ( ENBD ) on acute pancreatitis.
192. The drainage system has collapsed because of too much rain.
193. Objective To probe into the effects of postoperative early drainage with raised T-shaped tube in patients with choledocholith.
194. Discharge the water from light well point into site drainage directly.
195. The arable land not suitable for farming, irrigation, and drainage.
196. Cost function is generally the object of drainage optimal model linear functions.
197. The water-air mixture is drained through connection the connection pipeline may be used for drainage, however it must not be lockable.




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