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单词 manageress
释义 Word family  noun management manager manageability manageress adjective manageable ≠ unmanageable managerial verb manage  Related topics: Business managementman·ag·er·ess /ˌmænɪdʒəˈres $ ˈmænɪdʒərɪs/ noun [countable] old-fashioned  BBBa woman who is in charge of a business, especially a shop or restaurant 〔尤指商店或餐馆的〕女经理,女管理人Examples from the Corpusmanageress• Mrs Coyle was retiring after 17 years as manageress.• The robber then forced Ben, the shop's manageress and her son into a cupboard.• Sara, beautiful Sara, appeared in the accounts as the manageress.• We collected our packed lunch from the manageress, and, as the sun again was shining, set out for Helvellyn.• We're complaining to the manageress.• Jean had gone off to the ladies when the manageress came to lead them to their table.• The small lobby had a high plastic desk at which the manageress sat.From Longman Business Dictionarymanageressman‧ag‧er‧ess /ˌmænɪdʒəˈresˈmænɪdʒərɪs/ noun [countable] British English old-fashionedCOMMERCE a woman who is in charge of a business such as a shop or restaurantman·ag·er·ess nounChineseSyllable  a a in Corpus woman is charge who Business of




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