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单词 Assimilation
1 The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the US was accelerated by the two world wars.
2 This technique brings life to instruction and eases assimilation of knowledge.
3 They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.
4 Clearly, not all actions result in assimilation and accommodation.
5 Assimilation is always the end product.
6 Assimilation and accommodation are fully functional at birth.
7 This is our peculiar form of assimilation.
8 When this is done, assimilation of the stimulus proceeds and equilibrium is reached for the moment.
9 Assimilation is consequently difficult, particularly as the minority groups experience considerable hostility.
10 Assimilation worked, especially for a nationalistic capitalist who could write hit songs.
11 Sometimes the difference caused by assimilation is very noticeable, and sometimes it is very slight.
12 The Woodvilles' assimilation into the political community was further eased by a less aggressive manipulation of royal patronage on their behalf.
13 Young children's egocentric behaviour is assimilation since they are incapable of seeing anything except from their own point of view.
14 He understands how the social benefits of assimilation come primarily through language acquisition.
15 In any case, assimilation never meant any real acceptance or belonging.
16 Now privilege was suspect, and assimilation was a source of embarrassment, even shame.
17 Of equal importance are the relative amounts of assimilation and accommodation that take place.
18 It can aim for their assimilation and the development of conceptual understanding of the more strategic skills.
19 Logical operations are constructed, as are all cognitive structures, out of prior structures as a function of assimilation and accommodation.
20 The chest that was now ash, gray, cold windblown memory, an offering to progress, to assimilation.
21 But unlike Danny Ballow, Sarah Richardson has a story which makes it clear that the best survival strategy is assimilation.
22 Traditional design is a complex process of adaptation and assimilation in a perpetual act of gestation.
23 For them, as for almost all the children of immigrants, assimilation was good.
24 What accounted for this stubborn resistance of nationalities to the predicted assimilation?
25 Concepts of oak trees and how they differ from other types of trees require assimilation and accommodation of relevant experience.
26 Up to this point we have been looking at some fairly clear cases of assimilation across word boundaries.
27 A terrestrial plant will always be stunted in growth and assimilation and can never be a match for a true aquatic plant.
28 Central to Piagetian psychology is a dynamic relationship between the processes of accommodation and assimilation.
29 As I say, what Kip and I shared was a quick assimilation into city life.
30 Many of those responsible saw their task as one of assimilation - to bring northern folk into southern-based cultures and modern ways.
31 Too much assimilation and one is becalmed in the doldrums and no progress is possible at all.
32 Assimilation of voice is also found, but again only in a limited way.
33 Those who do make it pay the steep price of assimilation.
34 Plainly, something has gone wrong with this great process of assimilation.
35 The discounting and assimilation processes bear little comparison to descriptions made in any of the content areas.
36 But they minimize the difference in so far as they propound a thoroughgoing assimilation of male and female desires.
37 Their brisk assimilation, and their steady success, caused some harsh words to be spoken.
38 A good deal of this, waiting for assimilation, would never be accommodated.
39 All interpretation requires the reconciliation of the competing claims of assimilation and accommodation.
40 The processes of assimilation and accommodation ensure the continuous construction and reconstruction of cognitive and affective structures.
41 Equilibrium is a state of balance between assimilation and accommodation.
42 The United States had towns and industries that were already flourishing; it also had immense powers of persuasion and assimilation.
43 Therefore,(http://) a balance between assimilation and accommodation is as necessary as the processes themselves.
44 Normally, this result would be explained in terms of the three causal processes of attention decrement, discounting, and assimilation.
45 Through assimilation we can achieve consistency in our impressions of others.
46 Generally speaking, it has been assimilation rather than accommodation which has characterized interpretation in the domain of language pedagogy over recent years.
47 The gradual assimilation of oppositional art into institutional orthodoxy represents one of the failed utopias of the modern period.
48 Through assimilation and accommodation, the external world one experiences is organized and given structure.
49 The assimilation of legacy and trust is not, then, a general phenomenon but is related somehow to Scaevola in particular.
50 Piaget identifies two fundamental aspects or modes of adaptation: accommodation and assimilation.
51 Even the gradual assimilation of his disappointment would leave scars and blights, like a landscape after fire.
52 If I did not put on the brakes, I might be swept away into assimilation, which I resisted.
53 Intermarriage and assimilation have diluted the ethnic component further.
54 Foxconn's work ethics: assimilation, accountability and progressiveness.
55 The main diagenesis is fractional crystallization assimilation and contamination.
56 And the process of assimilation goes on unimpeded.
57 the rapid assimilation of new ideas.
58 With innovative energy, we indraught, assimilation, absorb and improve the advanced technic of overseas.
59 This thesis makes a tentative study of Ch'ien Chung-shu's critical assimilation of The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling by Henry Fielding.
60 The degradation or assimilation of fatty materials is often restricted because of their relative insolubility.
61 Oscar Wilde's kitsch typically reflects the distortion of aesthetic modernity which is confronted with the repellence and the assimilation of bourgeois modernity.
62 And as obvious becomes one's paucity of expression, one's weak-kneed imagination, one's imperfect assimilation of the spirit of the story.
63 Peptic ulcer a common disease in assimilation department . Dr.
64 These similarities of HuaOiang and Catch 22 embodied the "experience assimilation" of Li Er and Joseph Heller to a certain extent.
65 The article expounds the sample decomposition and the method of the sample preparation by applying the method of atomical assimilation spectrum, and lists some specific analytical of metallurgy.
66 Leucite basalt was solidified by secondary magma, which was produced by fractional crystallization of a small amount (14%) of accumulative rock from primitive magma and assimilation of granite(28%).
67 It will increase pig feed intake, reduce combat and also promote entogastric secretion and enzyme assimilation.
68 The sacculus rotundus having various functions such as immunity, endocrine and assimilation, are only found in rabbits.
69 Classical models on photosynthetic light response only involve with light energy absorption, and biochemistry models do with the assimilatory power to form as well as carbon assimilation.
70 Therefore, modern pattern design, the vehicle of culture, bear the responsibility of cultural inheritance as well as the assimilation of the spirits of traditional culture of minorities.
71 Piaget views intellectual development as a continuous equilibration of prior knowledge and present knowledge through the processes of assimilation and accommodation.
71 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
72 The difference of kernel protein content between two cultivars is the results of absorbing, assimilation and translocation nitrogen after anthesis.
73 The article expounds the application sphere of some elements in analysing food by using the method of atomical spectrum assimilation, and expounds the making of samples by offering examples.
74 Margaret Laurence, a renowned Canadian woman writer, deals most astutely with the theme of clashes, communication and assimilation between people of different races and cultures.
75 However, assimilation of limonite is better and the capability of creating calcium ferrite is higher by 20% than other ores. The reducibility of limonite is better.
76 The variation in leaf growth appeared to be more important for assimilates storage and corm yield than net assimilation rate.
77 Piaget thinks the development of cognition involves four aspects, such as schema, assimilation, readjustment and equilibration.
78 Generally speaking, the models of acculturation may be divided into assimilation, integration, separation and marginalization.
79 These findings have implications for intraluminal protein breakdown and assimilation in the upper small intestine.
80 Has a feature film ever been made about the forced christianization and cultural assimilation of the Sami?
81 The method improved a teaching method, used various concept teaching of concept formation, concept assimilation...etc. in the meantime.
82 Our results demonstrate that nitrate assimilation is an important process in rice regeneration and also provide an additional selectable marker for rice transformation.
83 But we have already discussed the undesirability of this assimilation.
84 Excessive calcium magnesian ion is contained in hard water, the assimilation that can affect gastric bowel to sucks expropriation, cause kidney stone.
85 But without thorough digestion and assimilation, the paintings of Li Shou's tomb assume a "paste-up" style.
86 Microbe assimilation plays a leading role in the intermittent reaction.
87 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase intrinsically located in the chloroplast of rice plays a crucial role in ammonium assimilation.
88 It includes four subsystems of neural system, blood cycle system, assimilation system and egestion system.
89 It is shown that increment scheme can reduce vertical interpolation error and provide better initial values. Therefore, it plays an important role in improving data assimilation and model forecasting.
90 Later, assimilation, geminate word and tone sandhi are studied at the word tier.
91 In the biology class, the teacher explained to us the principle of assimilation.
92 Furthermore, the conventional observations are done in the MM5 model system, and a four-dimensional variational data assimilation test is made based on observed data.
93 Ensemble data assimilation is at the intersection of ensemble forecasting methodologies and relatively independently developed data assimilation based on the theory of statistical estimation.
94 It would only be so, it would not be correct except in the very measure that o is assimilable to a signifier: and precisely, it is what resists this assimilation to the function of signifier.
95 During this period, migration, war, mollification, and assimilation are the four great melodies.
96 The mean assimilation number of phytoplankton in the test ponds was 11.
97 An umlaut is caused in a sound by its assimilation to another sound.
98 In the course of acculturation, Tibetan undergraduates mainly used acculturation strategies of integration, assimilation and seperation.
99 Interannual - to - decadal variability of the North Atlantic from an ocean data assimilation system.
100 Transitional adaptation displays itself in four forms : assimilation, integration, differentiation and marginalization - the first two negative.
101 Assimilation: a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighbouring sound. It includes nasalization,(/assimilation.html) dentalization and velarization .
102 But their assimilation is never a one - way street.
103 This paper does the experiments of Doppler radar's Four - dimensional Variational Assimilation in MM 5 model. "
104 The relative growth rate ( RGR ) ard the ret assimilation rate ( NAR ) are decreased evidently.
105 The variational assimilation is performed of the corrected retrieval field with the conventional observations followed by a control experiment by the MM4 model.
106 Tea with milk can alleviate fatigue, stimulate appetite and help assimilation.
107 Researchers have focused on the variety of nitrogen-fixing organisms which convert N2 from the atmosphere into forms for plant assimilation.
108 The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation.
109 The assimilation of private international law is attributed to the inherent demand of international civil and commercial order which is formed by the international civil and commercial communication.
110 The priming effect can be divided into assimilation and contrast effect, according to its influence direction on succedent judgements.
111 Now, our country compressor manufacturing industry in the introduction of foreign technology, assimilation and independent development basis, have a lot of difficulties, read for a major breakthrough.
112 The four-dimensional data assimilation is to integrate the current and past data into a forecast model equation for providing time continuity and dynamic coupling.
113 Diatoms biological functions on subaerial Karst sedimentation are studied chiefly in this paper, including assimilation, tapping and felting effects, encrustation, cementation.
114 Ammonification, nitrification and nitrogen assimilation in HA - TF are predominant.
115 Help to assimilation , eject toxin, eliminate intensity anxiety and tension.
116 Shorter light incubation time always causes high primary production and assimilation number.
117 NASALIZATION, DENTALIZATION, AND VELARIZATION are all instances of ASSIMILATION, a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighbouring sound.
118 The aesthetics at that time is not only a creative process from nonexistence to ens but also a smelting process from indraught to assimilation and it even tried to construct its own system.




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