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单词 ludicrous
释义  lu·di·crous /ˈluːdəkrəs/ adjective  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEcompletely unreasonable, stupid, or wrong 荒唐的,愚蠢荒谬的,可笑的 SYN ridiculous It is ludicrous to suggest that I was driving under the influence of alcohol. 说我酒后驾车,这真是太荒唐了。 The court granted him the ludicrous sum of £100 in damages. 法院裁定他获得区区100英镑损害赔偿。 That’s a ludicrous idea. 这个想法很荒唐。► see thesaurus at stupid —ludicrously adverb a ludicrously inadequate army 作战能力奇差的军队 —ludicrousness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusludicrous• They want two million dollars for the house? That's ludicrous!• This sort of thing was bad enough at eighteen, she thought; at my age it is ludicrous and humiliating.• It was a ludicrous but terrifying sight.• Since I mentioned this ludicrous example of time-wasting to Julia MacKenzie, she has phoned roughly twice a day.• Yet it is equally ludicrous for a city to ask its taxpayers to subsidize a private good such as golf.• The Press interest in this affair seems likely to reach ludicrous heights with the Grand Prix tomorrow.• The telephone lines are only open during office hours, which is ludicrous in this day and age.• And as he talked, I thought how ludicrous life sometimes was.• She wears short skirts and dyes her hair pink, which looks ludicrous on a woman her age.• It is difficult to know whether this is more ludicrous or tragic.Origin ludicrous (1600-1700) Latin ludicrus “playful”, from ludus “play”lu·di·crous adjectiveChineseSyllable  unreasonable, wrong or Corpus completely stupid,




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